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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 09-21-2008

Dispense with the formality, im in a rush, a short and simple report on a minor and feable and utterly aimless attempt by CR to uh.. destroy us? quite simply, 5 CR fighters wandered into Leeds, and started a little fight with us.

They came, they saw, and we gave them a good thrashing. all enemy ships were destroyed completely.

good show and all that.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 09-22-2008

The room was quiet as the Minister of Defense, James Ralston, entered the room and walked up to the podium. He was less tipsy than usual.

The room was filled with flag officers, and various Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenant Commanders as well. He addressed them with a broad smile, his cheeks reddened by port. (The running joke was that his blood type was "P")

"Gentlemen!", he started. Whatever murmuring there was stopped.

"There simply is no end to how proud I am of you, and your pilots!" A few muffled cheers, then he continued.

"Kusari, Colonials, Corsairs, no one can dent us of late!! The recent re-organization of the Bretonian Armed Forces has resulted in the formation of an irresistable fist, which cannot, and WILL NOT be stopped in our quest for the greater glory of the Bretonian Nation, and the Crown!"

The cheers began again, then died down, to give him a chance to continue.

"There is an ancient military maxim against a two-front war. Well, we fight the Corsairs in Cambridge, and the Colonials and the Kusari in the Taus. Seems a two front war suits Bretonians fine!"

"In fact" he continued, "the Mollys, it seems, may have changed their mind about peace. Rumours stir about a possible resurrection of the troubles. And if that is so, then.."

He paused to gather his breath, then boomed,

"Two fronts appear to be just enough to keep us in practice. So then, by all means, lets have three!!"

The Huzzahs were now deafening.

This new crop of officers were ready for just about anything.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 09-22-2008

Comm. ID: Andy, of course

---Transmission Initiated---

Yahar! My band o' ne'er-do-wells have just returned from an extended foray into Kusari space. We, of course, liberated many of their purses (probably made from human skin) of cash, and even emptied a vessel of Deuterium, offloading it to the BMM at the Gate Construction Site in Tau 23.

We'll be basing from the BMM base and sending as much money home to the BAF and our mothers as we can. In a couple of weeks we'll return home from this wilderness with tales of fame, wealth and glory!

Yohoho and all that, fellas!

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 09-22-2008

Combat Report: Aubrey Mainwaring

I had just come on duty in New London, when a Molly vessel Kate.O'Mally appeared at Southampton making threats and pirating trade vessels.

I was unable to raise the attention of Shaun.Mckeckren-P, who was at New London - perhaps his comms unit was faulty, as he did not respond.

Other BAF units were in the Taus and thus unable to be of help.

With the Molly actually pirating a vessel, I moved to engage, only to find another ship (Blood Dragon IFF and completely green to my sensors!) called the -Hellfire- was assisting the O'malley ship. I was able to hold them off for a while but was overwhelmed eventually.

I have heard that perhaps the Hellfire is a Liberty Rogue, even so, it seemed odd to see him there and attacking me with such venom. I would like him targeted for special attention.

Mainwaring out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 09-22-2008

Comm ID: Coriko Lameos, Planet Houston
Destination: Liberty Forces

Greetings noble officers,
I come before you with a humble request, for moral's sake, not monetary.

Too long has the secret slave trade been kept quiet and ignored. I know much of it, I was involved in it. However, after meeting hundreds of slaves during that time, I regret doing so and want to somewhat attone for my ways. I want to help as many of those being exploited as possible.

Now I have contacts within that industry, I can puchase the slave's lives and set them free. As you should be aware there is a minor facility in Omega 49 which rehabilitates slaves on a minor scale. With the Council of Zoner's approval I intend to build a Rehabilitation centre with potential to make a big affect on this evil trade.

Many Slaves have been institutionalised, they should be gradually helped back to a normally functioning life. Turning them over to the police in my opinion is unhealthy for their wellbeing.

The issue I have is with getting these slaves to the Rehabilitation Facility, as they are declared contraband.
The laws are in place to uphold morals and maintain order, our intentions are truly moral, and by removing slaves from this trade we are surely increasing the order in your prosperous nation.

I therefore request our ships be licensed to transport slaves, the journey is long and difficult as it is, with little monetary gain, without the law threatening us.
Our ships will have this callsign registered: ZAS (Zoners Abolishing Slavery)
This is how they shall be setup:
The pilots would purchase the slaves in Texas, they would then be loaded into cells on prison liners with few luxuries, they need to be deinstitutionalised gradually, so as not to shock or scare them with the unknown. They would then fly through New York, cruising by Planet Manhatten, so they can see the centre of Sirius before continuing.
The ships themselves would be equipped with cap ship armour, as one can never know when there might be a misunderstanding with the lawfuls. Also they would carry a maximum of 2500 slaves. The rest of the cargo space is occupied by oxygen, food, water, medicines, and fuel. Each ship would also require 200 staff, including guards, navigators, doctors, gunners, counsellors and carers.
These wages would need to be provided by the Zoner tax system, as would the items. The pilot's wages will be paid by the centre, 900 credits per slave, although, in turn that is funded by the Government.

I have worked with the BAF before, for a corporation I was preciously involved with. I know you to be reasonable and rair in your judgement. I hope that will be the case with this proposal.

I know that certain vessels have been licensed to carry artifacts in the past, exceptions to the law are available. I modestly request an exception, to free the exploited and abused. I ask for a license to transport slaves. If you would like any amendments or changes to the above please state them, I am willing to make any alterations, as long as they are for the benefit of our passengers.

Coriko out.

//edit: Now doesn't mention Gran Canaria, it shouldn't have in the first place.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Patriot - 09-23-2008

From: Sir Charles Wellington
Source: New London planet,[Wellington]Center
To: BAF High Command
Object: Combat Report

===========BEGIN TRANSMISSION============

Greetings Gentlemen

Well,Today [Wellington]Industries hired a whole fleet of Bounty hunter for escort one of is Weapony Royal Liner from Houston planet in Texas system to New London planet in New London system.

These fleet was composed whit two gunboat[SS Honor and Global justice],two destroyer[Nice and gentle and BH Pegasus] and one Battleship[Kuun-Lan].

So as soon as we enter the New York system,a communication come out by accident in the public comms,our location was now know by all,and the lane hackers[LH Phate] dont take long to come,and i have to admit it this Lane hackers pilot was incredible.

Whit all the fleet i hired,he manage to survive all the way to New London whit multiple attack all the way long,but on our way to new London another ship join him trying to destroy my liner for get my precious codename weapon,and for make my day a [522] squadron appear,three or four ship[Identification unknow]they were destroyed too fast by the bounty hunter fleet.

But whit all this action we still manage to reach New London in safety,my ship need a new paintjob due to LH Phate,but Im alive,my weapon are safe its all i wanted.

So Ladies and Gentlemen if you need to hire a bounty hunter....i hardly suggest you one of the proud bounty hunter representant i hired today.

Sir Charles Wellington Out

==========END TRANSMISSION==========

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 09-23-2008

Incoming Transmission...

From: Captain McKenna

I went through my ship logs when I found an incident that slipped my mind in the last battle with KNF in Dundee...

The Bounty Hunter Destroyer Mysob should be declared KoS in Bretonia. He was caught smuggling Deuterium to the Tau systems. He refused to comply and engaged BAF vessels, destroying one.
(scanner logs)

McKenna out.

Transmission terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Patriot - 09-25-2008

From: Sir Charles Wellington
Source: New London planet,[Wellington]Center
To: BAF High Command
Object: Combat Report

===========BEGIN TRANSMISSION============

Its now official,

Im Lord commander Charles Wellington now in command of the HMS.Victory,whit 125 members crew,the lastest Destroyer our shipyard have produce,i was invited by the Fleet admiral of the Bretonian Armed force to rejoin the force again due to the more and more often Kusari attacker's.

So,for show to the Admirality how im determine to eradict the menace,as soon as my Destroyer leave the Shipyard,i order my crew to enter the Tau-31 coordinate for test all these firepower,and.....Muahahahahaha im proud of my new Crew,we encouter a kusari battleship in Tau-31,The KNF Yogo,as soon as he was in range i order my crew to throw him all we got.........

--To Battle station

--No mercy,destroy this scum

I told in the comms,my new crew start to be nervous""a Destroyer Versus a Battleship"" but i reserve them a surprise""A powerfull armor upgrade""(Whit [Wellington]Industries i make many billion credit.)So before i leave the Shipyard ,i ordered the shipyard mecanical to install a armor upgrade who will provide me 3 time my original resistance.

Lets me tell you my Crew and the KNF.Yogo have a big surprise when they discover that,a good surprise for my crew,and a very bad for the Yogo because thats result whit is destruction.

[Image: screen553.jpg]

[Image: screen554.jpg]

So thats what i call ................a good day

Waiting for order

Lord Commander Charles Wellington Out

==========END TRANSMISSION==========

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Patriot - 09-26-2008

From: Sir Charles Wellington
Source: New London planet,[Wellington]Center
To: BAF High Command
Object: Combat Report

===========BEGIN TRANSMISSION============

Greetings Gentlemen

There is my combat report for today:

First,in New London a Lane hacker gunship was detected near the Kensington station attacking Armed force vessels,as soon as he see my ship on his radar,he engage me whit all the weapon he got,but is little gunship was destroyd really fast.

Second,when cruising in Leeds system the officer Nelson was engaged by a Corsair Gunboat and call me immediatly in re-inforcement,i also destroy these vessels relativly easy,hes pilot must be totally drunk,he keep ramming in my ship during the battle
[Image: trua.jpg]

Waiting for order's

Lord Commander Charles Wellington out

==========END TRANSMISSION==========

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dra1003 - 09-28-2008

*****BEGIN UPLOAD*****
*****Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence *****

This is the mercenary IG-88 contacting you to inform you that if you need any assistance with fighting the CR anti treaty molly's and Lane hackers you may contact me as i will be stationed in Bretonia for the next few months or so. I also wish to discuss a contract to stop the smuggling of plutonuim Cardamine Counterfeit Software Slaves and other items illegal for trade to the taus.