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Top 10 tips for traders - Grumblesaur - 11-09-2008

' Wrote:My bomber and a Lux Liner got into a little scuffle, unluckily I had no shieldbuster equipped. Took a while and some significant damage to my hull to finally down it. Never underestimate Transport Turrets.

Heh, ouch.

I still can't believed you robbed me, though. xD
If you were in your bomber, Waffles and I could've killed you.

Top 10 tips for traders - Slainte - 11-09-2008

Like, im sure, many traders out there i DO like to RP some when getting pirated in my trader. However, it seems to be a very fine line for some pirates between RP and time wasting on the traders part. For instance when told to stop and pay a tax i would expect a bit of RP from myself and the pirate. Not the usuall pay it in 5 seconds or you die!! what chance for RP there ?
Now im sure that most tagged traders ( Gateway, BMM etc. ) would relish a spot of RP when being taxed so give some of us a chance to do so and not start the pew...pew...pew...boom straight away please :crazy:

Top 10 tips for traders - Grumblesaur - 11-13-2008

' Wrote:Like, im sure, many traders out there i DO like to RP some when getting pirated in my trader. However, it seems to be a very fine line for some pirates between RP and time wasting on the traders part. For instance when told to stop and pay a tax i would expect a bit of RP from myself and the pirate. Not the usuall pay it in 5 seconds or you die!! what chance for RP there ?
Now im sure that most tagged traders ( Gateway, BMM etc. ) would relish a spot of RP when being taxed so give some of us a chance to do so and not start the pew...pew...pew...boom straight away please :crazy:

I don't like it when pirates use their Rogue Gunboat or Falcata to outright rape you if you don't pay a huge fee.
Pirating should be for the RP, maybe, 500k instead of trying to make a living.
When a Corsair asks for food money, they should know that 500k could buy a Train [3000 cargo] A full load of food rations. And probably luxury food from Bretonia.

When Pirates demand OoRP amounts of money for RP reasons, that's toe-ing the line.

Also, pirating in an area where the Trader's ship will get raped [ex. The Asteroid field in New Berlin between the Planet and Brandenburg, which is filled with Das Wilde], isn't exactly fair. We HAVE to run. We can't trade in the Corsair Handbag, we're not that strong.

Top 10 tips for traders - UltraMert - 01-09-2009

Hehe thanks very good for beginners like me.:D

Top 10 tips for traders - looqas - 01-09-2009

' Wrote:Also, pirating in an area where the Trader's ship will get raped [ex. The Asteroid field in New Berlin between the Planet and Brandenburg, which is filled with Das Wilde], isn't exactly fair. We HAVE to run. We can't trade in the Corsair Handbag, we're not that strong.

The thing is that if you use that hole you must realise that it's part of the risk you are taking. It's like any other place. But I see your dilemma. One thing you can try is to prepare a set of /setmsg just for this situation. Role play an engine failure so that the pirates know that you are not going to bolt. Ask for and promise to pay if the pirates help you out.

And if and when the pirates start shooting the NPCs (provided that they are not of the same faction as the pirates), DO NOT CRUISE AWAY! Have the decency and keep your word. You lose every shred of respect if you do this and will be a marked man if the pirates happen to in a faction.

Sure some will not help you out and just blow you up, but you can PM them later and say that next time help me out guys and I'll pay. Be nice and they see your point.

Actual advices for traders

use /setmsg macro. Think of situations you'll likely face when you encounter a pirate. The most important thing is to say something and stop if you have decided to RP with him. Even the hardcore 2 mil or dai will give you time to say something if you are talking and standing still. Ease the pirate's nerves by letting him know somehow that you are not going to cruise. You can use local chat /l for this. Great way to let the pirate know that you are not using the system chat to "call for help".

And most importantly use your common sense out there.

Top 10 tips for traders - triple88a - 01-12-2009

LOL I had couple pirates ambush me and one decided to kill me right away. didnt even have time to say stop.

as far as the /l command, how far away is the msg suppose to be?

Top 10 tips for traders - looqas - 01-12-2009

' Wrote:LOL I had couple pirates ambush me and one decided to kill me right away. didnt even have time to say stop.

as far as the /l command, how far away is the msg suppose to be?

/l messages are broadcast to those ships that you can see in your scanner.

Top 10 tips for traders - triple88a - 01-13-2009

' Wrote:/l messages are broadcast to those ships that you can see in your scanner.
Thank you very much sir, i've been looking for this answer for a while now. :yahoo:

Top 10 tips for traders - AuraDragon - 02-25-2009

Pirates should learn to use /l as well, I was flying through a sector which I assumed was clear, until I heard a guy mention "Stop" or "Halt" (I forgot) to the entire system, and then a trader I knew replied, so I just flew around their position.

:DBeware The_Avenger

Top 10 tips for traders - Grumblesaur - 02-28-2009

When being pirated, they'll harass you less in the future if you send them cash on sight.