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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 09-22-2012

[Image: SamOwens.png]

Mr. Wolf,

Flynn always says it's us Movers that know the most about the ships we fly, but some of the younger ones barely get out of the cockpit to take a look. However, I'd be happy to share my thoughts.

Our Celestras are pretty small, but they're damn zippy and look pretty fine too. You can normally fit 1200 units in their hold, minus any extra plating or electronics from its 6 turrets. Xi de Mortis, our Minister of <strike>Pizza</strike> Science and Technology seems pretty fond of it.
Most of us use the Atlas though, including yours truly. It might not be the prettiest thing, and you're a big target, but it comes with enough space for 4000 of whatever you've adapted it to haul around. The Bewildered Scout has some benches and heaters to carry Refugees, Scientists and whatnot; but that doesn't stop me from filling it up with Munitions on the next run.

If you're still interested, let us know who you are and who you'd be working for with your transport, and we'll see about the funds.

Safe skies,
Sam Owens

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - AlphaWolf215 - 09-22-2012

***Incomming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Maxamillion Wolf***
***Transmission Opens***
Mr Owens,
I am very interested in the atlas transport. I have seen a few around and I must say that the cargo space does sound good. I currently am flying as an independent under BMM papers (//working to acquire a Bowex ID) and am now decided upon buying an atlas. If you could tell me the price of such ship then I will send the credits at the next possible opportunity.
Thank you again,
Max Wolf

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 09-22-2012

[Image: SamOwens.png]

Mr. Wolf,

BMM seem to have a problem with us and our friends in the IMG, so you're going to need to get some new papers and provide proof of them. We'll also need to know where you're going to be trading, wouldn't want any problems coming back to us.
I think I'll let Seon finish off the rest of the paperwork though, I'm off to the bar.

Safe skies,
Sam Owens

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Haste - 09-22-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::

[Sender: Alan Corentin]
[To: Colonial Defense Industries]
[Subject: Construction Request]
[Attachment(s): payment_proof]

Thank you for accepting our request. These ships will, with some luck, make our lives a bit easier - and longer.

The necessary funds have been transferred.

[Image: sabahpayment_zpsa5c2e2c4.jpg]

-Alan Corentin

:: Transmission Ended ::

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 09-22-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Mr. Corentin

Treasury officials have logged your payment, and construction commenced immediately. Both hulls are completed, and waiting for crew and pickup at Sabah Dockyard, slip number 3.

The last thing we request is that you respond on this channel with confirmation of pickup, and the names the vessels will now carry.

We hope these provide you the protection you require from those who would do you harm.

Good luck

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Haste - 09-23-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::

[Sender: Alan Corentin]
[To: Colonial Defense Industries]
[Subject: Construction Request]

We have picked up both strike corvettes. I must say I'm impressed, both by the quality craftsmanship that went into the ships, and the time in which they were constructed.

The ships are named the Typhon and the Echidna. Both tagged with [CBL], of course, as well as an additional "Security" specification.

-Alan Corentin

:: Transmission Ended ::

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Timmy - 11-06-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Comm id: David Blanchard
Location: *Classified*
Subject: Ship request
Encryption: Medium
Priority: High


My name is David Blanchard, I am member of the Council of Maquis.
Recently I sent this request to Colonial Republic but will repeat it here.
Our pilots require more advanced fighters, so we thought that Nyx very heavy fighter will help us in our fight against Royal Navy and their allies.
For now we asking for two of these, if they will give positive results, we will request more in future.
Gathering materials will take a time we don't have, so we decided to pay them off.
This is all, if you have any questions or terms, I am ready to listen.

Looking forward to your answer.

>>>Transmission Terminated<<<

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Foochow - 11-06-2012

[Image: yamatov2.png]

Konnichiwa Colonials. I am Yamato Date,one of the leaders of Imperial Kusari Guard, Kusari Exiles force. We are loyal to our new Emperor. We are here to provide protection to our Emperor and to push Gallia gajins away from the Tau systems. As you maybe know, we're not on strong number with men and ships. So I am here to order one "Thanatos" Medium Strike Cruiser. I would also like to order another one, but do not start to construct it yet. I need to see with my men, is there anyone else who is capable of flying this fine vessel. The ship fee will be wired in couple of hours and we hired two Zoner affilated transports to deliver you construction parts. We will start filling them after this transmission and sending them towards destination. In return we will also increase our patrols in Tau systems to prevent any Gajin invasions.

Arigatou and sayonara!

[Image: yamatofooter.png]

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Jarael - 11-16-2012

::::::::::::: TO: COLONIAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIES :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: ID: IMG - JARAEL :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: SUBJECT: ACQUISITION OF A KRONOS :::::::::::::

[Image: 180pxjaraelarkohredmm0.jpg]


This is Jarael of the IMG. There is an urgent matter that needs attending.

The Outcasts threaten us all. The IMG has not the required technology to face off their heavy capital ships. For the security of the Taus, I hereby request the use of one Colonial "Kronos" Battleship.

I understand that your shipyards are rather busy, and am open to alternatives, such as having a few Colonial engineers coming over to Singapore Shipyards to head a team and have it built here instead.

Hope to hear from you soon.


::::::::::::: TRANSMISSION ENDS :::::::::::::

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Jarael - 11-20-2012

::::::::::::: TO: COLONIAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIES :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: ID: IMG - JARAEL :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: SUBJECT: RE:ACQUISITION OF A KRONOS :::::::::::::

[Image: 180pxjaraelarkohredmm0.jpg]

Greetings once more.

The situation in the Taus is getting worse day by day. While I understand that you are busy people, I do hope a favourable reply is heard soon. Just less than 12 hours ago, the Outcasts went as far as to attempt to damage Java Station's defensive capabilities. The IMG needs a stronger deterrent, and I do hope you can provide it.


::::::::::::: TRANSMISSION ENDS :::::::::::::