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Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Vape - 09-26-2008

' Wrote:You dont see US navy ships patrolling shallow rocky coastlines where their ships are easily wrecked, while smaller vessels can easily go over the surface to escape those larger navy machines.

You arent thinking in context here, you're trying to come up with excuses to continue exploiting OORP knowledge in order to keep an advantage you shouldnt have.

You really think that?

and the US navy has smaller patrol boats
and your also forgetting about the coast guard
do some reading next time

right now i have NO lawful characters except my RFP but i havent recreated em yet (well and by bret GB but i havent touched it in a while)
and dont even think about referring to my battlegroup (522nd) as lawful, in a way we are, but do you see us patrolling liberty?

and i challenge you to give me hard evidence as to why a the liberty navy would not patrol the badlands.
i only gain from this if it becomes oorp

im just being a realist (in my opinion), the outcome doesnt matter to me, and by the way i will admit that i have used these tactics

EDIT: i highly suggest taking this argument to PMs before it continues

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Xing - 09-26-2008

its actually quite weird the lawful didnt obliterated their nearby pirate bases. I mean, with all the freelancer that could tell the secret for a few credits...

also, lawful can easily know the jumpholes - remember, in SP, junko, tobias, etc, knows the location of just about every jumpholes just like that. They are certainly charted (at least in and around house systems).

but their rp says they are unstable, and are a risk to use.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Tenacity - 09-26-2008

Quote:and i challenge you to give me hard evidence as to why a the liberty navy would not patrol the badlands.

-The radiation levels of the badlands are harmful to unshielded ships, which most lawful fighters probably dont haev the budget for. Lawfuls dont often deal with evironmental hazards, so why shield against them? Governments - militaries in particular - tend to be unbelievably greedy when it comes to penny-pinching in order to maximize the number of things you can build at the cost of not being useful in areas they dont need to be useful in.

-Capships should never go into the field primarily due to size. This isnt starwars, we dont have the ability to vaporize ship-sized asteroids when they get in our way. You have to dodge the asteroids, and even a slight impact could cripple the hull of a large ship.

-Fighters going into the badlands would have not only the radiation and difficult-to-fight-in environment to deal with, but their scanners should not work (even though this is a game limitation so it cant be properly implemetned) - meaning that behind any of those thousands of rocks could be a full wing of rogue or outcast fighters waiting to ambush them. Nobody short of a suicidal maniac would ever knowingly fly into a situation where he probably wont survive.

Quote:also, lawful can easily know the jumpholes - remember, in SP, junko, tobias, etc, knows the location of just about every jumpholes just like that. They are certainly charted (at least in and around house systems).

The lawfuls within nebulas in the SP campaign were always hinted at by the local criminals. The lane hackers told Juni where the jump hole to leeds was, she didnt know before hand. The other jump holes used were not hidden within nebulas or debris fields, but were in open space where, yes, a lawful would know about it.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - monsterlancer - 09-26-2008

' Wrote:I voted that it is OORP.

Ageira scares Liberty that jump holes and such are dangerous and unstable, why the hell would they be using them like the unlawfuls?

I believe this would be constuied as corperate propaganda because they probably would get a percentages of the tonnage that uses the JG and TL's.

This propaganda gets said enough and everyone starts to believe it.

// IMO...This propaganda could have been the first thing they came up to keep people for exploring Jump Holes after they made a deal with the Galiens (French).

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Tenacity - 09-26-2008

As for unlawful bases being blown up... the only people who know about unlawful bases are:
-Criminals who use those bases
-Bounty Hunters

Bounty hunters would never tell the local law where a criminal base was - exactly for the reason that the lawfuls would then destroy the base, leaving the bounty hunters with no work and no pay. Bounty hunters care about money, nothing else, and they are not above damning the rest of a house's security so they can have more contracts.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Cellulanus - 09-26-2008

The difference with the US coast line argument is that in RL they don't have to worry about a fleet of military grade battleships hiding in some obscure cranny, the Militarys of FL do as there are two entire planets that are unlawful.

Imagine that, oh lets say Canada became something like the Outcasts, and lets say that they had a powerful Military/Navy and lets take away satellite surveillance and ICBM and other things that aren't represented in FL. Do you think the US navy will just waltz into Canadian territory without knowing what they are up against?

Edit: Slow typing is slow.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Xing - 09-26-2008

and treacherous merc or freelancers? they are lone person, not strong enough to take out a whole base. If they sell such intel to the lawful forces, they'd make some money for sure. In fact, a lot of.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - farmerman - 09-26-2008

I wouldn't say that either situation is oorp, though neither should they be routine either.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Tenacity - 09-26-2008

' Wrote:and treacherous merc or freelancers? they are lone person, not strong enough to take out a whole base. If they sell such intel to the lawful forces, they'd make some money for sure. In fact, a lot of.

With the exception of malta and crete, you dont see mercenary or freelancer NPC's flying around unlawful bases.

I'm quite sure the ones who are at crete and malta are closely allied with and trusted by the outcasts/corsairs, otherwise they'd be blasted on sight.

Lawfuls using/knowing about unlawful jump holes - Galm-1 - 09-26-2008

Had that happen to me, in single player it seems the only reason cops dont go there is because normally they would be killed so it would be better if the cops RPed it, but what are the chances of that really happening?