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New givecash/banking user commands - Printable Version

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New givecash/banking user commands - SanjitVignesh - 09-28-2008

Well, isn't it obvious, he's the one who started this thread!

New givecash/banking user commands - Niezck - 09-28-2008

A minimum amount? I can imagine this being abused in the same way /givecash could be with new players.

New givecash/banking user commands - SanjitVignesh - 09-28-2008

For that, starting amount should be increased to, say, @20000. But i guess it won't work well!

New givecash/banking user commands - majkp - 09-28-2008

' Wrote:I must've missed something. Who's Cannon again? ^^

Shame on you! ;)

After so many plugins some still don't know him.

Hint: Try "/credits" in game...

New givecash/banking user commands - Baltar - 09-29-2008

' Wrote:If someone steals money from your bank account, it's going to be an OORP action. LPI, BPA etc. will have nothing at all to do with it because it's not RP. If someone misuses one of your accounts and scraps your battleship, the admins aren't going to tell you "Hey, it's RP. You got screwed, tough cookies."
Any admin action is going to be OORP. If you want to roleplay getting screwed in real life (OORP), be my guest. Don't make the rest of us do it though.

You are utterly hopeless.

If you do not maintain control of your passcode its not an OORP problem. All these in-game commands are meant for role play, right? Its a role play server. I'm more concerned about the noobs who farm credits by creating new character after new character and using this "/givecash" command to transfer the cash to their bank character. THAT would be OORP.

You cannot scrap someone elses battleship by using any in-game command. If they gain control of your account then they've gained access outside the game and thus would be sanctionable. BUT ... these are IN-game commands. You cannot go outside the game with FAM to take their cash unless you gain control of the actual account.

My suggestion to you sir ... leave the default disabled setting if you don't wanna take the chance.

Now ... I'm just gonna call you Schizo since you fit the bill. Tell me ... HOW is somebody gonna gain access to your credits? If they ACTUALLY hack the server to do this ... its a server issue. If you forget your credit card at the bar ... you have just lost a lot of credits. Only way your hypothetical is going to work is if you somehow make your passcode available to someone else or if you make one that is easily guessed.

Now ... if you GIVE the passcode to your friend and he misuses it ... that's on you buddy. You voluntarily gave your code to someone and thus lost your right to complain.

If someone guessed your passcode because you made it something someone can guess ... like the name of one of your characters or your friend knows your birthday or something ... then again ... your fault for not making a secure passcode.

Since these are in-game commands, they are role play commands and should be treated as role play. Thus someone hacks your account in-game it becomes an in-game issue.

You don't like it ... don't use the commands.


New givecash/banking user commands - AdamantineFist - 09-29-2008

This command is rather useful. Good show, Cannon, you really are amazing.

New givecash/banking user commands - Dopamino - 09-29-2008

How would someone gain access to your character accounts?
By making the accounts available (not necessarily on purpose) to them on the forums or by them somehow taking them off your computer.

If someone rips you off, do the admins help you fix things and punish the offender?

How would someone gain access to your bank accounts?
By making the accounts available to them (not necessarily on purpose), either on the forums, ingame, or because they guessed it.

If someone rips you off, should the admins help you fix things and punish the offender?

Let me put it to you this way:
Leaving your car keys on your dresser at night is like having an easy bank code.

Trusting someone with your car keys and them stealing the car is like trusting someone with your bank code and them your money.

No this is not your fault if they steal it! When you give something like that to someone, you do it with conditions. When those conditions are broken, then they are in the wrong. If your buddy sold your car after you lent it to him so he could "run to the store for milk," would you just say, "Oh well, that's my fault. I guess I'll just have to start all over and buy a new car?"

Just because you left your wallet at a bar doesn't mean that it's alright for someone to take it.

If you park your car on the street, that doesn't mean that it's alright for someone to take it.

As long as we're calling each other names, I'm gonna call you juvenile. You want to know why? Because just like a little kid, you think "finders keepers" applies to everything.

Of course credits aren't real money, no one would play Freelancer if they were. The reason that credits have value is because they take time to obtain. Money is not the only currency in the world. It can be argued that time is much more valuable because everyone has a finite supply of it, no matter what.

Now that I've successfully rebutted all of your arguments in such a manner than all you will be able to do is repeat them again in a rather moronic fashion, I'm leaving this rediculous argument.

New givecash/banking user commands - Baltar - 09-29-2008

' Wrote:How would someone gain access to your character accounts?
By making the accounts available (not necessarily on purpose) to them on the forums or by them somehow taking them off your computer.

If someone rips you off, do the admins help you fix things and punish the offender?

You are mixing apples and oranges sir. I'm not talking about them gaining access to your computer or to the server's computer. I'm talking about gaining access to the passcode you create when you use the "/setcashcode <code>" command. If they gain somehow find out what your <code> is ... that's not a "real world" getting onto your computer or the server issue. I'm talking about you telling one of your friends what your <code> is and they dip into your account. Its your fault for giving them the <code>. If you post it somewhere ... again ... your fault. If they guess your <code> ... your fault for not making it complex enough. YOU however are talking about someone actually hacking into a physical computer to gain access. This is already covered in the following two rules:

Quote:2.3 Attempts to hack server, both successful and unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever, as well as blocking access to server and to forums.

Hacking is: gaining unauthorized access to PC where server is running, modifying server resources, violating normal operations of server software and hardware in any other way.

2.4 Threats of hacking will be punished with immediate and eternal ban from server and forums.

Quote:How would someone gain access to your bank accounts?
By making the accounts available to them (not necessarily on purpose), either on the forums, ingame, or because they guessed it.

If someone rips you off, should the admins help you fix things and punish the offender?

Nope ... admins would only have the right to sanction if rules 2.3 or 2.4 listed above were violated.

Quote:Let me put it to you this way:
Leaving your car keys on your dresser at night is like having an easy bank code.

Nope ... because someone would have to physically break into your house. That's like saying I can physically control your ships and sell your weapons and such. In fact, if you post your account information (not just your <code> but your actual account information) or the FAM file somewhere online ... and someone downloads that file and activates it ... sells all your ship's and equipment and transfers the funds to their own ship ... that's your fault for posting the FAM file.

Quote:Trusting someone with your car keys and them stealing the car is like trusting someone with your bank code and them your money.

It is your responsibility to control your stuff. If you give someone your keys ... you take the risk. Insurance company isn't gonna give you "extra" money because you were stupid. The cops may arrest the guy yes ... but you won't get your money AND his money. That's not how things work. You'll get your money back and your car back ... but that's it. You don't get the other guys money too.

Quote:No this is not your fault if they steal it! When you give something like that to someone, you do it with conditions. When those conditions are broken, then they are in the wrong. If your buddy sold your car after you lent it to him so he could "run to the store for milk," would you just say, "Oh well, that's my fault. I guess I'll just have to start all over and buy a new car?"

Its your fault if you make it available for them to steal. Yes they would go to jail ... but you don't get a bonus cash reward from the guy that stole it. You'd get your car back and probably its contents ... but you do NOT get the robber's money too.

As for you loaning them your car ... if your buddy wrecks your car ... the insurance company might not reimburse you because your buddy was not on your insurance policy.

Now's the time to step back from the trees and look at the forest. You're starting to nitpick here.

Quote:Just because you left your wallet at a bar doesn't mean that it's alright for someone to take it.

If you park your car on the street, that doesn't mean that it's alright for someone to take it.

As long as we're calling each other names, I'm gonna call you juvenile. You want to know why? Because just like a little kid, you think "finders keepers" applies to everything.

Of course credits aren't real money, no one would play Freelancer if they were. The reason that credits have value is because they take time to obtain. Money is not the only currency in the world. It can be argued that time is much more valuable because everyone has a finite supply of it, no matter what.

Now that I've successfully rebutted all of your arguments in such a manner than all you will be able to do is repeat them again in a rather moronic fashion, I'm leaving this rediculous argument.

Wallet ... you just lost your wallet ... good luck finding who took it. Most bad guys that steal wallets just take the cash ... they might sell your credit card to someone. Oh boy ... all you can do is call your bank and credit card companies to tell them you're stuff got stolen. You'll still have to pay up to $50 of the charges the guy put on your cards.

Car ... you'll get your car back ... maybe ... and it would likely be in poorer condition than before it was stolen. Oh ... say goodbye to the car radio and any special stuff you added on ... like rims/wheels ... lots of cars get stripped. If you have insurance ... you might get back what the blue book value is ... but not likely to get what you paid for it. Also ... if the cops catch the bad guy ... you don't get the bad guys money. You only get back what he stole from you. Sorry ... no bonuses for you making it easy for them to steal your car.

Juvenile ... no ... reality is what I'm trying to get across to you. In the real world you don't get extra money for your stuff getting stolen. You're are EXTREMELY lucky if you get back what you had to begin with. And its less likely it will be in mint condition. And the bad guy gets to keep his own money. Funny thing is ... 90% of the time ... the bad guy does not get caught. That's why you have insurance. But if you left the keys in your car ... insurance company will be less likely to pay out.

Time to accumulate ... the real reason for your paranoia and this discussion. I've already given you a way to avoid this whole problem ... DON'T USE THIS FUNCTION. Not that hard to figure out.

Valuables ... well ... not being destroyed by some uber-class battle cruiser is what I call valuable. Not being bullied by house militaries and police while my vessels go about their business is valuable. My time is just as important as yours. My smugglers move stuff just to have someone tell me to pay 2 mil AND drop my cargo for distruction (which by the way ends up costing me 12 mil) all because you lawfuls have the biggest ships with the most powerful weapons. A poor pirate might get lucky and get 500k from a trader.

LETS TRY ROLE PLAYING THIS FOLKS ... All this Dopamino brought up is all hypothetical. Chances of this ever happening are pretty much NIL. And I have a feeling the only time it will happen is when he tries to access his account and forgets the "/" in front of the command ... thus making the entire system aware of his <code>. A smart person would recognize this error and immediately change the <code> before someone could hack his account.

We do NOT need a new rule because someone is paranoid. We've got enough of that already.

Oh ... thanks for confirming my theory ... traders are more interested in protecting their credits than role playing.

New givecash/banking user commands - RingoW - 09-29-2008

Quote:I'm more concerned about the noobs who farm credits by creating new character after new character and using this "/givecash" command to transfer the cash to their bank character. THAT would be OORP.

As far as i know, this is considered as cheating and punishment for cheating is the ban hammer.


New givecash/banking user commands - Baltar - 09-29-2008

' Wrote:As far as i know, this is considered as cheating and punishment for cheating is the ban hammer.


Quite true. But with FAM and this /givecash command ... here's the scenario ...

1. Person makes FAM account name "ROLEPLAY" and creates character "Bank" or something less likely to draw attention
2. Person uses /setcashcode command
3. Person makes FAM account name "FUN"
4. Person creates a new character
5. Person uses /givecash command with the [anon] field to transfer their starting credits to "Bank"
6. Person deletes character
7. Person repeats 4 thru 6 continuously till caught ... account name "FUN" is locked and banned
8. Person makes FAM account with a new name
9. Person repeats 4 thru 8