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Discovery - Patch Notes - Printable Version

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RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 12-19-2015

Discovery 4.88.1 Module 2


- Oublique IFF from GRN to Council
- Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port now sells appropriate ships
- Beaumont sells appropriate ships + Maquis equipment
- Fourchambault Shipyard has the missing second shipyard module restored
- Moved Yerve to Orleans
- Sealed Anjou gate and tradelane removed
- Burguny, Dauphine, Lyonnais jumpholes fixed
- Fixed Burgundy-Dauphine jumphole
- Chevreuse asteroid field fix
- Aubigny updated
- Fixed GRN missions
- Tradelane infocard fixes
- Various bugfixes (Gallia Update)


- Yaren and Dabadoru fixed
- Tau-44 to Provence jumphole removed
- Omicron Delta mission zone fix
- Kusari Exile bases ship salepoints adjusted
- Alamo Base changed into Hesperia Outpost
- Lichtenfeld Base fixed
- Sun names changed in st04 and bw71
- Omicron Zeta NPC patrols fixed
- Advanced Deep Scanner sold at Nomad Omicron bases
- Independent Nomad ID added to all Nomad Omicron bases
- Buffed Nomad NPCs
- Yerve and Kurile updated
- Omicron Rho updated
- Omicron Delta updated
- KU01 fixed
- EV01


- Repair ship reworked
- Coalition HF added
- New Tachi added
- Bretonia Destroyer hitbox fixed
- Gunboat Solaris Turret adjusted
- Gunboat Basic Turrets adjusted
- Gunboat Cerberus Turret adjusted
- Clydesdale, Garanchou, Rhino, CSF hardpoints adjusted
- Murmillo hitbox fixed
- Forward Gun slot changed
- GRN/C Obstinate changed into Battlecruiser
- Transport Flak template added
- Kusari Exile Bomber added
- Kusari Exile Heavy Fighter added
- Kusari Exile Light Fighter added
- Pirate LF added
- All Scanners changed, BS scanner only availible on Battlecruisers and Battleships
- AI Cruiser Primary Turret added
- Centurion changed into Heavy Fighter
- Battleship Shields buffed
- Cruiser Shields buffed
- Armor Upgrade mountability changed (Redacted later)
- Bullhead Battlecruiser primary turret arcs adjusted
- Orca forward gun added
- Liberty Siege Cruiser forward gun rebalanced
- Liberty Siege Cruiser reverse speed increased
- Kagutsuchu forward gun rebalanced
- Orca forward gun buffed
- Cerberus Gunboat Turrets dispersion added
- Bergelmir Bomber rebalanced
- Upholder Bomber rebalanced
- Broadsword arcs adjusted
- Falcata arcs adjusted
- Advanced Train, Bretonia Train, Gallic Advanced Train, Kusari Train, Liberty Supertransport, Rheinland Train, Zoner Transport loose 20% of hull and regens
- Heavy Tanker, ALG Transport, Kujira, Large Train loose 15% hull and regens
- Liberty Heavy Transport, IMG Battletransport, Bretonia Heavy Transport, Rheinland Battletransport, Kusari Heavy Transport loose 10% hull and regens
- Colonial Transport, Brigand Transport, IMG Transport, Borderworlds Transport, Civilian Transport loose 5% hull and regens


- Fixed Skyblast B bug
- LRGB and minigun effect added
- Added new menu background
- POB sounds added
- Coalition Gunboat and Cruiser primary fx added
- Fighter weapons fx added
- New Thruster fx added
- AFC ID icon fixed
- AI Cruiser Primary Turret sounds changed
- New Hornviper fx added
- New Golden Blade fx added
- UC Gunboat engine fx added
- Various fx added


- Removed prices from Molly and Rouge Destroyers
- Core Pilots added
- GRN/C Obstinate prices fixed
- Various commodity prices fixed
- Various commodities reworked


- Fixed error with Horviper
- Fixes for the Pirate LF
- Updated nextgen Nomad ships
- no2_fighter hitbox fix
- Repair gun added
- Coalition HF assets added
- New Tachi assets added
- Pirate LF assets added
- Cannonball fixes
- Heavy Mining Turret bugfixes
- GMG Gunboat assets added
- Union Corse assets added
- Repair ship bugfixes
- no2_elite hitbox fixed
- New Nomad Very Heavy Fighter assets finalized
- Tundra Forward gun fixed
- Various Nomad Snubcraft adjustments
- Various assets by Treewyrm added


- Navmap scale adjustment
- Added scanners to NPCs
- DSAM fixes
- Shipclass plugin updated
- New flavor text infocards for Nomad Very Heavy Fighters
- Reverse fraction adjustments
- Various ship bugfixes
- Various infocard fixes

Discovery 4.88.1 Module 3* - Balance & Ships Update

Due for release tomorrow - 20th December 2015

- Coalition Carrier added, purchasable at Mykolaiv Research Station
- Rheinland Battlecruiser added, purchasable at Alster Shipyard
- GMG Gunship added, purchasable at Fujisawa Mining Facility
- Storta rebalanced, should now be combat viable
- Praefect armor buffed, should now be combat viable
- Ranseur armor buffed to 1.2 million hp, b/b count increased
- Legate armor buffed to 1.25 million hp, b/b count increased
- Thanatos generally buffed
- Kusari Destroyer generally buffed
- Coalition gunboat firing arcs buffed and additional turret added
- Scylla turn rate nerfed, no longer turns like a light cruiser
- RM Cruiser armor nerfed, was just too tanky for its size.
- Pilgrim Slave Liner cargo capacity increased to 4300
- Raijin and Irezumi temporarily buffed until they receive new models
- The Liberty Rogue Hyena is now a Light bomber.

- Cerberus Gunboat Turret dispersion increased, velocity slightly reduced
- Cerberus Battleship Turret range reduced to 1500 meters, dispersion increased
- Light Mortar speed buffed to 900 m/s
- Standard Mortar speed buffed to 700 m/s
- Heavy Mortar speed buffed to 800 m/s
- Minirazor range increased from 950 to 1600 meters

- San Diego destroyed!
- Saboteur Coalition HF sellpoint moved to Zhukovsky Station

*Module 2 changelog lost in forum downtime

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 01-07-2016

Discovery 4.88.4 Release Notes (3rd January, 2016)

- New Year's Update; Rheinland & West Kusari

Discovery 4.88.4 Patch 1 Notes (earlier)

- Updated infocards now implemented
- Minor balance fixes
- Mining Update

Discovery 4.88.4 Patch 2 Notes (tonight)

- Variable turret zoom limits per ship class! (Zoom levels still in testing stage, expect changes)
- Capital ship bridges by @FallenKnight

- Sunbucks icon actually added this time
- Many infocards updated/corrected
- Hammersee now an actual planet
- Further deguarding of Luneburg (Sigma 15)
- RM Equipment sellpoints rearranged for ease of access
- Pacifica IFF issues resolved
- Bering -> Texas jumpgate reverted to dockable (dev oversight)
- Fixed several mislabeled jumpholes in the Omegas
- Rheinland Battlecruiser now thrusts at correct speed.

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 02-11-2016

Discovery 4.88.4 Patch 3 Notes (a few minutes ago)

- Experimental: Battleship Carcassonne and Freeport Four in Magellan; turrets switched from station to class 1 fighter. Intent is to lower damage done to hostile ships as a means to improve gameplay, while retaining the roleplay appearance of firing. Stationary snubs and freighters can still expect to receive lethal damage, of course. This measure is experimental and temporary if it fails
- Planet Stuttgart IFF changed to Synth Foods; docking ring remains Rheinland Federal Police IFF
- Kusari Exiles renamed to Imperial Kusari Navy. Some references to "the Exiles" kept in, as that term is still a valid way to refer to the Imperials.
- New economy implementations
- Turret rebalancing
- Turret Zoom limit changes

- Minor station and field movements to spread out clustered areas (Frankfurt, Omicron-94, Tau-44)
- Elbe Station given proper model
- Additional economy fixes

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 02-11-2016

>>> NOTICE: Infocards need to be recompiled. Apologies for the untidiness at present.

Something is currently in the process of being worked on, but a mini-patch will be deployed tomorrow roughly in the evening (GMT), which will include that and fix the infocards.

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 02-12-2016

Discovery 4.88.4 Patch 4 Notes (deployed)

- Junyo Fire Pearls commodity added. Restricted to Samura ID.
- Water commodity now available on Ames Research Station, Kepler
- Kruger official faction ID icon added
- Flak rework: Damage Reduced by 50%, Eenrgy Usage increased by 50%, Hitpoints increased to 30000 (All flaks will do damage now!), Mass increased to 100000 (All flaks will do damage now!)
- Added Storta bridge

- Infocards recompiled

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Tachyon - 06-03-2016

88.1 Module 2 patchnotes are now availible in post #21

Discovery 4.88.5 (12.05.16)

4.88.5 - Spring Update; Kusari, Sigmas, (N)Omicrons, Hispania, & Omegas

Discovery 4.88.5 Patch 1 Notes

- Numerous mislabeled objects corrected
- Some ship stat infocards corrected
- Coalition shipdealer at Zhukovsky fixed
- Dur Shurriken now dockable
- Sigma 15 crash bug fixed
- AI Snubcraft equipment now purchasable again
- Fixed a crash bug in Omicron 100

- Old Mortar & Trebuchet impact effects readded
- Omicron Lost NPCs limited to a 5k radius around the Major hole

Discovery 4.88.5 Patch 2 Notes

- More mislabeled objects corrected.
- Fixed GC restart location
- Fixed Major - Lost one way jump link.
- Apache Outpost correctly implemented to Omicron-91.
- Ciutadella correctly implemented to Omicron Kappa.
- RoS bases correctly implemented in Poole and Koeln.
- Freeport 15 silliness corrected.
- Minefield removed from Omicron Kappa.
- Omega 55 Wilde NPCs axed; should only spawn at bases now.
- Kamchatka no longer crashes and now has Coalition NPCs
- Fixed Omega 58 starsphere (No more black triangles)
- Fixed equipment dealers on Amenta, Corinth, Gammu, Livadia, Apache, and Ciutadella
- Fixed ship dealer on Livadia.
- Kassel FINALLY uses dockable Jormungand archetype.
- Instakill zones for Major. Sorry, no flying outside the tunnels for you!
- Dur Shurrikun commodity trader is no longer offering jobs. Check back later.
- Sigma 15 populated and given mission zones.
- Omicron 91 deguarded, missions added.
- Alpha graveyard restored, along with unstable nomad jumphole.
- NPCs in Omicron Xi deguarded
- Omicron Gamma jumpholes reoriented.
- Moved deleted systems to the lost sector. They won't be bothering us anymore. Mission commission signing off.

- Large cleanups to Omicron Kappa.
- Nagano slightly redesigned, full redesign coming later.
- Nav bouys now appear on the navmap.
- Jump hole/gate navmap icons scaled up for us blind people.
- Music changes to many systems to match their respective regions
- Sigma 13/Munich jump link removed.
- Totorri jumphole moved to C3 at the edge of the Seiran cloud.
- Added new commodities; Ambassadors, Arbiters, Diplomats, Socialities.

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 06-29-2016

Discovery 4.88.5 Patch 3 Notes

- Icons for Crew, Diplomats, Socialites, Holidayers, and Excursionists commodities have been added
- Icons for a number of ore commodities have been added
- Icons for Civilian LF "Arrow", Coalition Carrer "Tempest", GMG Gunship "Bishamon", Order VHF "Nepthys", Rheinland Train "Colossus", Lane Hacker VHF "Vindicator", Nomad VHF "Predator", Imperial Kusari Navy strikecraft "Kaibyo" "Tora" "Neko", Sirius Civlian Freighter "Sunburst", Sirius Civilian Shuttle "Stargazer", Golden Chrystanthemums strikecraft "Blossom" "Orchid", Ageira Civlian bomber "Havoc Mk II" and Rogue/Molly LF "Jackal" have been added
- New Splash Screen implemented (finally! Our apologies for the delay)
- Artifical Intelligence (AI for short) now properly labeled Gammu Artificial Intelligence (Gammu AI for short)
- Omicron-80 given Greek Alphabet name of Omicron Tau. References to the sidereal designation of 80 are still valid in lore*
- Omicron-91 given Greek Alphabet name of Omicron Omega. References to the sidereal designation of 91 are still valid in lore*
- Omicron-100 given Greek Alphabet name of Omicron Epsilon. References to the sidereal designation of 100 are still valid in lore
- Rheinland MOX now labeled Thorium MOX
- Bounty Hunters HF "Hammerhead" overhauled
- Unused ship's computer voice clips from Vanilla activated

- Outcast base in Nagano fixed
- Samura docking satellite added to Planet Kurile
- Coalition Carrier hitbox fixed
- IMG Bomber "Nanda Devi" cargo capacity reduced from 125 to 120; can now mount snub cloaks
- Coalition HF "Saboteur" given sale point, at Kamchatka in Omega-55
- NPC patrols added or fixed in new or adjusted systems (including IKN, Gammu AI, Sigmas)
- NPC character names fixed in a number of locations (various bar patrons, merchants)
- Various minor systems edits
- Various minor economy edits
- Various minor balance edits
- Various minor infocard edits

- @Tachyon
- @Xalrok
- @Xoria
- @Haste
- @LunaticOnTheGrass
- @Durandal
- @Arioch
- @evanz
- @Unlucky_Soul
- @"King Boo"
- Everyone else who contributed, and everyone who reported bugs. This patch includes a lot of general bugfixes, a number of small new things, and plenty of hard work. We sifted through the 4.88.4 and 4.88.5 bug report threads to fix or make note of everything. The few unresolved ones will be tended to with the 4.88.6 update.

*These systems, unless deemed otherwise by the Administration Team, remain as Omicrons within the scope of the rules

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Teerin - 10-20-2016

Discovery 4.88.6 (12.05.16)

4.88.6 (4.88 Final) - Fall Update: Bretonia and Liberty Cleanup

Discovery 4.88.6 Patch 1 Notes

- Implemented @Geoffacake's cruiser and battleship engine sounds
- Implemented BDM Cruiser SRP engine
- Restored links Unknown which had been disconnected
- Added event boss ship loadouts and lootcrates for @sindroms
- Implemented @Auzari's Core Cruiser Turret Effect

- Fixed CR, Gaian engine infocards
- Adjusted HTT volume
- Split CR and Gaian Engines into buyable and ship package versions
- Fixed infocard instances of Colonial to Crayter/Crayterian
- Fixed a bug that reduced range on Corsair BS Prims
- Fixed the Core Snova infocard
- Fixed BWT engine position
- Fixed infocard references that crashed FLstat
- Fixed OSC ships infocards
- Fixed Falchion infocard
- Fixed Skipjack infocard
- Fixed BHG Bomber model
- Fixed America Freeport component reputation
- Fixed cruise speed for CR engines
- Fixed Chameleon engine
- Fixed model of Gaian base in Magellan
- Fixed Atacama shipdealer
- Fixed OSC ship infocard formatting
- Fixed Luxury Liner Argenton's name
- Fixed Core snub explosions
- Fixed Gaian & CR Engine Infocards
- Fixed Irra death fuse.
- Fixed OSC ship docking.
- Fixed missing remains from Nomad fighters

- @Tachyon
- @Xalrok
- @"King Boo"
- All others who have contributed to fixes or reported bugs.

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Tachyon - 11-24-2016

Discovery 4.88.6 (01.11.16)

Major Capital Ship Update
Minor Bomber Update

Discovery 4.88.6 Patch 2 Notes

- Capital ship update
- Bomber update
- O7 Silver field adjusted Link to thread
- Several event assets added

- Eido engine reverted
- Altair drydock models updated
- Capital ship sounds reverted
- Removed a navmap that crashed the client
- Disabled B/B on NPC battleships
- Liberty Dreadnought hitbox adjustments
- Alaska sun corona fixed
- Solar ID replaced with EFL ID on Planet Harris
- Fixed some speeding dynamic asteroids
- St. Albans drydocks restored
- Nomad fighter beamfx fixed
- Various technical infocards adjusted
- Various NPC and solar fixes
- Various icon updates
- Various minor balance fixes

- @Antonio
- @Alley
- @Haste
- @"King Boo"
- @Tachyon
- @Xalrok

- All others who have contributed to fixes or reported bugs.

RE: Discovery - Patch Notes - Tachyon - 11-24-2016

Discovery 4.88.6 (24.11.16)

Fighter Gun/Turret Balance Update

Discovery 4.88.6 Patch 3 Notes

- Fighter Gun/Turret update introduces revised formula
- console.dll update
- Various event assets added
- Core GB turrets and FWD by @"Auzari"
- OSC Shuttle nerfed (hull and B/B decreased, core nerfed)

- KuDessie arcs adjusted
- Newport bar fixed
- St. Albans infocards updated
- Fixed nomad ship's collision groups
- Heavy transport turrets restricted to battletransport shipclass
- Akegata arcs revised (two additional 360° turrets)
- Repair ship buffed
- CouncilBS secondary fixed
- Scylla, BretGB FWD, Cerb GB turret adjusted
- Pytho, Basilisk, Thor cores changes
- Atlas revised (removed CD/CM for additional turn speed, cargo hold, hull)
- Heavy bombers' B/B buffed
- Fixed nomad snac
- Fixed BretGB arcs
- Fixed muzzleflash on HF lasers
- Burgundy is now referenced as Gallic Border Worlds
- Mining field dynamic asteroids count standardized
- Various infocards fixed
- Various system and solar bugfixes
- Various FX bugfixes

- @Antonio
- @Haste
- @Tachyon
- @Xalrok
- @Xoria

- All others who have contributed to fixes or reported bugs.