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Avatars and Signatures - Printable Version

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Avatars and Signatures - Baltar - 10-07-2008

@ Dopamino: Like the Omicron 100 issue ... or the pirates over taxing ... or those that violate the Zone 21 laws ... what else? Yeah ... I bring up all kinds of issues that force other people to go along with me. I'm only objecting to certain avatars ... those that cause physical symptoms. BTW ... where do I send the medical bill should I have a stroke?

Avatars and Signatures - Linkero - 10-07-2008

Baltar, could you provide links to the avatars/sigs that cause these symptoms? I am going to try something that would probably help you out a bit(firefox trick if you have it)

Avatars and Signatures - Marburg - 10-07-2008

' Wrote:@ Admins: I know we've got a thread explaining the appropriate size of signatures ... but we need to go a bit further. I'm seriously getting a migraine from some of these avatars and signatures ... especially those that flash, blink, etc. So to keep me from getting extremely agitated and reduce the chances of me turning on a flamethrower ... can we PLEASE get rid of some of these obnoxious avatars and signatures. There are some pretty tasteless animations going on ... I'm not gonna make a case about them right now. But those that are gonna cause me or someone else to go into convulsions, foam at the mouth or have a stroke need to be removed.
Ok let's break this here quote down abit:

you reference yourself 5 times while complaining of the avi's & sigs & finish it off by voicing concern over others only once...but the placement of your wording is an attempt to give the illusion that getting what you want is better for all of us.

You also threaten a flame war if you don't get your way.

You mention obnoxious & tastless & yet refuse to site examples, assuming (I can only gather) that your opinion on what is obnoxious & tasteless is good enough to warrant the admins to bend to your will in order to keep your flamethrowing wrath in cheque.

If you can't handle some of the sigs & avi's, then turn them off as was already suggested...the admins don't have any reason to make you happy at the expense of others, so don't threaten a psychophantic temper tantrum.

::Edit- & just so we are clear: this little crack here-
Quote:where do I send the medical bill should I have a stroke?
-is beyond silly. If you are prone to siezures & the like, then it is 100% up to you & you alone to exercize your instinct for self preservation...If you end up having a drooling spazmodic episode while waiting for someone else to save you & fix what you already have the power to fix yourself, then the medical bill is your own fault & your burden alone to carry::

Avatars and Signatures - Baltar - 10-07-2008

' Wrote:Baltar, could you provide links to the avatars/sigs that cause these symptoms? I am going to try something that would probably help you out a bit(firefox trick if you have it)

Thank you Linkero ... you're the first person to take my plight seriously. As soon as I come across the avatar again ... I'll post a link here.

' Wrote:Ok let's break this here quote down abit:

you reference yourself 5 times while complaining of the avi's & sigs & finish it off by voicing concern over others only once...but the placement of your wording is an attempt to give the illusion that getting what you want is better for all of us.

You also threaten a flame war if you don't get your way.

You mention obnoxious & tastless & yet refuse to site examples, assuming (I can only gather) that your opinion on what is obnoxious & tasteless is good enough to warrant the admins to bend to your will in order to keep your flamethrowing wrath in cheque.

If you can't handle some of the sigs & avi's, then turn them off as was already suggested...the admins don't have any reason to make you happy at the expense of others, so don't threaten a psychophantic temper tantrum

Don't cheapen my concern here Marburg. You can "break down" and psychoanalyze all you like. The avatar affected ME personally ... thus the references to myself. Who knows who else they affect. Your being flippant about this issue is not helping matters.

Never once did I "threaten" a flame war. I noted that comments by others are generating one ... such as your attack on me here.

Never "refused" to site examples. At least Linkero "asked" me for some examples. To refuse something ... you've gotta be asked for it first. As soon as I can find the avatar that sent my head spinning I'll place a link here ... but I'm not going to post the avatar myself.

And this is not about happiness ... its about avoiding a FLIPPING MIGRAINE.

Avatars and Signatures - Xing - 10-07-2008

just shut down avatar and signature if it bothers you so much or send a pm to concerned person.
This thread is just about a request for a firing squad...

Avatars and Signatures - Baltar - 10-07-2008

' Wrote:just shut down avatar and signature if it bothers you so much or send a pm to concerned person. This thread is just about a request for a firing squad...

The real question is ... are all these folk posting here upset about the topic ... or are they just upset at me? The responses I'm getting seem to be based on a personal dislike for me rather than a genuine concern about the subject at hand.

Now those that are compelled to make negative posts here could provide some positive criticism rather than lashing out at me ... I'd really appreciate the civility.

Avatars and Signatures - Orin - 10-07-2008

I don't have an innate hatred for you, Mr. Baltar. And I don't think anyone else does.

The fact is, the problem is quite easily fixed, and you instead decide to make a topic that; though might not have been your intent to; will incite flames and general irritation.

Simply, we all deal with an irritating sig or avatar from time to time. Tenacity's cat gives me nightmares.

This topic just isn't worth it. Why create this hassle when you can just click a wee little option that fixes it all?

Avatars and Signatures - Xing - 10-07-2008

You'll excuse me if I find this thread filled with negativity and my need to give you one useful advice instead of making your situation worse.

I am upset at the thread.

Avatars and Signatures - kingvaillant - 10-07-2008

Firing squad here, on standby
[Image: 052387%20Firing%20Squad.gif]

Nevertheless, just deactivate signature/avies or send a PM to the player. No more rules please

Avatars and Signatures - Marburg - 10-07-2008

"Never once did I "threaten" a flame war. I noted that comments by others are generating one ... such as your attack on me here."

Then what do you mean by this?

"So to keep me from getting extremely agitated and reduce the chances of me turning on a flamethrower"

I'm just calling it like I see it, & it looks like a threat to flame.

"And this is not about happiness ... its about avoiding a FLIPPING MIGRAINE."

This is not just about avoiding a flipping migrane...sure, it may be part of it, but you know you have the option to turn off the avs & sigs and seem to refuse to do what it takes to protect yourself & villify me in the process.

I'm not cheapening your concern...I'm simply pointing out that if you were as truly concerned as you come off, then you would have fixed the problem yourself by now.

Seems to me that what would irritate you more is not having the ability of seeing any avi's & sigs at trying to get EVERYONE to see this tiny issue your way just reeks of an attempt of 'having your cake & eating it too'