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Can Sprague be made dockable? - Printable Version

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Can Sprague be made dockable? - farmerman - 10-16-2008

I'm glad to see something's coming! I do believe the rumor at the nearby Freeport says Bretonia wants to settle it, yes?

That being said, it could be a Gaian base. I mean, all those Cambridge researchers down there with their Gaian sympathies. Yeah? Yeah?

Can Sprague be made dockable? - jammi - 10-16-2008

No:PIf the Gaian's had a planet, the BAF would wipe it clean from orbit/give the Army something to do.

As for Sprague, you'll notice that the undockable planet belongs to the Rhineland Ploce, despite having no docking ring. In SP it was Sprauge that awakened the Sirius Nomads (I think), which was done by a Rhineland team. I'd imagine after Rhineland was 'defeated' in the Nomad War, the Bretonians would have seized Sprauge as reparations (think about it, half of Bretonia was invaded by Rhineland battlefleets, you'd want payback). Also, it's proximity to Cambridge. If the planet was claimed by the Brets, imagine the sheer amount of researchers that would swoop on it. They'd certainly raise enough funds for a docking ring.

Having Sprague as a dedicated Bret research planet would be awesome.

Can Sprague be made dockable? - Lux - 10-17-2008

Do it! A Bretonian research planet, especially one with this one's history, would definitely be nice.

Can Sprague be made dockable? - Doc Holliday - 10-17-2008

I know in the old 2.29 mod that Sprague was a dockable planet and even had a heavy fighter for sale on it. I do think it should be done again and made a Zoner research planet.

Can Sprague be made dockable? - kingvaillant - 10-18-2008


Can Sprague be made dockable? - McNeo - 10-18-2008

Stop tipping off the general public, or take a look at the terms of use.

Dont keep taunting those who aren't in the know because you can please, it just makes people more anxious and worked up about it. More questions result and half answers are used as they are here, and the process repeats.

Just dont post things like that.

Can Sprague be made dockable? - Donutman - 10-19-2008

' Wrote:Something will be done with Sprague in 4.86. That's all I will say for now.

Why do the Admins insist on torturing us?

(EDIT:100 posts! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

Can Sprague be made dockable? - AdamantineFist - 10-20-2008

I wanna know what's happening...

Oh, what cruelty! Have you no compassion, Kuraine? Oh, the agony....


Can Sprague be made dockable? - Carlos_Benitez - 10-26-2008

Perhaps Orbital Spa and Cruise could take it over, and use it as a base for Archeological Tourism? "come see the ruins!!"
(like holidays to Egypt, etc)

Can Sprague be made dockable? - SimonBlack - 11-02-2008

Good one Carlos. I know you were being serious, but it still made me smile :laugh: Do it!