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make piracy easier - Printable Version

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RE: make piracy easier - The Savage - 12-29-2015

(12-29-2015, 05:25 PM)Hannibal Wrote: distance between lane and jump gate?
you should pirate in a lane
Yes, but you should take into account existence of the tradelane bug*, unintentionally abused by traders. And yes, I'm pirating on a lane, very rarely around gate but not (there are such people?) next to the base. Yet I need to use player list in order to avoid this bug, otherwise - trader goes away using the bug without him even knowing about it.

*Tradelane bug is a seemingly disabled TL that is active for the player that just entered the system, so his/her ship flies through it as if it was active.

RE: make piracy easier - Binski - 12-29-2015

(12-29-2015, 05:25 PM)Hannibal Wrote: distance between lane and jump gate?pirating near/in capital systems?


you should pirate in a lane,not near a JG and most important not in a central/capital system,let's take for example cortez,magellan,kepler,galileo,shikoku etc..

Pirate where you want, but most importantly where it is plausible to pirate. Alternation is ok. Sometimes I pirate by a gate, sometimes along the lane, other times just near jumpholes. The only places you don't really want to pirate are near bases, right? Since pirates are getting shot at by gates...its up to the pirate to run their own risk. That statement just reeks of 'yield to the trader, its the honorable thing to do (yeah, that works as a good excuse)'...

As to the gate/lane distance, I'd like to see some wider margins, and also wider lane to base distances in some places. This game is pretty much laid out for worst case scenarios at all times though. Its assumed you will automatically take the easiest, fastest way and pirate in a bomber. If this is true, you'll have the least problems when trying to get your prey before they escape/dock. If you try pirating in a transport, gunboat, or lord forbid a freighter, you'll find with armor upgrades, its near impossible to take down large ships in time (unless you get them really far from any possible escape, usually only possible with a cloak).

So when they say 'piracy is already too easy' its because of bombers. Bomber piracy is indeed wayyyy too easy. Remove indie bombers and we'll see the 'independent civilian turned pirate' materialize in fighters, transports and etc. Change the bombers situation, and it can allow a whole re-balancing of proximity of gates to lanes, lanes to bases, and last but not least, the necessity of high level armors on trade ships. And if you need bomber piracy that much, it becomes an incentive to fly a faction ID. Bombers are like caps in my eyes...why do Freelancers/Pirates have access to them and not cruisers? Exactly. Factions that manufacture their own bombers inrp all have enemies that have capital ships.

Make indie bomber pirates SRP. I set up a waran the other day and recorded my expenses, and to make a waran with uau8, cheetah, nova, snac etc...around 60 mil. Now to you traders out there with your capital armor and cloaks that cost hundreds of millions, anyone can pump out a decked out bomber for 50-60 mil easy and take you out in no time. Why are caps such a money sink but bombers aren't? I'll give up my indie FL bomber myself gladly to see how things would pan out if people were forced to choose factions or go with another ship. I'm always glad when I see people really going for it and pirating in transports.

RE: make piracy easier - jammi - 12-29-2015

@"TheUnforgiven" - I'm going to assume you're slightly out of touch with the current piracy dynamic seeing as while, yes, bomber piracy is easy street... transport piracy is even easier. You can tear down another transport in half the time with a PTrans compared to a Waran. The only thing you'll have an exceedingly hard time pirating in is a freighter or fighter because surprise, surprise - they're not built with that role in mind.

RE: make piracy easier - Haste - 12-29-2015

Mhm. Small transports put out significantly more damage per second than bombers, while still being small and agile enough to easily avoid whatever a larger transport might fire back at them.

RE: make piracy easier - Qur'chak - 12-29-2015

then bombers should be bufed to that dmg level too mr developer Big Grin

RE: make piracy easier - Hannibal - 12-29-2015

bombers best choice for piracy? @TheUnforgiven you really need to stop flying your 'argo' and test other things

bombers are the worst at piracy nowadays,sure, waran is the only one that can do it alone but will be an easy target for anything and experienced transports pilots will give a run for your money if you can win

GBs,haven't tested the new cerbs for piracy but its stil something i'll not like to use

transports,great DPS,can take the cargo and sell it themself if traders doesn't pay,can pick their targets if they slap a junker id on it

so..yeah..from a couple of version piracy is best done in transports,i guess the best example of that was JM|

now..back on topic

the distances from gates should not be increased at all but the length of trade lanes because vanilla systems was designed for low range scanners and fragile ships not what we have now
^ will it happen?well..i've been here for last 6 years or so...

RE: make piracy easier - Skorak - 12-29-2015

Development Notice: Hellfire Rocket Pods

RE: make piracy easier - Qur'chak - 12-29-2015

ya wow its awsome!

RE: make piracy easier - Malmsteen - 12-29-2015

A never ending circle of whining ....
You will never enjoy playing this game since you whine more than playing
Good luck, because opening new threads about the same whining issue wont help in anyway


RE: make piracy easier - Karst - 12-30-2015

Something to note: the screenshot with the gunboats was taken in Cambridge, somewhere along the Battleship Norfolk-Omega-3 gate lane.
For reasons unknown, there are gunboat spawns along that entire lane, something not found anywhere else.

Now personally I think powerful NPCs should be extremely heavily reduced, with cruisers and up not found outside of New Hampshire-type battleground systems, but at the very least, that lane really should not have any. The route from NB to NL is already pretty low on viable pirate spots and high on sneaky alternatives, there's no reason for the O-3 gate to be unpiratable.

Also I agree with lanes being further away from gates, but that's a massive task. And of course jump gate weaponry should never have been added.