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Impossible demands? - Printable Version

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RE: Impossible demands. - Char Aznable - 12-31-2015

It's not an impossible demand rather than a Roleplay demand, which has been done for years now, as stated above. There's nothing impossible about dropping your shields, you can even set a button for it. It might not be included in the ID, but similar demands have been done forever now, and I frankly do not see a sanctionable offense here.

EDIT: Ninja'd. The RP is not that the guns are actually shot off, this is an ingame representation of salvaging them off. Besides, an engagement is not given, since there's no damage done to the respective ship.

RE: Impossible demands. - Tabris - 12-31-2015

A brief reminder. Trial-By-Forum is not permitted. Do not post logs containing names nor screenshots unless it's in a Role-play section. - The Mod Team

RE: Impossible demands. - The Savage - 12-31-2015

I had to AFK due to real life emergency, what I've informed you on system chat, because if it wasn't emergency, I'd simply follow the roleplay. But when I've returned, all I saw was my ship fired upon and I had to react because I saw two ships firing at me and shield dropped, so I did. For me, it was engagement already, because you dropped my shield forcefully.

RE: Impossible demands. - Char Aznable - 12-31-2015

Well, as much as it hurts, going AFK during an interaction will often lead to you being shot down. That's, even if not being the nicest way to do it, entirely within the scope of the rules. Besides, it is completely unrelated to the initial issue.

RE: Impossible demands. - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:04 AM)FluffReborn Wrote: I had to AFK due to real life emergency, what I've informed you on system chat, because if it wasn't emergency, I'd do that in PM. When I've returned, all I saw was my ship fired upon and I had to react, so I did. For me, it was engagement already, because you dropped my shield forcefully.

Also, I do not like how you made that public. That was below the belt at the moment, being close to trial by forum right now.

I made it public, because you were, as I see it, purposefully recalling the encounter in a manner it did not happen. Because of your own poor choice of actions, you did not comply to the demands and died. Instead of inquiring about it, you chose to make a thread and then make it seem as if we were specifically asking you to shoot your own ship or that we were asking you to demount your equipment in space. I do not believe for one moment that you yourself thought that this is what was being asked. Instead you made a scene because you did not like that your Junker transport, for one instance, might have been pirated by an unlawful.

RE: Impossible demands. - |nfrared - 12-31-2015

Here's my question - Why were Rogues pirating Junkers in Liberty (considering that these two entities major players in cardamine distribution and slave export and work tightly together)? Show us that this wasn't some players just looking for any target to blow up, please.

RE: Impossible demands. - Laz - 12-31-2015

Yet what if it is un avoidable....?

RE: Impossible demands. - Binski - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:03 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: Nobody was asked to shoot their own ship. The demand was to disable their shields, or to just sit still for us to do it for them. Then just not move so we could remove the guns. The encounter could have gone perfectly if the person would have stopped writing threats and then complaining about the server rules, instead of actually reading what was being asked from them. Three times.

You don't see the inherent problem with demanding someone lower their shields, take faith you're a good shot, and let you shoot at them unprotected with no guarentees? Again, dropping sheilds...fine, forcing you to comply with being shot is not even close to whats on the ID. If everyone set out tomorrow to pirate people for their turrets, even in their ZOI's, we're gonna have a lot of bad times on our hands. You don't get to just fly up to someone and shoot them, unless you're hunting bounty. If you want to shoot them with the ID you flew, you make your demands, ones outlined on the ID, or if RP, certainly ones that don't involve getting shot already, and then if there is refusal to give up what was demanded, you get to shoot them. SRP for a terrorist ID if you want to prowl to shoot people's turrets off.

RE: Impossible demands. - The Savage - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:08 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: I made it public, because you were, as I see it, purposefully recalling the encounter in a manner it did not happen. Because of your own poor choice of actions, you did not comply to the demands and died.
(12-31-2015, 12:04 AM)FluffReborn Wrote: (...) all I saw was my ship fired upon and I had to react because I saw two ships firing at me and shield dropped, so I did. For me, it was engagement already, because you dropped my shield forcefully.

RE: Impossible demands. - Laz - 12-31-2015

You can't (Shouldn't) Attack people when they have genuinely said something. (Showing they *MUST* do something)
Its not like they want to ruin peoples day than yell on the fourms.