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Hiring Baristas Today! - Printable Version

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RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Karst - 04-08-2016

I've been around long enough.

I have a good idea of how the community works or doesn't.

I will tempban those bastards that spam threads with offtopic and remove their posts, instead of closing the thread on the poor OP when it derails and thereby making the derailers win.

Please consider me.

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Ace Razgriz - 04-08-2016

(digressing from my first post on the inquiry)

I've been here around 3 years, might as well give it a shot right? I'm confident in being able to make my decisions and stand by them as well as sticking to the job description and getting what needs to be done DONE asap.

So yeah, please consider me, I think you'll find mine and other peoples interest worthy to take note of.

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Pinko - 04-08-2016


message needs to be longer than 5 characters

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Lythrilux - 04-08-2016

(04-07-2016, 10:43 PM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: I also have no prior sanctions (that I remember) plus if Lyth becomes a mod we need an Order mod to fight the Core Mod.

The staff should appoint Jeremy and myself as mods then. That's the best step.

I think I might make my original post more serious though. I feel inspired by the OFL discussion earlier.

I've been here for 4 or so years. For about half of that time I did a lot of bad things and got in trouble with the staff. Eventually I got hit with a massive 1.2. Heck, even months after that I was still pretty bitter about it. Eventually through talking with an ex-staff member I came to realise that the punishment was entirely justified. I had been pretty detrimental in my demeanour and generally not that much of a constructive community member.

Since then I've generally tried to be better in my conduct but in all honestly there's a darker and more cynical side to my persona that still continues to get the better of me from time to time. I hope to improve, and as a way of trying to do good I try to use Core| as an effective means of enriching the roleplay and gameplay environment on both the server and forums, as well as using it to instruct and bring newbies into the gaming community. Eh, I guess Core is controversial but when you're at the top (I mean come on, maybe we're not the perfect but we're certainly up there with the top quarter of Disco factions) both the praise and the critism increases.

Having an Orange name would certainly be a good way for me to have some responsibility and commitment. I've always got ideas and thoughts to share as to how we can improve to the community, and I'd like to still keep giving back to the community and helping to safeguard it beyond what I do as a faction leader and member. I'm very active (as you can see by my post count etc.) and definitely have the time to do mod work and watch the forums like a hawk for trouble.

I've always been one of the bigger and controversial names in Discovery, but I'd hope having an Orange name would be a means for me to show the general population I do have some concern and care for the community I play in.

Oh, and I can make coffee:

[Image: gl9oE9Z.gif]

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Mephistoles - 04-08-2016

(04-08-2016, 02:05 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: The staff should appoint Jeremy and I

Jeremy and me

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Lythrilux - 04-08-2016

Thank you fellow forum member for the friendly advice! Good to know you've got my back Pilot Wink

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Radion - 04-08-2016

I guess I'll put my name in. Aside from the cliché "I've been here for a few years and know how the community works," I also am good at dealing with people who might be irritating and draining for other mods. For example, people who try to debate staff members’ decisions have a tendency to tire the staff involved in hearing and responding to their case. I on the other hand will gladly take care of such members, as I enjoy debate, and if they choose to debate after evidence has been sent, will gladly debate them until they either tire themselves out, their period of punishment ends, or they manage to produce evidence that convinces enough of the staff to overturn the decision in question.
While I can’t say this for certain, these types of engagements seem to be some of the most grueling tasks that the staff has to deal with and is why this community often has a shortage of staff, such as is the case now. By approving my application for moderator, you will not only solve the short term staff problem, but also the long term one, as staff retention will improve due to other staff no longer having to deal with one of the most difficult tasks associated with the position.

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Reid - 04-08-2016

I've been around for awhile. Though my track record isn't very good, I feel like I've matured to the point where I can do the job well and meet the bias requirements

But I don't blame you guys if you don't trust me enough

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Jeremy Hunter - 04-08-2016

(04-08-2016, 02:05 AM)Lythrilux Wrote:
(04-07-2016, 10:43 PM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: I also have no prior sanctions (that I remember) plus if Lyth becomes a mod we need an Order mod to fight the Core Mod.

The staff should appoint Jeremy and myself as mods then. That's the best step.

I think I might make my original post more serious though. I feel inspired by the OFL discussion earlier.

I've been here for 4 or so years. For about half of that time I did a lot of bad things and got in trouble with the staff. Eventually I got hit with a massive 1.2. Heck, even months after that I was still pretty bitter about it. Eventually through talking with an ex-staff member I came to realise that the punishment was entirely justified. I had been pretty detrimental in my demeanour and generally not that much of a constructive community member.

Since then I've generally tried to be better in my conduct but in all honestly there's a darker and more cynical side to my persona that still continues to get the better of me from time to time. I hope to improve, and as a way of trying to do good I try to use Core| as an effective means of enriching the roleplay and gameplay environment on both the server and forums, as well as using it to instruct and bring newbies into the gaming community. Eh, I guess Core is controversial but when you're at the top (I mean come on, maybe we're not the perfect but we're certainly up there with the top quarter of Disco factions) both the praise and the critism increases.

Having an Orange name would certainly be a good way for me to have some responsibility and commitment. I've always got ideas and thoughts to share as to how we can improve to the community, and I'd like to still keep giving back to the community and helping to safeguard it beyond what I do as a faction leader and member. I'm very active (as you can see by my post count etc.) and definitely have the time to do mod work and watch the forums like a hawk for trouble.

I've always been one of the bigger and controversial names in Discovery, but I'd hope having an Orange name would be a means for me to show the general population I do have some concern and care for the community I play in.

I pretty much echo Lyth in sentiments. I've been here for...what, seven years? More like five and a half due to my extended break. While I have not been sanctioned since my join date, I have toed the line during my early days. But like Lyth I've grown the hell up and fixed my conduct, to the point I've rarely, if ever, had any mod/admin have to warn me of going too far, or even have to ever refer to me as an instigator or as part of problems on the forums, nor have I needed, if any, corrections for ingame activities that warrant the rules.

I've been here enough. I'd like to help out.

RE: Hiring Baristas Today! - Ichiru - 04-08-2016

I have a passionate hatred for over-sized images on the forums, also I'm pretty good at coffee.

I'd write a wall of text, but really those mean nothing and it's about how you behave on the forums every day, not who can write the biggest and fanciest essay describing themselves.

Though in the interest of promoting myself, I have to say that I am clearly the best candidate for the job. (sun)