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To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Printable Version

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RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Aether - 09-14-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Dossiers


To whom it may concern,

Below you'll find the dossiers of known infected personnel or suspected. Hopefully this proves useful to your fight, and that this might bring forward a new time of cooperation for the betterment of our species.

These are initial findings so far. More dossiers will be provided to the Professorship in the coming days. Dossiers are subject to update with scan data.

- Curator Endurance


RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Wolfgang Weisen - 09-17-2016

[Image: dcr9Wjn.png][Image: gvXcwug.png]

These dossiers are very interesting indeed.

In fact the Order never shared intel of such calibre with us. Perhaps because they have a secrecy complex or otherwise their operatives are not as good or effective. Whatever the answer may be, the outcome is the same. The Lane Hackers are not easily impressed and at this moment we are. You proved to be more resourceful and efficient than the Order and that's what matters to us, not catchy ancient Egyptian names.

In light of this, when the whole deal is completed, I have been authorized to provide another important piece of intelligence, this time involving one of your closest allies. I hope your Battlegroup will examine it very carefully as it is quite concerning.

Auf Wiedersehen.

RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Aether - 09-17-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Statement


Mister Weisen,

It's no surprise that the Order would withhold information from your organization. In fact, they are known to keep secrets from even their closest of allies, and their own people. Their heightened sense of paranoia is a crippling factor in their efficiency, and we are not so naive to assume that we are the sole saviors of mankind - that only a selected few may know how dangerous the Universe really is. We do not enforce our dogma upon others or demand the blood of others who share our foes, but we do not tolerate arrogance. The Order have always been shady and shifty in their dealings with those who do not swear fealty to their Grand Admiral. They always will be. They have fallen from the path they chose to walk two decades ago. Power has seeped in to their minds and corrupted them like any other. They are no different than the Core, seeking to control the Omicrons and killing those who oppose their leadership. Quite interesting to view both sides of the coin.

The Core seeks to control all, while the Order seeks to control to prevent what they see as wrong. They disapprove of our more open methods, but we feel as though those who are capable and intelligent enough to comprehend and combat the threat should be fully aware of the danger in which they face. There is no sugarcoating, no lies, no secrecy. We do not withhold information that may very well save a nation, and we will not act if others are perfectly able to. We will observe until intervention is necessary, and such intervention will be swift and merciless for their bio-mechanical species.

We do not believe in catchy names or edgy rhetoric's. Their Admiral cites poetry at us before firing. A waste of breath. We do not represent a nation, but an idea. An idea in which humanity may find a means to evolve and surpass the Nomads. To survive and out-live their attacks and attempts at subversion. Unity through survival, not through the word of a man with a god complex who hides deep in the Omicrons behind minefields and subordinates.

But I digress.

Those dossiers will receive updates, and a more solid network will be established in which the Lane Hackers may access at any time. As for the information you're offering, I'm curious as to what ally you may speak of, and there is no doubt that it will be examined quite carefully. We will work to complete this deal as soon as possible.

- Curator Endurance


RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Wolfgang Weisen - 09-24-2016

[Image: dcr9Wjn.png][Image: gvXcwug.png]

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to inform you that a few days ago the individual named Ezrael Vertiga contacted the Lane Hackers. Thanks to your dossier, we were aware that Mr. Vertiga is an infectee or simply a pawn of the Alien war machine. Quite suspiciously, he seeked information about a certain leading figure of The Core.

As expected of course we refused to deal with him and instead we offered him a series of medical examinations as a way to prove he is not one of those who brought humanity in its near destruction almost two decades ago. Unsurprisingly, the subject refused our offer and ceased communication. The Lane Hackers believe that the subject may attempt to contact your organization for the aforementioned information considering your former links with The Core.

We would also like to remind you of our unfinished deal. It's been dragging on for quite some time now.

Auf Wiedersehen.

RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 09-30-2016

[Image: FJWFvSf.png]

Wolfgang Weisen and the Professorship,

Perhaps where you come from you do not inform your Assassins of negotiated contracts to avoid one another. However it seemed one of your pilots was hell bent on becoming involved in a combat situation that he shouldn't have.

(09-09-2016, 10:45 AM)Wolfgang Weisen Wrote: - In the event of either The Lane Hackers or Battlegroup Auxesia are engaged in a fight with another faction, neither of our two organizations should intervene by assisting the opposing side.

Are we to understand that the negotiated terms by you are nullified? Or do we have to tolerate this sort of issue in the future? We intended to remove a certain Maltese Destroyer flying the National Council banner from the region, but your pilot was rather... Defensive of such. Either this matter ends up resolved or we won't be pursuing these negotiations further.

Logs Wrote:[30.09.2016 08:32:09] LH~A~Richard.Hillman: Leave this storta alone Auxesia.
[30.09.2016 08:32:16] LH~A~Richard.Hillman: Otherwise, you will die here.
[30.09.2016 08:32:22] A/)-Arae.1: Stand down, Lane Hacker.
[30.09.2016 08:32:41] LH~A~Richard.Hillman: Why should I?
[30.09.2016 08:32:52] /_\-Rusty.Nail: Flynt: What you wanna reach here auxesian bug ? Think ya can kill us alone ?
[30.09.2016 08:32:52] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Raven: Sure about that, Sniffer? You will die? Yeah. Sounds about right.
[30.09.2016 08:32:54] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Scanning target [NC-MNS-Ancona~V] for: Weaknessess ::>
[30.09.2016 08:32:54] A/)-Arae.1: Last thing you want is to piss off your bosses.
[30.09.2016 08:32:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Drawing power->Grid: AR-51, AR-101 ::>
[30.09.2016 08:33:08] /_\-Rusty.Nail: Flynt : Oh darn. Opening fire
[30.09.2016 08:33:11] LH~A~Richard.Hillman: God... time to remove auxesia then.
[30.09.2016 08:33:14] LH~A~Richard.Hillman: Weapons hot!
[30.09.2016 08:33:46] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Raven: Bad idea, Hacker.

As for Ezrael Vertiga, you were correct in the assumption that he'd reach out to us, so far as to arrive at our flagship for screening. After several medical exams on him and Maren Von Westefield, they have passed screening and are clean. A search of their vessel - The Apahanta, is planned in the future to ensure nothing else may come up, despite their defensive and hesitant attitudes.

As for the rest of this deal, it should be concluded over the weekend, but I advise you sort out your Assassin, or this deal will not be completed at all.

With solidarity,

Curator Endurance & The Inner Phalanx

RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Wolfgang Weisen - 10-01-2016

[Image: dcr9Wjn.png][Image: gvXcwug.png]

Hello Curator my friend,

That was indeed what was agreed, but is this deal already in place? I am not sure.. Last I checked you were still stalling to deliver what was promised. But in light of our recent dealings we will unofficially honor the deal. Your constant strikes against the nomad war machine are undoubtedly impressive given your group's size and capabilities. I will personally see that every Lane Hacker knows the terms. But don't take advantage of that, the clock is still ticking.

Thank you for your extra information about those two individuals. Due to solid evidence against Mr Vertiga the Lane Hackers are still confident that he is compromised in another way or another and will be assassinated or captured should the opportunity arise. As for Ms Westefeld, she is not a suspect.

Auf Wiedersehen.

RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Wolfgang Weisen - 10-04-2016

[Image: dcr9Wjn.png][Image: gvXcwug.png]

Curator, I bid you good day for one more time.

The Lane Hackers have heard of your recent military exploits against the Colonial Republic and we are deeply impressed! Make no mistake, the Colonials is a militarized and expansionist war machine much like the Core from which most of you guys defected from. If that was not enough, CR's alliance with the Order is sadly also well known to us.

We would like to offer you a position in our Job Board in order to claim our exclusive bounty contracts against Colonial assets. We know you have no viable economic sources so I am certain you will hapilly accept our offer.

Auf Wiedersehen.

RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Vendetta - 10-11-2016

[Image: 4seC3IO.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Joshua Hunt
DELAY: 1.1/s
TOPIC: RE: A deal.


Mister Weisen,

It's been some time. I do apologize for the delay in correspondence and completion of these terms. Specific matters required my full attention for the past week, but you and the Professorship will be delighted to know the shipment is ready. Core weaponry.

The Argus is loaded up and ready to make the delivery in to your hands at a given time and location. Perhaps in the future we may discuss further involvement with technology deals such as this. As I've come to understand, the Lane Hackers are rather efficient. Perhaps the longer we go down this road, the more we may see of each other in ways of cooperation.

Nevertheless, when your people are available, then the hand off can be made and this matter can be concluded.

- Hunt


RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Kauket - 11-04-2016


RE: To: The Lane Hackers | CC: Sapphire Raven - Kauket - 11-05-2016