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Amenhotep: Captains Log |Internal| - Printable Version

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RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-10-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Crippling of the Amenhotep

This was not expected, a meeting with Admiral Sir Hall has proved fatal to most of my crew and even myself. Admiral Sir Hall said i did not keep my end of the deal and fired on my ship, he said Some unknown group has "caught" the Amenhotep in Bretonian space and that was the reason he attacked us. He said it was "business" and not to take it personal but thats what i did and that is what im doing. Admiral Sir Hall will pay for what he has done to me, my ship, and my crew. Two Hundred souls lost, and many more critically wounded including myself barely able to make this log. We where able to barely escape through California and then Pennsylvania. Admiral Sader was able to occupy them with politics and gave me the time needed to escape. If not for him me and my crew would have surely been lost.

Part 1 Attack of Admiral Sir Hall
Part 2 Continuation of Attack of Admiral Hall

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-10-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Rescue of the Amenhotep

Acting Captain Lt. Anderson was able to send out a distress call in my stead to the Order and Crayterian Admiral Claire Chandler. Admiral Jeremy Hunter was able to coordinate a SAR with Admiral Sader to find the Amenhotep. Lt.Anderson does not know how long we where adrift in space, but he did mention we almost hit an Asteroid field. Lt.Anderson did a fantastic job taking care of the Osiris in my stead, and did what i would have done. Admiral Sader came with a Huge SAR party, and was able to restore the Amenhotep to operation status, weapons where still offline but we maintained the basic capabilities. Not long after Auxesian Forces showed up in Pennsylvania trying to track down the Amenhotep. We had just been able to get the cloaking device operational. while 5th where able to occupy Auxesian forces. Order, Crayterian forces soon followed to support the 5th|. It is with great pleasure to yet again say we defeated the Auxesian forces. They are no match when allies band together to destroy a common foe. Under cover from LNS, 5th|, CR, and Order, we where able to make it to the Cortez Jumphole in California. But trouble almost took a turn against us as reports where coming in that a Bretonian Armed Forces Battleship tried to enter California through Magellan. Admiral Sader quickly intercepted the BAF and was able to turn him around. Admiral Sader once again proves his loyalty to me, my crew, and Humanity. Under escort from Order forces we where able to make it back to Sabah, where Crayterian medical, engineers and other various response groups. We had made it. Admiral Chandler ordered the full repair of the Amenhotep, and as a gift of good faith they outfitted the Osiris with Colonial Weaponry, since the Order weapons where blown off by Admiral Sir Hall. Mark my words Hall, we will have our revenge.

Guncam of Order pilot's
Amenhotep Recovering at Sabah

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-11-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Attack on Coronado (Again)

Auxesian forces have tried to raid Coronado, and yet again they have been met with barely half the force of the Order and barely the force of the Crayterians. They are not worth more resources. They dropped like flies, some fled off into the distance like cowards they are. My question tho, why come to Coronado? they saw the overwhelming force coming their way, yet they stood to stand and fight. I can admire that truly. But their pride was quickly smeared across the asteroids as the Amenhotep blasted them with our cannons. We recovered no survivors. Hopefully this time they will stop entering Coronado once and for all.

|O|-Amenhotep. First blood against Auxesia, true enforcer of pain and anguish.

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-11-2016

Captains Log, Subject: News

An incredible honor it was, to fly by the Order Grand Admiral side, as we plow through Auxesia's Capital Fleet. The Admirals flag ship only suffered minor scratches mostly from the debris of the flaking Auxesian Forces, the Amenhotep suffered no damage in this encounter. This just goes to show the dedication and commitment our Admiral has to his men and Humanity. More information to be mentioned in the article.


For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-11-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Meet with Star Colonel of Hellfire, Raven of Auxesia

Hellfire asked for a neutral meet between myself and Auxesia. The meet was to take place in Kansas at planet Topeka. Seems the Star Colonel of the Hellfire legion want a cease fire between Auxesia and Order, and for the Order to not bring Capital fleets into their space, also stating that we are to not attack anyone unless it is Nomadic. I cant tell you the Grand Admiral will not agree to this. But we shall see in the days to come. Hellfire kept their oath of neutrality and no one left with a scratch on them. This meet seemed very one sided to Auxesians favor. I didn't like how Raven keep asking me questions when the Hellfire was ment to be the intermediate. It seems Auxesia has stuck their claws into the Legion, i hope they see how dangerous they can be, and soon.

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-15-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Checmical Agent attack from Milly Stone

With no real time to actually make a captains log, i will quote my transmission to Admiral Hunter. I must do everything in my power to save my men. Comm Message follows:

"Admiral Hunter, something went terribly wrong. The Lyoko was headed towards Sabah and i managed to be in the area (cloaked) i de-cloaked and tried to capture Milly. But she was different some how different. She was talking funny, and for a moment she disappeared off the visual screen. Then she came back with a weird AI hue in her eye and the other was blank. I knew at that moment she could not be captured. She claimed to not be Milly but another called Ellra, she was saying how i got it all wrong and if i had wondered why Jeremy never killed Milly, because apparently they are all connected and if Milly dies so would Aelita, is this true Admiral, if so why would this be kept from me? We fought for a few moments, Her skill proving useful against my Gunners. Ellra mentioned this line "Knight to Rook" Then we heard over the frequency how the Lyoko's Core was failing and all these emergency sounds where blaring over the intercom. Ellra said a DNAB was going to go off in 30 seconds, and this was right near Planet Yuma and Sabah shipyard. Her engines where on full power headed towards the Amenhotep. We could have ran from it but leaving this bomb to go off near the Crayerians would have proved fatal. We charged the Lyoko with full power to forward shields, and all Cannons Opening fire. We would absorb this bomb to save everyone else. The Lyoko was destroyed and i immediately initiated quarantine on the scarred Amenhotep, all Blast Doors where sealed. The Bridge is secure and quarantine filters on. But im afraid it might be to late for the rest of the crew, Reports are coming in that they are not feeling well and in less then an hour my sick bay is at Maximum capacity. I wont risk Docking on Sabah so the crayterians can get sick as well. Im hoping there is something you can do, something that can save my men. For now, we remain 20k East of Yuma, to avoid any spread of this Chemical agent. Another thing Admiral, we recovered one pod from the Lyoko, it seemed Milly Stone was able to escape the initial destruction of her ship. She is being held on Deck C Maximum Detention Cell and being guarded by 3 squads of men 24-7."

I hope Admiral Hunter can do something to save my crew. Me and my crew are family and we depend on one another, and they are looking to me right now.

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-18-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Lane Hacker Request

So, the Lane Hackers have come to me with an unusual request. They want Liquid Cardi for some sort of project concerning weapons they are undertaking. They did not go into to much detail but they mentioned it was a big part of it. After speaking to Admiral Hunter about it he was very clear that under no circumstance should i give them access to this. If they want to make an official request it should go through the Order Overwatch.

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-20-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Nomad Invasion of Texas

After receiving a distress call from Junker Congress i ordered the Amenhotep to head straight to the Texas system to help the Junkers repel the Nomad strike force. It was the biggest attack on Liberty since i first took command of the Amenhotep. Wave after wave of Nomadic reinforcements arrived and we were able to contain them. With the Junker Congress Arbiter, Amenhotep and other smaller Junker spacecrafts we manage to hold Texas and.....for a time being...keep Liberty Safe for another day.

Amenhotep Gun Cam

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 09-24-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Defense of Iejima

Seems the Corsairs just dont learn, they have made an attack declaration to the GMG and plan to destroy their base is sigma 19. I have been re-deployed to defend Iejima. We take care of our friends, the Gas Miners Guild played a role in rebuilding the Amenhotep. It is only Natural to pay this forward with the defense of their Base. The Corsairs will be met with extreme force.

[Image: LQMJd4y.png]

For the Order
For the Grand Admiral

RE: Captain's Log: Jonathan Kalh | |O|-Amenhotep - Kalhmera - 10-06-2016

Captains Log, Subject: Allegiances have changed

I have thought long and hard about Liberty. It is the central hub of Sirius... If Liberty were to fall to the Nomadic threat Humanity as a whole would be effected. When i took command of the Amenhotep i was charged with the defense of humanity. I must do what is right and do what must be done to keep humanity alive. Myself and Admiral Sader have had secret meetings do discuss Parker Brooks and other small events. But when i spoke to him about Joining 5th| He seemed rather curious, intrigued, but also cautious. He wanted to know why i thought these things. I simply stated the facts... I am a lone Battleship Captain with his ship and crew, fighting in the shadows in Liberty to protect her from Nomadic incurious is starting to become more and more difficult. If me and my crew are going to be effective we need to be right where the action is. With undisturbed supply lines and stocked shipyards that can maintain the Amenhotep. Since the very beginning i have been friends with Admiral Sader saving his life, and he has saved my life as well. We are extremely close and i am confident in saying that Liberty would be in a whole mess of Nomadic trouble if it was not for the Myself and Sader working together. To make matters worse, The Order is leaving Coronado, with the mission coming to an end i will be back to having no immediate support. The Order is having its own troubles in the Omicrons concerning Auxesia and Core, so i know its a matter of time before i will be on my own anyways. I must do what is best for humanity. After all, i was tasked with keeping humanity safe. This is the best way i know how. After speaking to Sader, it has been concluded that i will be escorted to Washington Shipyard in Virginia System. Me and my men will be debriefed and then put back into service under the Liberty Flag and i will serve with Admiral Sader in the 5th|. This is scheduled to happen in the coming days, so for now we will remain in the debris feild in Texas. I almost forgot, Myself and Admiral Sader both agreed that Milly Stone will be kept a secret from Liberty, She will be cryogenicly frozen and secured on the Amenhotep Two men will guard her frozen pod at all times.