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Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-04-2006

To: RM command

Comm ID: Marauder, call-sign Plunderer


Do we have an armoury for storing/stockpiling weapons?

I have several codename weapons that I would rather not see used against us because they destroyed my ship and stole them.

Message ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 10-04-2006

Transmit to: Plunderer
Comm. ID: Komet

No, I don't believe so. However, there will be a cruiser in the near future that won't be going to war, ever. Its main purpose will be recruit training.

The Cruiser RNC-Reaper will take them as soon as it is operational.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-04-2006


Comm ID: Marauder


Understood, I'll contact my old friends in the [IND] then, if it's approved, to see about storing them until the RNC-Reaper is completed.

Message ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 10-04-2006

Transmit to: Plunderer
Comm. ID: Komet


Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-05-2006


Comm ID: Plunderer


Reporting on my two solo patrols into the nordheide.

I found and engaged a total of one hundred and seven unioner hawks, eight bruschuh and also three bounty hunters who were arrogant enough to scan my hold.

The brunschuh that I engaged appeared to be three seperate three ship assassination squads.

One of these squads was definately after myself, however the timely intervention of a valkryie patrol prevented me from being shot in the back.

The other two might have been scouting, or they might have been hunting for one of the valryie patrols. The pilots will be questioned about this later.

The BHG pilots were thrown into the brig for over-stepping their mission and will stay there for the mandatory sentence of fifty days.

Report ends:

Message terminated.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Colm Cillian - 10-06-2006

To: RM Command
Comm ID: Damefrieden

The SSO pilot Stuart Payne was encountered escorting another SSO pilot through Rhienland territory today. Upon being issued an inspection order, he admited to carrying Illegal cargo (Nomads) and promised to drop them at the New Berlin to Stuttgart gate. At the time I saw no reason to start a fight with potential Allies and excepted these terms.

However, when I arrived at the Stuttgart gate I found that Mr. Payne had not follower through with his agreement and not dropped his cargo. I confronted SSO Shaggy Bairen who was also pacing though our space and was informed that Their Job is to collect and transport Nomads, but that they do "not usually" intend to tranport them through rhienland. Mr. Bairen was informed transporting material of this kind is not "recommended" in Rhienland space. Mr Bairen was also asked to inform Mr Payne his humor was not appriciated and that Mr. Payne is not to return to Rhienland space for a period of three days.

I recommend that a 2 milion credit fine also be imposed on Stuart Payne for smuggling. It is true he was not seen to be doing so, but he did confess to doing so. Also inlight of Bairen's comments concerning the SSO's objective I recommend all of there activities in and around our space be monitored.

Captain Fiona Cillian Out.

OOC: I took a more lieniant stance against Stuart Payne, because he had some RL matters to atend to0, but informed him that this was the only time i would let him use that excuse.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-07-2006


Comm ID: Plunderer



One corsair gunboat destroyed by myself and RM Damon.

Nine BHG pilots imprisoned for over-stepping their orders, they join their three comrades from the other day.

Two zoner hawk LFs and a dromedary were also destroyed for firing upon upon me in defence of the BHG.

Numerous junker, hessian and unioner pilots captured and imprisoned.

Several other vessels scanned and allowed to continue.

Report ends.

Message terminated.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-13-2006


Comm ID: Plunderer


I stopped, scanned, checked the ID of and collected the $2 million fine on the sso| trader mentioned by my collegue.

I also stopped and scanned another sso| vessel whose pilot was pretty trigger-happy, I recommend that we request all sso| vessels to de-activate their weapon systems upon entering rheinland.

Brunschuh were sighted, a few shots were fired but nothing further happened.

Message terminated.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 10-13-2006

Transmit to: All Rheinland Military Operatives
Comm. ID: Komet

It seems our friends the BHG are over-stepping their bounds again. The SSO screw up one more time, and you are authorized to use lethal and destructive force.

Report all further SSO activity in Rheinland. Another slip-up may change our diplomacy with them.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - marauder - 10-22-2006

To: RM HQ and all RM

Comm ID: Plunderer


Sirs, while on a short patrol in sigma 13, I discovered that there are still wrecks of brave rheinland pilots from the 80 years war.

It has come to my attention that people are actively grave-robbing these wrecks and disturbing the last rest of our fallen comrades. Also some of them are apparently carrying classified research materials and this is why our dead are not left in peace.

I propose we find out which classified weapon projects were given to the pilots who never left sigma 13 and then we fine people $2 mil for grave-robbing and then $1 mil for each of the weapons themselves, unless they decide to hand them over.

Anyone who fails to comply or refuses should be destroyed and listed as enemies of rhienland.

This should hopefully stop the looting of our war-dead.

Message ends:


I ran this idea past virus last night, he liked it so I thought I'd see what the other RM think of it.

These fines would be only for codenames from sigma 13, of which their are six, I can PM a list to any other RM if you need/want it.

The fines are quite simple, heres an example:-

If player Z is in rheinland and when scanned has codenames mounted/in the hold he would get fined $2 mil for each/any pair that come from sigma 13.

Player Z then has to pay a further $1 mil for each codename gun that comes from sigma 13, the only way to avoid paying this part is to transfer them to an RM player or drop them for the RM player to tractor in.

Then note the name of the player and post it here, they won't have to pay again unless you find more codenames from sigma 13 on them.

This will be a three strike thing, if your found to have looted the wrecks in sigma 13 three times (either you've got 6 guns of one codename onboard or you've been scanned and dumped guns from sigma 13 three times) you'll be declared an enemy of rhienland and shot on sight whenever you enter.

If player Z refuses at any point, or lands and sells the codenames then you destroy them and post about it here, then whenever they go back into rheinland they'll be shot on sight.