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To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Printable Version

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To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Cosmos - 12-12-2008

its a RP server, use you're words too inflict the damage, Not you're guns.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - McNeo - 12-12-2008

If that was true, then why does it matter if armour is taken away. You RP getting hit by a mortar and bow out of a heated 10v10 debating battle with your mortal enemies... Better yet, turn off PvP on the entire server, right?!


The only time a person or group of people is harmed directly with RP is with powerplaying, which forces the opposing side into a very unfavourable position against their will and without their permission. What actions construe poweplaying can be debated though.

FL is a shooting game. Like it or not, most people dont RP just to RP, but to PvP aswell. Personally I prefer a balance, but thats just me.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - El Nino - 12-12-2008

Armor upgrades are nice, generaly, It's only a shame that mk8 fighter ones are so cheap... i'd rather see them gorangutan, 4.0 for fighters, at colossal prices, that's the general idea anyhow. As with larger armors, skill really takes more of a role than luck. You perhaps manage a lucky mini razor shot, without armor that would kill your opponent, but with armor you need to do 10 "lucky" shoots, and that is called skill. Some people can do it, similar with SN, very hard to kill, but it solves the match in an instant, god-like aimers, can thus kill 4 foes in matter of minutes 1 on 4, wich i think is very beneficial to a RP enviroment, armors in a way amplify skill, as with let's say only 10k armor, it is very easy to on a surten Joust launch 1 paralyzer and 2 cannonballs, and dead is your opponent, and that takes far less skill than say a SN kill.

The length of fights is sometimes suprisingly short, and then other times fairly long. If you get 2 pilots that aim poorly, fights may take forever... especialy if there's some shield running involved...

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Kambei - 12-12-2008

1. this isnt PvP server, nobody want faster PvPs

2. there are uber weapons like nukes, minirazors, supernovas etc. etc. which blow almost all fighters (SN completly all) after one hit without upgrade (poor vanila ships... they are blown with upgrade too)

3. NPCs here are extreme in comparation with vanila... poor zoners in omicrons vs jellyfishies...

4. if yu dont like them... be hard core and dont use them:)

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Emon - 12-12-2008

I can see the advantages of decreasing armor, mainly more gun kills.

However, some ships are already extremely fragile. I've exploded from a single cannonball with a Mk VIII upgrade, I shudder to think at what would happen if I had less armor.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Thexare - 12-12-2008

' Wrote:1. this isnt PvP server, nobody want faster PvPs
I was not aware that we elected you as the voice of everyone on the server.

I've been in a few that I just wanted to end, with my Liberator usually. Some fights do take too damn long; if you get bored before you actually finish the fight, I would say that qualifies as "too damn long".

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Kambei - 12-12-2008

' Wrote:I was not aware that we elected you as the voice of everyone on the server.

I've been in a few that I just wanted to end, with my Liberator usually. Some fights do take too damn long; if you get bored before you actually finish the fight, I would say that qualifies as "too damn long".

:wacko: ok nobody elected me, you won:)

Imagine your liberator in fight with my gunship without armor upgrade:)pew pew I won :P your time on battlefield? 5 seconds?

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Cosmos - 12-13-2008

i always fly my bomber, and i either kill other fighters/bomber with the Sidewinder missles or the SN, i use SN most of the time, but sidewinder is nice for fighters, cus it does alot of damage even wit hthe armour.

Kambei edit you're post or grow up please? you will find that young people play this too and we dont want them going too their mum saying what does sex mean?? do we?


To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Grumblesaur - 12-13-2008

Maybe to solve this, we have armor upgrades above 2.0 take up not cargo space, but nanobot and shield battery holds. Let's say for a Mk. VIII armor upgrade, you get 10 less of each regen type.

As for Caps, knock off 50 batts/bots for 2.5 above. At 3.0, 100 and 3.5 and 4.0 lose 150 batts/bots.

To hell with Armor Upgrades! - Blackstarr - 12-13-2008

giving the fact that i suck in lets see..... almost every ship in the game... i say...


i quite like the armor upgrades.... they keep me alive.... i can barely survive already with them installed v.v