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Finally I've found you guys. - Printable Version

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Finally I've found you guys. - Magoo! - 12-23-2008

Ello, guv'... ness!

Finally I've found you guys. - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-23-2008

Just read your bio...

Sounds impressively - tall... :P

Just remember - once you go bounty hunter, you'll never go back... :crazy:

Seriously, though - :rtfm: read the rules, if you have any questions, please ask... and avoid Omega 58. That's NOT a nice place to visit...

Who let the Dogs out?

Finally I've found you guys. - NerdRage - 12-23-2008


Dont forget to drink Cardi-Cola to keep yourself 'healthy'

Finally I've found you guys. - Xing - 12-23-2008

well, hello hello there~

Finally I've found you guys. - jshkornmiller - 12-23-2008

well well well, new meat for me. bwahahaha!

just messing, i have a cannibal character, well i did until everyone got upset when i ate their characters then i deleted it then remade it again last night :laugh:

Anyway, you seem to have found the best place to RP. i also have searched for good places to RP, (including World of warcraft RP realm) = Fail.

Finally I've found you guys. - Stoat - 12-23-2008

Hello, good evening and welcome....

It's all a bit nuts here, but there's more than enough stuff going on to keep you interested for years. Though I must admit to being concerned that no-one has yet warned you about the communist penguins. They used to be killer penguins, but evolved into a higher state of conciousness some time back.........