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Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Printable Version

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Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Dashiell - 01-07-2009

I`m a BH and I appriciate the RP you just offered me and my fellow hunters. cheers mate. Finally someone who puts up nice bounties.

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Zapp - 01-07-2009

I don't get terribly much playtime, but expect Esther to be cracking some skulls pretty soon.;)

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - Asgardian - 01-09-2009

Well, I think I've claimed about $70ish million in those bounties you've offered, what were you saying about no-one noticing?:P Since I'm fighting in a Battleship, I usually try to make it fair on the Corsairs, like Two cruisers Vs me or a cruiser and a couple of bombers etc. Had some close calls but its been fun and profitable. Oh, and look out for my fighter, Linda.Jacobson...she'll be cashing in on some bounties:cool:

Bounties, Bounty Hunters, and M26 Gunboats - jammi - 01-09-2009

Out of intrest, wasn't there a deal with between Benitez and the Unseelie a while back? I remember Pepe organising something. I think. Either wy the specifics evade my memory.

If not, we'll just sling ya up on the THU board (Tax Higher than Usual) as we do with the other traders that irritate us.

And I agree, dumbing the thread down will attract more Bounty Hunters. Oh, and sorry for the continued off-topic :\