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Tea Break? - Printable Version

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RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-14-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

It doesn't matter. She snapped in response. I'll have to break this habit before I get re-deployed, I appreciate your concern, but theres nothing else I can really do right now. Her tone turned a bit more serious, she knew the Policemen meant well, but she wasn't looking for pitiful therapy sessions or talks. With her re-deployment coming up soon, she was going to have to break her drinking issue.

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-14-2017

The hell it doesn't. John snapped back. You want to break this habit? you must deal with the issues that cause it. You have to get out and do...somthing. Don't sit here and wallow in your pity. It's hard, i grant you but one way or another you have to deal with it and sitting here drinking yourself into an early grave isn't the way to do it.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-17-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

Nicole paused for a moment and took a deep breath, he was right. She needed to get over the issue, but aside from working out she had nothing. Fine. I guess it's time to go head out. I have to workout soon anyways. Nicole knew of a few places to go relax at, maybe read up, or even dance if she was up to it.

RE: Tea Break? - Victor Steiner - 04-17-2017

He nodded at her Good, that's something. Less drinking lass, it will only add to your probelms. Solutions are not found at the bottom of glasses. If you need to talk this out, I know a good psycologist. both men stood up and walked towards the door

Anything else before we head off? Richard asked

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-17-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

That's all, thank you, have a good day. She replied to the Officers, she still was unsure of what to do, however, she had her eyes set on going out to a club for the night, or maybe even a cafe, someplace casual to relax.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 04-24-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

[Image: 6bNkZGD.jpg?1]

Nicole took the Officer's words into account, at least for the day, she had to break her problem either way. She wasn't -addicted- but she was using it as a means of getting around her PTSD which seemed to be growing faster than the Gallic advance since she got back from Leeds. The visit to the gym was refreshing, helping her to sober up and feel better at the same time. She might not have been too close with the people aside from her trainer, but the company of other people sure helped her think about something other than her past. By the end of her workout she didn't want to leave, she had no idea what the night had for her, or where she would go out. Venturing through the jungle of New London late at night likely resulted in a theft encounter like the one Nicole had dealt with the night before. Still Nicole didn't want to stay home and dawn on her past, and she certainly couldn't take another bottle of gin.

Nicole knew of a few clubs some of the other soldiers in the Armed Forces visited during their R&R. Nicole wasn't much of a dancer, she would go out drinking with some others, but dancing drunk was only the opposite of fun. Still, a lively club would probably beat a lonely library or cafe. After taking a shower, Nicole threw on some casual clothes, combed her hair back with only a little effort, and decided to head out to have some food.

Nicole went to a tiny local restaurant, nothing fancy at all, no one was at the door to conduct customers to their seats. She walked over and sat down outside on the balcony, looking out at the sunset towards the city. Further down the balcony and around the corner was a door to another room, a bar. Nicole looked over at the door and saw nothing, she decided to wait until she finished eating before venturing about the restaurant.

The food was delicious, leaving her not too full but not hungry at all, she hadn't had liquor all day, Nicole was feeling fine as she got up and walked over towards the door. As she entered the bar she saw a counter serving liquor on the left side of the room, on the other side of the Room stood several tables, all occupied. No gin. She muttered to herself as she walked over to the counter, looking for something to drink, she decided to have a bit of water then decide after. She eyed the bartender. Glass of water please. She spoke up as he approached her. She sat down on one of the stools close to the counter. She sat down and starred forward into the wall, pictures of deceased pilots encompassed the entire wall, judging by the dates most of them died during the conflict with the Kusari Empire in the taus.

You're sitting in my seat. A man said standing behind her, another man stood next to him, he seemed drunk, given his posture. His tone was too deep, struggling to spit out every syllable of every word he screamed at Nicole. Get outta my seat! He screamed with widened eyes, the entire bar turned and faced him, the bartender put the glass of water on the counter in front of Nicole. Nicole turned towards, him, the bartender turned away and went to go serve another drink as if nothing happened. Nicole took a sip of her glass and moved out of the seat towards the door, she was cut off by the man. Without saying a word, he swung at Nicole knocking her down on the floor and causing the glass of water to fall on the ground and shatter. She got up, now angry, cracked her neck and moved in towards the man. He swung at her, Nicole ducked under him and threw a jab at him, knocking him off balance. She moved in closer throwing more jabs, throwing an occasional uppercut with her right hand and eventually finishing him off with a cross to the face. Everyone in the bar got up, the man's friend pulled a gun out. Get the fuck outta here lady. Two other men drew knives out and approached her from behind. The bartender turned towards Nicole, his hand extending under the counter, likely ready to draw out an arm himself.

Nicole started to walk towards the door, which was unfortunately also towards the man pointing a gun at her. She thought for a second, debating to shove her conscience out of the question and attack him. But as she went to pass him he went to press the barrel against her temple, she reacted, swung her arm up like a windmill grasping the gun and shoving it in another direction as she swung at him. After hitting him twice he started to let go of the gun, Nicole ripped it out of his hands and pointed it at him. Her instincts kicked in, ever muscle her body warmed up the adrenaline overwhelming her, her muscle memory begging her to pull the trigger and kill the man. Just before she could pull the trigger, she heard the two other men approach her.

She stepped back unloaded the gun so she wouldn't kill either of them, and threw the gun off to the side. She grabbed a cloth on the counter and wrapped it around her arm, ready to deal with the knives. One of the men moved in to gut her, she tucked her stomach in grabbed the arm with his knife, as she disarmed him the other man moved up closed and swang the knife against her arm. She flinched at the pain as she finished disarming the other man, grabbing arm and twisting it behind him as she hooked her arm around the front of his neck pulling him back away from his friend. The weight of his body tugged against his neck that was under Nicole's grip, again her instinct was to kill the man, but she dropped him right then and there. Before the other man went to gut Nicole with his knife someone else stepped in to Nicole's defense.

Another man, only a little taller than the others, grabbed one of her attackers by the throat and shoved his head into the wall. He dropped unconscious as the other attacker struggled to breathe on the ground. Come on, before we get shot. Her mysterious savior spoke up, he had a Libertonian accent, dirty blonde hair, and most noticeably to Nicole, -dark blue eyes-.

Nicole started losing more blood, not enough to make her nauseous or dizzy, but her rescuer insisted on treating her. As the pair cleared the building and walked down the block her rescuer stopped her. That's going to get bad if you don't patch it up. He said. I'll be fine, thank you. Oh come on at least let me try to look friendly. Can I have a name at the very least. Nicole was slightly intrigued, it was obvious he was helped her for more than just satisfying his conscience, assuming he had one. Nicole, what's yours? She replied curiously. Casey. I'd say more but your arm is going to go blue, I know this sounds weird but do you have a place nearby? I can patch you up there, but I've got nothing on me out here. The nearest hospital is minutes away and hours from actually treating that wound. She looked at him awkwardly. Uh... are you homeless or something? She replied with confused tone. No I just don't tend to stay in one place for too long. Look, you need to get somewhere and get that treated weather its me or someone else. Nicole thought for a second about what to say, she was worried he might actually be homeless or some other creep, but his general posture, appearance, and his ability to take down a man in a split second said otherwise. She figured he was interested in her, but he was handsome enough to keep her attention anyways. Come on, I owe you anyways I guess. She replied. I'll be out as soon as is patched up, sorry if the first question was a bit.. It's fine. Nicole cut him off as the pair walked back towards her apartment.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 05-01-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

Casey escorted Nicole back to her apartment, she was a bit intrigued by his character, at first she thought he was just someone trying to get a night out with a girl, but the seriousness in his character showed as he escorted Nicole home. He was constantly looking over his shoulder, he seemed shaken, restless, like someone was watching him every step of the way. Nicole resisted the urge to speak up, asking him to relax, she thought it might make him feel too comfortable too soon. As the two approached Nicole's apartment her arm started throbbing in pain, the blood loss wasn't severe, but enough to start causing her discomfort. Casey stopped in front of the door asking for the code, Nicole moved next to him and punched in the code. Bandages? Possibly stitches if it's looking bad? Casey asked her as he searched for the restroom, the smell of alcohol lingered in the air, startling him for a split second before he continued to look about. The Cupboard on the left inside the restroom, Nicole responded as she fell back against her couch. She took off her long sleeve shirt, pressing her palm against the wound. Less than a minute passed when Casey came running back with a cloth, some bandages, scissors, and stitches.

As he gunned around the couch he took a quick glimpse at Nicole in her tank top, she had an Armed Forces tattoo on her opposite arm, Casey immediately realized why she was able to handle the men at the bar. Let me see. He said as he sat down and went to look at the wound. How long have you been in service? He asked as he examined the wound, rubbing the blood off her shoulder with the cloth. On the longer side of 4 years. She muttered in reply, she started getting a bit nervous, she didn't entirely know Casey, yet something about him seemed appealing, the way he spoke, the way he looked. She decided to just keep speaking up with after him, he was patching her up gratis anyways. Here, a bandage should be fine for now, its not a bad wound unless its kept exposed like this. He said as he started wrapping the bandage around Nicole's arm, the grip of the bandage against the wound stung at first, but eventually the pain settled down. As Casey got ready to put the bandages and medical equipment back, Nicole's curiosity got the better of her, and she spoke up suddenly with a much sharper tone. And who're you? Casey stopped for a second with his back facing Nicole, he looked a bit over his shoulder. I can't exactly talk about that. Nicole turned around and shook her head a little. What do you mean "can't exactly"? By the time she spoke up he was already putting the medical equipment back, he walked out of the door and paused for a second, breathing out before he went to reply. Tell you what, I have... a few days left I can spend here before I really gotta go, thing is, I've got no place since I just got here. If you spare me the trip to the nearest hotel, I'll talk with you all night. Nicole didn't think twice before speaking up immediately in response. I'm not letting a random person sleep in my apartment, especially if I know who he is.

Casey paused for a second, I was with the Navy, for a while, I'm sort of retired now, wandering about, hoping to end up somewhere interesting. Somewhere where there's no war? Nicole spoke up in reply. Now if only that was possible. He said smirking, the story sort of fit, and Nicole's conscience wouldn't just let him roam about on the street, especially if he WAS ex-Navy. This room's yours, I'm sorry I asked I didn't know. It's fine. He replied immediately, as he sat down Nicole walked over to her room, ready to crash.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 05-12-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 6 April, 824 A.S

Nicole shut the door behind her as she entered her room, Casey seemed to be out cold on the couch. Still being hesitant, she took in her SIG and placed it on the table next to her bed. She shut off the lamp as she sat down on the bed, leaving the only source of light to be the light beaming in front of her from the window just to her right. As she took off her boots and jeans she glared out the window. She got up and walked over to the window, staring out at some of the windows in the building across from her apartment. All she could see where people sitting on couches, in the upper levels of the building she could see a pattern of changing lights, likely a club. She looked down at the street, the rain soaked what few people were out wandering past 10 pm. The fog that built up from the pollution made it impossible to see further than a few feet in front of you. Nicole could barely see the windows across from her. Still, it was something about this setting that made her feel at home, it was similar to what she had experienced on the industrial wasteland of Planet Leeds. City life made her feel at home, but also did the necessary evil of keeping her on her toes, which was probably why she bothered to stay around rather than settle in Cortez. Nicole took in the casual setting for a few more minutes before walking and falling on top of her bed, which still wore the light stench of alcohol. She was sober, and within a few minutes, out cold on top of her bed. Everything felt fine at first, but within seconds she was re-living the same nightmare that had forced her to drink herself to sleep night after night. She found herself in the trenches of Leeds, sitting alongside some of her squad mates that had arrived on the surface from the very escort mission where she was shot down. As the captain walked down the trench, ordering everyone to get ready, her colleagues peaked out over the trench. Before she could react to try and stop them, several rounds flew over the trench, ripping her friends apart. As mortar fire roared through the winds and whistles went off in a domino effect, Nicole saw several Gallic soldiers flood into the trench to her left. As she reacted she saw a Gallic soldier walk up to the edge of the trench above her. She had sharp red hair and wore an officers uniform, she drew out her sidearm and shot Nicole in the forehead at point blank.

In that instant she woke up breathing heavy, her own sweat coated her like a shield. After a few minutes of shaking and breathing heavy, Nicole thew on some sweatpants and went out to the kitchen. She was tearing up slowly, trying to be silent so Casey wouldn't wake up. She searched through some of the bags but found no gin, she drank all she bought the previous day. Shit. She muttered to herself, without even thinking she grabbed her coat along with her wallet and went to open the door. She went downstairs to exit the apartment, it was still pouring rain outside, and she wasn't even wearing shoes, it didn't matter, being able to fall asleep was worth walking out barefoot for. As if on que, Casey spoke up behind her as she exited into the abyss of pouring rain. It'll only get worse you know. His voice startled Nicole, who began shivering from the impact of the cold rain over her coat and head. What is it to you? She spat back at him, now crying. I can't sleep unless I'm forced to somehow! She continued before Casey could say anything. Well, I'd hate to see the person that gave me so much hospitality end up dead because of a mistake. This isn't the way to deal with it, I know-. You don't know anything about me. She cut him off before he could finish. Captain, that's who you should be right? He spoke up, Nicole's face turned slightly more hostile. Look I don't know who you think you are, but if you keep giving me shit like this I'll kick you back out on the street. You're going to fight me for liquor? He made a smart-ass reply, he knew she was upset, but Casey knew he'd have Nicole's heart if he broke her drinking issue. The only way to break that was to break her so she wouldn't have the strength to feed -what seemed like- her addiction. Without hesitating Nicole went to jab him in the face, her military grit showed, her form was solid, fast, and nearly unstoppable. Casey however, had much more extensive training from his current "Supervisors", and saw the punch coming a mile away. Casey threw his left hand across him blocking the punch and securing her arm out of place with his right hand. She broke free, and swung at him with her right hand, she over-exaggerated the swing, Casey ducked underneath and watched her momentum throw her into a wall. Nicole snapped back around, and began throw jab/cross combos at him trying to back him against the wall. Casey let her get confident by keeping his guard up and moving back, but before they approached the wall Casey snapped over to her right and tripped her. She fell onto the ground, the tears on her face barely noticeable with all of the rain, she laid there as if she was about to die. I'm done with this. She said after turning her head to the side. Come here. Casey grabbed her arm and threw it behind his neck, he picked her up and walked into the apartment. As he worked his way towards the stairs Nicole passed out.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 05-15-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 7 April, 824 A.S

Nicole woke up in bed to the sound of rain yet again, she lied tucked in bed in her underwear, feeling a bit more depressed than sick. After rolling over to her side and widening her eyes a bit she could feel a small bruise on her forehead from falling on the concrete. After semi-"waking up", Nicole looked around her room for Casey, who wasn't anywhere to be found. Figuring he was out in the next room, or gone, Nicole laid back on her side and shut her eyes again, trying to rest a bit longer. Another hour passed when Nicole finally got herself out of bed, while reaching down for her jeans and tank-top she heard a door in the next room open up. She figured it might've been Casey, but she approached the door cautiously anyways. Upon opening the door to the living room she saw Casey, about to leave. Casey wen't to speak up but Nicole cut him off before he could say a word. Look I'm sorry about what I did, or rather- what I tried to do. I know you're right but I don't see the point in trying to solve this now when I'm going to be re-deployed soon. Casey, turned around and walked towards Nicole while speaking. Don't worry about what happened, as for your problem well, drinking might put you to sleep but its going to get more painful every time. What helped me was just doing other things to take my mind off it, but then again you're still in the military. She shrugged her shoulders and spoke up. I don't know if I want to stay, especially with the way I've been treated recently. Do what your heart tells you, don't put yourself through more pain if it's only going to hurt you more than make you feel proud. Nicole paused for a moment, and thought about -really- stopping, if it would help or not, after a few seconds she couldn't decide and responded to Casey with. Maybe it is time to stop, but I can't decide now. Casey looked at her for a second before breaking the silence. Well I hope you do, but yea, I guess I should kinda stop living in your place. Thank's for giving me a place to stay, I'll leave you alone now. As Casey turned Nicole spoke up. Wait. She said stopping Casey as he walked towards the door, he turned back and eyed Nicole. If you need to stay longer you can, but... do you wanna get something to eat? Nicole's face turned red, and her heart started racing hoping Casey wouldn't make some embarrassing smartass reply. Casey thought for a moment. I need to drop some stuff off either way, but tonight I can, give me a call in few? Yea I will, thanks. See you tonight then. He said as he walked out and closed the door.

RE: Tea Break? - Wesker - 06-18-2017

Location: Planet New London, New London
Date: 7 April, 824 A.S

Nicole's heart was racing, previous dating experiences weren't exactly the best memories for Nicole. After so many horrible instances she decided to shove her love life to the side and join the Military. Maybe someone there wouldn't be a complete prick, and maybe she would meet someone worthwhile, now it was time to see. Casey's looks made up for Nicole being oblivious to so much about him, and hearing that he was a former Navy pilot made her feel a bit more comfortable. Nicole dressed up a bit nicer for the occasion, no makeup, but still a different hairstyle and outfit, hopefully it would be enough. Nicole grabbed her wallet, threw on a leather jacket over her outfit, and walked over to the apartments elevator. The pair had agreed to meet at a casual restaurant just a few blocks from where Nicole stayed. Nicole exited the apartment, her heart already racing, she began walking down the road slowly, taking in every second of her long journey down the road. As she walked down closer to the restaurant she could see templars soaring above the skyscrapers, people on the streets protesting the war, other's cheering on the soldiers walking around in uniform.

Nicole entered the restaurant, she saw Casey sitting down over at one of the tables near one of the windows. Nicole walked, over and waved before sitting down. I should've dressed nicer, considering you look more amazing than anyone else in the room. Nicole smirked as she put her jacket on the seat and sat down. I didn't know the alcohol made that much of a difference. She said jokingly, Casey smirked for a second, knowing it was gonna be a long night.