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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - ian - 01-16-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Defense Division
FROM: Ian Davies
RE: Patrol Report

1. Name and vessel type
IMG|Ian,Davies[D] - Ravens Talon

2. Area of operation

3. Ships escorted

4. Hostiles encountered

5. Casualties on both sides

6. Other interesting events
as i undocked from Java and not even 5 minutes had gone by when a CCS pilot and a CCS pilots father speaking of "peace" came to Java and although suspicious a allowed them to get near since peace would be a good thing but soon as he got near did i relise he didnt mean "Peace" as in "no-more fighting" but he meant "peace" as in "here have a peice of my missiles".

we fought for roughly only 3 minutes untill i fell and found out my escort ship's load-out is insufficient for defending Java or fighting in the Tau's

unfortunatly my ships camera was destroyed early on in the first fight so i no pictures can be recovered

Ian out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 01-20-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Econ Division
FROM: Jack Gibson, Journeyman Miner
RE: Mining Report

Mined niobium in the field west of Java over the weekend. Filled the hold of my new mining ship, though the boat was pretty hard to get in in the first place. Mr. Sean Glamis was kind enough to fly patrol during my shift, and to help with a bit of mining himself.

Glamis went after two OC who got too close and then pretty much attacked. Not that we didn't warn them off, but I guess they didn't believe us. Glamis made short work of 'em.

Afterward, Glamis escorted me all the way to Dortmund to sell my haul. Made a tidy profit off that.

Trying to figure out the best vessel configuration for mining, or maybe I'll just relocate to another field. I'll keep you posted.

Gibson out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 01-22-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Guild Membership
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Treaty of Curacao

Greetings, Fellow Guild Members.

This coming Sunday, IMG will sign the Treaty of Curacao, along with representatives from the Bretonian and Liberty governments, as well as excutives of Orbital Spa and Cruise. The purpose of the Treaty - initiated by the Bretonian and Liberty governments - is to codify free and open trade between the two houses, and to provide secure transit in the border worlds between. This includes the systems of Cortez and Magellan.

Please find attached the most recent draft of the treaty: Draft - Treaty of Curacao

As you can see from the discussion, I did not hesitate to press our interests in this matter, and all of my concerns were addressed in a forthright manner by BAF Commodore Nelson. Please take careful note of the discussion points, as they reflect IMG priorities in Magellan.

In particular, you will note the following:

1. The 5K no-fire zone around Freeport 4 is to be respected by all parties at all times, except in self-defense, or except for IMG vessels enforcing the policy.

2. No vessels of either house military are allowed to dock on Freeport 4 without authorization from IMG personnel, except in case of extreme emergency, and even then, permission is to be requested if possible. We will charge any violator of this policy 250,000 credits on sight. Such encounters are to be holocammed, and any failure to pay should be reported to me immediately.

3. Our mining rights are protected. Under no circumstance may either house nationalize the natural resources of Magellan or Cortez.

4. The Treaty creates NATO, which is a joint Bretonian-Liberty security organization. However, no house military officer has any authority whatsoever over IMG personnel. The only exception would be if IMG defense pilots participate in emergency military operations with NATO vessels. However, this is not to occur unless Freeport 4 or IMG personnel or allies are in immediate danger. Also, no IMG personnel may be pressed into service by NATO forces.

Any observed violation of the Treaty should be holocammed and reported to Guild leadership immediately. Any questions can be sent to me via PM.

Thank you.

Peter Barrington
Guild Master

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Seth Karlo - 01-22-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Trade Devision
FROM: Set Koli
RE: Trade Report

Carted some Pharmacuetecals up to Falkstad, and some Niobium down to the Ring in New Berlin. Made a bit of profit, not too much though, will continue to trade, as alway's, and send money to the guild whenever I can.

Set out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - ian - 01-23-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Defense Division
FROM: Ian Davies
RE: Patrol Report

1. Name and vessel type
IMG|Ian.Davies[D] - Ravens Talon

2. Area of operation

3. Ships escorted

4. Hostiles encountered

5. Casualties on both sides

6. Other interesting events
went out onto Patrol in Tau-31 and soon started receiving communications from the Colonial Remnant for aid and upon further scanning found out they were fighting the BAf and i stood by my orders to decline and stay out of the fight.

apart from that the traffic was virtually non-existance, not surprising since it is a war zone, and nothing out of the ordinary was happening

after the fight the Colonial Remnant made a remark about Planet Harris which you might find interesting, log is attached at the end of the original log.


Ian out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 01-24-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Guild Membership
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: Membership Roster

Please find below an updated roster of our Guild membership. If you notice any errors, please contact me directly for correction.

Membership Roster (by division)

Economic Division

Director: IMG|Claude.Foster[M] (Ktayn)
IMG|Claude.Foster[T] (Ktayn)

IMG|Katrina.Lillian[M] (Hawkwings)
IMG|Starless.Black[M] (Emerlist Davjack)
IMG|Mining.Drone-471[M] (Derkylos)
IMG|Jack.Gibson[M] (Trevelyan)

IMG|Gerhard.Mueller[T] (Trevelyan)
IMG|Set.Koli[T] (Seth Karlo)
IMG|Baxter.Quigley[T] (Emerlist Davjack)
IMG|Marc.MacGowen[T] (von Gotteshand)

Defense Division

Director: IMG|Nick.Hargreaves[D] (Encheta Shimoa)

IMG|Destor.Raven[D] (Bobafett)
IMG|David.Masterson[D] (Incognito)
IMG|Ian.Davies[D] (IanD)
IMG|Sean.Glamis[D] (von Gotteshand)
IMG|Roland.Quinnan[D] (Skoko)
IMG|Mike.Alexandros[D] (Ktayn)
IMG|Starless.Black[D] (Emerlist Davjack)
IMG|Ethan.Murphy[D] (Tarkis)
IMG|Roger.Nielson[D] (Trevelyan)

R&D/Provisions Division

Director: IMG|Syana.Kyan[R&D] (Seth Karlo)
IMG|Trailblazer[R&D] (Seth Karlo)

IMG|V.Alexandros[E] (Ktayn)
IMG|Selikar.Khan[E] (Seth Karlo)
IMG|Encheta.Shimoa[E] (Encheta Shimoa)
IMG|Isaac.Goldwell[E] (Derkylos)
IMG|Peter.Barrington[E] (Trevelyan)

Guild Master

Barrington out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Derkylos - 01-28-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Economics Division, CC R&D
FROM: Isaac Goldwell
RE: Further Experimentation

Having offloaded the first full shipment from the drone, I managed to make a few modifications to it's mineral collecting systems, as well as it's language database, in the hopes that it will be able to deal with a more diverse range of situations.

However, while it was attempting to return to Tau-23 to test said upgrades, it apparently encountered a CR vessel, callsign "Taureg". Most of the data from the encounter seems to have been erased for some reason...possibly connected to the one statement I can dredge up of "forget it".

I hope no important data was lost...guess I should have thought to add in colloquialisms to it's vocabulary...oh, well, back to the drawing board...

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - beander2 - 02-02-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: IMG Membership
FROM: Peter Barrington, GM
RE: New Diplomatic Initiatives

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Guild:

I am pleased to announce two important diplomatic agreements that have just been undertaken. First, yesterday, I signed the Treaty of Curacao on behalf of the Guild. The text of the treaty is here: Treaty of Curacao. Please read through the treaty carefully and note those sections of importance for IMG. Examples include:

1. No basing of naval forces and no naval docking rights at Freeport 4 unless in case of emergency. This is enforceable via a 250,000 credit fine to IMG vessels observing violations.

2. Protection of access to natural resources in Magellan and Cortez.

3. Protection of IMG voting rights in cases dealing with Magellan, as well as in general administration of the systems.

Please be cognizant of the Treaty stipulations as you operate in either of those systems.

Second, IMG has concluded an agreement with the Gas Miners Guild, which allows each party access to each other's bases, sharing of ship technology (Taiidan Bombers for Ravel Talons), and the rights to ship h-fuel from GMG bases to IMG (rights for both GMG and IMG traders). GMG has also offered to escort any IMG vessel through Sigma 13 free of charge. This, I believe, is the beginning of a fruitful relationship between our two guilds.

Barrington out.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Encheta - 02-03-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****
TO: R&D Division, Exploration Section
FROM: Encheta Shimoa
RE: Exploration Report

Greetings R&D. With the increased Outcast activity in the Tau systems, I thought it would be good to update our charts of Tau 23 while I was staying at Java. I did not meet anyone while I was flying though as I took a low profile and worked when no potential ship readings were on long distance scanners.

I'll be moving down to the Dublin system in the next few weeks to continue my chart work there. It has been a while since I've visited the racers down at the Hood..

Sending the exploration data now. Hope the miners wil be able to use it. Encheta out.

*****Receiving Data*****


IMG|Encheta.Shimoa[E] / Spatial

Area Explored:

Tau 23 System

Bases Docked:

Java Station

Hostiles Encountered:

Numerous Outcast rookie patrols throughout the system. High chance of meeting Outcast aces, particularly from the CCS and RoS. Advise all vessels to use extreme caution. Recommend having enough escorts/backup to adequately defend against at least 2 ace pilots.


Hammerhead Wolverine. Bounter Hunters Guild. Coords 5/6E. Various equipment found undamaged that may be salvagable.
Freight Train Edward Marshall. Coords 6/7F. Significant quantity of beryllium found in cargo hold along with aftermarket transport turrets. Warning - Mines.

Other Encounters:

None. Junkers known to pass through system occasionally, as well as a few independant traders and smugglers.

Minable Commodities Found:

Niobium - Three fields west and north of Java Station.
Beryllium - East of Tau 23/31 jump gate.

-Personal note- While somewhat further away, the niobium field north of Java appears to have the highest yield, with the smallest field (approx. north-west od Java) having the least yield of the three. Overall the fields have comparitively high commodity concentrations in respect to IMG fields within Bretonian systems. Also, BMM apears to have monopolised the mining operations in the beryllium field east of the Tau jumpgate. It is advised not to mine there - we don't want to get our hands bloodied now, do we?

Misc. System Features:

Significant radiation pockets producing little to no discernable damage. Minefield also situated around the beryllium pocket in the system - advise caution. Outcast Cali Base situated south-east of Java. Recent scans indicate weapons platforms and high Outcast activity typical to ace pilots - all IMG pilots should keep their distance. Jump holes known to travel to Tau 37 and Tau 44 systems situated north-north-east and north-east of Java respectively. Jump holes tested and confirmed to go to Kyushu an Tau 29 located east and south-east of Java. Warning - close proximity to Cali base if taking direct line of travel. Finally, new jump hole found south-west of Java Station. Jump capable probes suggest the system is uninhabited with initial grivitational scans detect numerous small objects in high density clouds, indicating possible asteroid fields.. Hell, what am I saying - of course it's asteroid feilds. There can't be mines in a desolate, uninhabited system! Heh... Anyways, suggest organisation of an exploration party to chart the system before the BMM or some other group gets their hands in it..

*****Uploading Camera Data*****

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[Image: 2zqwjti.jpg]

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Tarkis - 02-10-2009

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: Defense Division, Guild Leadership, Economic Division
FROM: Ethan Murphy, Defense Pilot
RE: Escorting the Trafalgar, of Gateway Interstellar.

1. Name and vessel type: Ethan Murphy, Raven's Talon
2. Area of operation: Tau-23, to Kensington Station, to Pueblo Station.
3. Ships escorted: Gateway)Trafalgar
4. Hostiles encountered: Erik, an indie pirate in a Corsair GB.
5. Casualties on both sides: No Casualties

6. I was given the opportunity of escorting the Trafalgar today.
This marks a step towards good relations between us and Gateway, and we,
in my opinion, should offer escorts for Gateway Interstellar more often.
Aside from a small run-in with a pirate, we ran into no trouble and arrived
at our destination quickly. Over all it was a very enjoyable cruise, especially
since Gateway traders tend to pay their escorts generously.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****