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RE: Silver Wings - Eris - 06-28-2017

She got up from the chair, and felt a slight pang of relief while exiting that room. The corridor was empty, and while looking around, she noticed more security cameras. DeGrange opened a door, not even thirty meters away. In there, Fleet Admiral Jones, using his Service Dress Blues, was sitting, casually reading a file on a spartan table. Her military record. The room was littered with monitors, the bigger one being of the room they were just on. She saluted, while DeGrange just entered and returned the other file to the table.
"Fleet Admiral." Eris said.

Jones waved his hand to dismiss the protocol and aimed at now the only empty chair, as DeGrange casually sat in another. He then closed the file, and crossed his arms, hands closed in front of his mouth, looking at Eris for a couple of an uneasy seconds.


RE: Silver Wings - Arbs - 06-30-2017

Not letting out a word for a few seconds as he was wondering on how to put it, he finally said something. "Lieutenant. You are here because I need you for a special task." Jones paused as he pointed at an open folder in front of her for her to see. Looking at Elizabeth and back at Eris he continued "The following mission will require nothing, but the best of your abilities and skills. Patience, nerves of steel, a solid head and professionalism."

"In that file you will find a briefing on Battlegroup Harmony. Events, personnel, all what you need to know from what we have on them for this mission." Attached on the file she would find different names, detailed descriptions of people and events, mentions of Rear Admiral Knight, different personnel names, and a suspected initiator behind it being an unheard agent, Emilia Young. "I'm not going to lie to you. It will not be easy, and you may be forced to do things that go against your values. But all for the greater good of the Navy and the Republic." He paused. "Harmony usually shows up whenever Unioners decide to become a public disturbance. That's when you'll be deployed and try to make your way... into their ranks.

Jones took a deep breath. It was clear he hated this kind of "black operations". He never thought he would have to make such calls when he first enlisted.
"I am told you are the best that we have for it." He paused, tapping his finger on the file he continued "You, will need to be, Lieutenant. Eris Silver, take care of it." He leaned back looking at her with a cold, dead serious look.

RE: Silver Wings - Eris - 07-02-2017

When he said her true name, Eris could feel her heart skip a beat, and took her everything she had to control her face. She dragged the file towards her, so she could inspect it closely. Get into the Harmony battlegroup. Record intel. And if need be, lay down the hammer. No parachute, no safeties. All alone.

Honest to god suicide. For Liberty.

Her grey eyes rose, and met with Jones. "I am here to serve." She pushed the file back, ever so slightly. "I am not used to the whole spook business, but I will do what you need me to do, sir." Her arms crossed over her chest, and she breathed in the freedom, finally unchained from the everyday fear of being discovered.


RE: Silver Wings - Arbs - 07-06-2017

Eris was a reliable, tough nut. And thats why Jones liked her. And the reason why he chose her. "Excellent." As he leaned back on the table he continued. "I will not lie to you. Its not going to be easy. Though as long as you play along youll be fine." Turning around and looking at the mo itor behind him, he changed the view to a strategic map of texas.

"The next time they attack, we will delay the counter attack for a couple of minutes. Enough for you to get yourself a chance." He turned back at her as the monitor turned from idle to off. "From there on you will be on your own. Communication will be made only through encrypted channels with codenames. Everything you will need to know is on the file."

Somehow it did feel heavy. Sending people on difficult missions.. he wasnt that fond of black operations. Having to deny actions means it mightve been a crap action.
He took a deep breath and while looking at Eris he asked. "Everything clear? Any questions?"

RE: Silver Wings - Eris - 07-06-2017

Eris nodded at Jones remarks about the mission. The first step is always the hardest. Hopefully she would be convincing enough. When Jones fired up his questions, she stood silent for a good second. "Trainin', sir. I'm a mud grunt. Put me in a fight, I'm your girl. But apart from that, had little training for intelligence gathering back in the Ground Forces. War was usually a pretty straight forward business in that regard." Her hand opened the file again. "So yes, I'm requiring training for this, sir. Only way to do a proper job." Her hand flipped the several sheets until she found what she wanted. "Knight is a priority target?" Knights file was in plain view with her career record and the Navy image record. "'Cause, if we're going for a kill, better go to the jugular right out from the bat."


RE: Silver Wings - Arbs - 07-09-2017

Jones shifted his look to Elizabeth. She was the one that could help her most. "I understand Lieutenant. When I first enlisted I didn't imagine much past my Silver Wings either." Jones briefly smiled as some old memories crossed his mind. "We're not going to send you out there unprepared. Not a chance. The captain here will take care of that." Leading to her with his hand. Elizabeth nodded. "We'll take care of that together lieutenant. You'll get your specific training as required as well."

Briefly looking at the files the Admiral continued. "Knight is a priority target. But this is not an assassination mission. At this time we're after information, how are they organized, prominent personnel, what their circles are made out of, their activities. You will be briefed during your training." Jones paused for a few moments thinking, the idea of sending one of his pilots away to such a task still bothered him. "You're taking up a very difficult mission. Are you sure you can do it?" Jones shifted his attention to her again, trying to suppress his worries.

RE: Silver Wings - Eris - 07-09-2017

She nodded again at Jones. "I am, sir." Eris however raised her hand. "But.. After this mission, can I file a request at the Citizen Registry to revert my name change?" She slightly smiled. "'Cause.. I don't want to look over my shoulder ever again, regarding my past."
She removed the 'Albey' name tag from her uniform and placed it over the table.


RE: Silver Wings - Arbs - 07-16-2017

Jones picked the name tag from the table and took a look at the name "Albey" as he moved his finger over the name sewn on the tag. With a slight smile he folded it and put it in his uniform's pocket. "That, you can count on." Jones stood up, and as he shook hands with Eris they would feel a small nudge on the ship as they had touched something big.

"She's here Admiral." Elizabeth picked used her radio to gave a few directives as she moved to the door. Jones and Eris followed. Everyone was more or less silent as they passed through the halls and reached the main deck. There, from the blast windows Eris could see the navy Flagship being moored along side the Yukon. Everyone stopped again. This is where they parted ways.

"I will be away in Bretonia to inspect the Expeditionary Fleet. Stay with the captain. She'll guide you through. We'll keep in touch" Jones greeted her with one final salute, which Eris and Elizabeth did not hesitate to return. "And one more thing. Good luck out there." Jones nodded as a group of Marines came to escort him to the Carrier, through the mooring section. Eris and Elizabeth had another direction. "With me Eris. We're getting out of here." After spending the whole way wondering about what was coming, Eris would find herself in the Hangar bay where an ESRD freighter was docked. The Eerie was made up of latest recon technology and one could almost tell just by looking at it. "We've got a long way going. And as I said, I may as well be your morning sunshine." One last friends talk, before both of them embarked and made their way to Willard Station.