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RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 07-07-2017

"The Corsairs are very good at concealing what they do not wish others to find, it wouldn't shock me if they had hidden tools and equipment in shops beneath your very feet. furthermore the Corsair Empire can easily pay off many of your teams to look the other way or simply report all is well if they sense weakness in your people, with the recent troubles of Freeport 11 it may be that some of the locals may take steps to 'safeguard' their future and that of their families by cooperating with the 'bigger stick' in the event of an invasion. "

Tabakov looks to Anna briefly before turning back to Voncloud.

"As for expecting the same of the other colonies, the Republic fully understands that matter as a 'fair measure' to ensure no cries of foul play by your other...Guests." He comments, despite wanting to grit his teeth at the mention of the corporate parasites that also made Gran Canaria their home...The Bretonian colony of Port Jackson...

"Provided the OSI is able to ensure the Corsair Colonists are not a threat to those around them the Peoples Republic is inclined to...Leave them be...Make no mistake if the OSI is shown to be incapable of ensuring a de-militarized colony than the Republic will do it in their stead, we will not have a band of marauders armed to the teeth at our doorstep to pillage and murder our citizens."

RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 07-10-2017

Leaning back in his chair Voncloud adjusts his glasses with a thumb and forefinger before turning his head to Anna it could be said his gaze was on her for the moment. A moment longer passes before he speaks

"Invasion Commissar?" His head now turning back to him "Despite the losses we suffered at Freeport 11 there has been nothing to suggest that an invasion is even on the cards in regards to Gran Canaria. Besides, Freeport 11 is already rebuilt and close to being fully operational and the Core?..nothing but a whisper in Delta now, yet we Zoners still reamain. We may not have the military strength of those we deal with, but when it comes to our resourcefulness,
we out class any amount of battleship turrets."

Reaching for a glass of water and sipping from it Von acted like he had all the time in the world, despite whats been said so far and the imposing figures of the Commissar and Anna he oozed calm and collection.

"no, i dont think theres a risk of Invasion, at least not from the Corsairs and certainly not from the Core in fact the only ones id bet on considering it is perhaps yourselves. As you say if OSI are unable to ensure a demilitarized colony 'then the republic will do it in their stead'. Well i certainly hope you don't think ill just open the gates to allow you to do such a thing, to run rampant on my planet to enforce your own wills, as such any actions you take at that point would be the as for mentioned invasion.
Do Remember Commissar, Omega 49 isn't your jurisdiction nor is Gran Canaria, i accept that the Corsairs could be a threat being this close to your space but if we do for whatever reason fail to keep them in check that is not an open invitation for you to barge in.
IF i feel the need i will contact the Republic for support, if its obvious we haven't been able to keep on top of the Corsairs and its plain they are indeed staging strikes into your space then it will be handled accordingly"

He picks up the data slate that was on the table

"now, im not fool enough to think the Corsairs haven't at least thought about staging SOMETHING from their factories here, so i shall call in some independents to investigate, those outside of the usual Circles, and if it benefits i invite you and Lady Raven here to send in your own investigators, i trust such an act would help to settle any concerns"

RE: Easy Victory? - Wesker - 07-14-2017

Location: Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Date: 18 Kann, 824 A.S

The negotiation was reaching a stalemate, the Commissar may have personally preferred conflict, but the People's Republic was too soft on negotiations. VonCloud's argument on the matter was inconsistent completely with the environment of Omega-49 and the nearby systems. Anna had heard enough, her impatience got the better of her. Let me make this simple for you representative, the Imperials have a single warship isolated in the Poole system very close to the only entrance to this system. Now, the warship is isolated, yet still well supplied, and given the Imperials have absolutely no control over the systems bordering Omega-49 and Poole, that leaves just a few disturbing explanations. The Corsairs are drawing supplies from the Colonies on Gran Canaria, or you're supplying their efforts to burn citizens belonging to the People's Republic and Bretonia both of whom you claim to be so kind and welcoming to. The only other possible explanation is that the Imperials are drawing supplies through Cayman, which if true, will cease soon with the arrival of my assets. Now representative, if the Imperials were so quick to panic at the mere mention of me approaching them directly in this system I sincerely doubt you'll have any better luck, no matter how much spine you try to show. She paused for a minute, the room fixed their attention on her. Some of the representatives sweating, even the Commissar gave her a glare. So with that in mind there's really no need for an investigation, I suggest you follow the Commissar's wishes and disarm the planet if you're as inclined to be peaceful as you claim, if you don't you'll find them at your doorstep, and I'm sure I won't be far behind. Anna stood up after finishing her adjusting her uniform a bit before moving towards the exit. Notify me if military assets are needed Commissar. She spoke up before exiting.

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 07-14-2017

"I would not be so quick to side with the Corsairs, they, themselves, have plundered humanitarian vessels too. Do not underestimate the Core, though, they have allegiances even within the Omegas and surrounding Bretonias, even they recently attempted to make an alliance with the Reapers until I stepped in to show the Reapers the danger of their trade of exploits. They have no boundaries and are no stranger to manipulation - who have even mastered it to a degree, they are not bound they general 'Human social' rules, this is what makes them dangerous. They are a capable paramilitary of lengthy connections, you are civilians with second grade weaponary. Freeport 11 is certainly not safe.

Deluding yourself with false illusions that all is safe is illogical - peace will be temporary - a small piece of air, especially within what will inevitably become a battleground, remember that anything is possible. Particularly with how your lovely neighbours desire to conquer, fighting is the culture of the Corsairs, including the Core. You must face reality of the lawless wild worlds and it's occupants if you are to adapt, to put it harshly."

She kept her arms folded, relaxed, unhindered, continuing to stare at the civilian. Suddenly, hearing Anna burst out, she glanced over to her briefly, then traced her views back and forth to analyse the parties reaction and how they'll perform. Raven wasn't too bothered by this, but was more intrigued with learning about Anna, how they work. Their impatience was very visible to her.

"Hrmm. Straight to point, thirsty for action, frustration, impatient. She wants results, they want the quickest solution, not the most effective. Perhaps death is the most effective. There is a certain sexiness to this bold strength of immaturity, though."

[:: Overwatch, reporting that party member Anna is departing meeting. ::]

[:: [004] Confirmed, no hostile sighting. Sector is clear. Parameter A-0. Continuing scan pattern. ::]

Continuing to hold her relaxed posture, she glared back to him.

"Concurring with dear Anna who recently left, we do not require to investigate the colonies. My intention here is the possible deployment of a Scientific Outpost, or in worst cases, a backup refuge point for our people if our... borders fail on our end to the Nomads. A possible one. The ice age process truly is an interesting one though, however, do not concern yourself with our methods when it comes to adapting to the cold, though, we're aware of the dangers that the planet is slowly becoming. Unfortunately, it's the people who pose more of a danger than mother nature itself. "

RE: Easy Victory? - Aazalot - 07-14-2017

Voncloud remained cool just shaking his head at Annas outburst, he would of replied has she not stormed out like a child in his mind. Instead he directs his attention to the Commissar

"SInce the other part of your..'diplomatic' team seems to have left with no real participation to this meeting other then the stance that Gran Canaria is the only possible root cause of the issues shall we look at the other potentials there are?
Even though your compatriot mentioned Cayman that seems to be the less obvious possibility to her, just the presence of the Omega Jump hole, a direct link to Gamma surely makes more sense to how they are supplying their assets in the region?.
Then lets consider known actual allies of the Corsairs. The Gaiens for example well known Allies to the Corsairs in Bretonia, ones who its well known have a technological exchange it wouldn't be a far cry for them to also offer supplies raided from the Crown.

Then theres those who call Cayman their home, as Raven mentioned, The Reapers, there's no reported hostility between them and the Corsairs plus they have a base within Poole which could easily supply the Fes. Its possible they may have some sort of accord.
Then we have Gallia, its a fact that the Gauls and the Corsairs have some sort of alliance going on, there are many counts of their co-operation with the Galic forces when they have attacked Leeds Newcastle and even New London"

Leaning back in his seat once more Von crosses his arms lowering his head as a smirk crosses his mouth

"So the Republic is woefully lacking in any real intelligence...Gathering considering all that i just mentioned, WE are the first pick for whose supplying the Corsairs in the region. OR This is just a paper thin reason to try and get your military grade boots onto Canaria. I offered you the chance to investigate the matter yourselves, in order to bring me evidence of such things, id happily shut the entire Corsair presence on the planet down if you bring me proof like any Civil peoples. But if the quick to temper representative who just left us speaks for you, then obviously you are not a Civil people and feel that doing things on accusations alone will suffice, not to dissimilar the Sairs themselves.

Or perhaps Commissar you will hopefully prove me wrong, that the other possibilities make more sense to you now, your still welcome to send in your own investigators in order to bring me proof if you are still concerned"

Readjusting his glasses once more Von turns his attention to Raven his tone more light hearted

"I do not sit here and consider that what we have here is anything akin to a perfect peace, i spent a long time fighting the Corsairs, long before i even considered being apart of the Zoners i know full well they are fighters through and through, i do not side with the Corsairs not at all, i side with the residents of Gran Canaria, the Corsairs who are settled on the planet believe it or not have given me little trouble. Peace is Temporary that im all to painfully aware of, but what peace that occurs is worth holding onto for as long as is possible.
Now, your request over a science facility, id more then be happy to discuss that further though at another time perhaps.

RE: Easy Victory? - Kauket - 07-14-2017

A soft hearty chuckle was heard through their mask, "Well, fair enough, considering your background, but it is best to be cautious regardless. The Reapers are no fans of the Corsairs, nor - well... any aggressive party in the area. I am certain of it. Though, you speak the possibilities of the Fes' upkeep, the Corsairs could be gaining supplies from the Cambridge anomaly from the Gaians, or from piracy, but the upkeep of a Battleship is possible, yes, but an entire battlegroup? Not to mention the Mollys /very/ nearby... Gallia fights alongside them, yes, I've noticed that, but Gallia supplying them? That could be a very interesting theory, hm. Too far, though, maybe they'd want to wipe out the Corsairs too..." They silently mutter the last sentence to themselves, trying to figure out the likelihood. Realising they were thinking aloud, they ceased, beginning to listen for any further developments instead.

RE: Easy Victory? - Tabris - 07-14-2017

Ignoring the fact that Anna left he shook his head at the Zoner.

"Cayman, or what we know as Kiev, is currently under blockade in Omega-49, while piecemeal supplies MAY slip through there simply wouldn't be enough supplies for a battlegroup like Fes'. Not to mention the remaining Reaper forces there would try to pick apart any Corsair supply trains that attempt to slip through there in an effort to save themselves from starvation." the man comments before pushing onwards.

"Furthermore the Gaians tend to have limited supplies themselves, the war within Bretonia hasn't helped them a single iota on that front so I do not see them supplying the Fes Battlegroup with anything but scraps. Not nearly enough to support the Fes alone let alone the ships supporting it. While the Gauls are another possibility they would have to maintain a secured supply-route to the Fes which the local Mollys would have seen and informed us about it. I trust our friends on this matter." he retorts calmly as he leans back slightly, the fact that Anna left barely crossing his mind. Hessians never had patience for talks such as these, preferring action to words. While he sympathized the Premier was a man who knew the value of words and had good relations with the Zoner Organization...

"Nevertheless, the Premier has requested the Zoners of Gran Canaria ensure the neutrality of the planet by ensuring it does not become a centre of manufacturing war materials or a fortified position and ensuring the Protectorate is a safe place for both Zoner and visitor alike...In any event we don't want our 'boots' on your soil, occupations take time and resources which could be better put to use in other projects such as infrastructure on JiangXi. We expect the Zoners to keep a closer eye on the Corsairs living on your planet and ensure the total neutrality of the colonies of Gran Canaria. Our ships will be patrolling the Protectorate much more often to ensure that any Corsair transports are not slipping through to Poole." he states in closing, obviously considering the matter done. He doubts the Zoners will make any attempts to disarm the Corsairs. And if/when the Zoners were found out to be complicit with the Corsair Empire than the Moderates in the State Duma would have to yield ground to the McIntoshist radicals...Which would mean more conflict...