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RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-04-2017

''Cambridge, the University has physiotherapists and the like there. New London is short on leisure nowadays, with the front bearing down on it, most of the massage people have gone to safer places. If you want stress relief, I'd start there.''
Signs of her closing up were becoming apparent, thus he let the matter drop in his mind. He was too tired to begin playing mind games, this was his chance to relax, and he wasn't about to spoil it by working.

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-04-2017

"I suppose, but that pressure on New London should be relieved soon. Chess hm? I haven't been one for it, the rules confuse me sometimes. I tried playing it once with my brother, but he stomped me, I didn't know how to play right and neither of us cared enough to learn it proper. So instead we just watch some stuff on the neural net and enjoy what little time we can." Nicole relaxed now, knowing she wouldn't say anything sensitive.

"Well maybe tomorrow I'll stop in to Cambridge, see if I can't get these muscles of mine relaxed, I can feel how tense they are sitting here. Even I know that's a problem, even if I'm hard on myself. I heard there's been rumors of some new kind of game going around but the details escape me, but i know it was some form of chess, but harder, yet somehow simpler." Nicole no longer realised she was jumping topic to topic, nor did she seemed to care much.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-04-2017

His smile grew wider and wider, there was nothing more lovely than when a person finally began to settle down into conversation, even if the conversation went nowhere. ''If you like, I'll teach you how. It's fairly basic at heart.'' another glass of slosh gone, he refilled and continued, ''If you can feel them, it's probably time to sort them. In future, remember to relax, stress doesn't help the body and in sustained levels it can damage it. Your aches and pains are quite possibly a result of that and a lack of sleep.'' He smiled at her again ''Take care of yourself first, then look after others''.

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-04-2017

Nicole smiled, it was nice having someone outside of her family asking her to take care of herself. "Well first thing I'll have to start delegating work then. But if it means sleeping more than 1-2 hours at a time, the ensigns can deal with it." She had finally relaxed, despite hr hair now blocking her vision in a way she found rather funny, she didn't mind, instead choosing to try, and fail, to blow it away.

After a couple attempts she finally lifted a hand and cleared the blockage from infront of her right eye but not left. "I'd love to learn how to chess, finally beat Miles would surprise him."

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-04-2017

''I advise you categorise. Get five midshipmen, all under the command of a sub-leftenant, and delegate them to a particular task. Follow suit with various other tasks, then have all the sub-leftenants report to a full leftantant, who will be in charge of a particular division. The leftenants will in turn report to the Executive officer who will bring the more serious issues to you. In this way, everyone gains leadership experience, everyone has the chance to learn and improve and you get to sleep. Of course this doesn't mean you can slack off, but it does mean you aren't running an entire ship by yourself.''

He sipped his drink, chuckling at what she did with her hair. All things considered, she was very pretty. Such thoughts were dismissed as quickly as they came. ''I'm more than happy to teach you whenever you want. In fact Tom might have a chess board around here''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-05-2017

"Heh, my definition of slacking off used to be doing anything but work, but it's clear that's taking it's toll on me. A chess board around hm? Well, let's see about starting with the basics, shall we? If you're up to it right now, that is." Nicole seemed more cheerful now, rather enjoying that someone would teach her something to do in her soon to be found leisure time, after moving around and assigning subordinates.

One note that came to mind was one of the few things that intrigued her aside from his occupation. His charm. Matching the stories of Bretonian charm, she seemed to stop minding much that he kept managing to swipe the tab from under her. Perhaps for the better, she may find a use for her hole-burning cash in the near future. While her thoughts were private, she couldn't help but smile at them.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-06-2017

''Of course...Tom!'' He called to the old barkeep
''Yes sir?''
''Is there a chessboard around that we could use?''
''There is sir, one moment''
The old man returned a few minutes later with a heavy wooden chess set and its wooden peices. Alexander thanked him as he returned to the bar and Alexander once again fixed Nicole with a kind stare. ''So, the basics are...'' and he went off explaining the various set peices and what they could do and could not do. He explained the rules and the aim of the game before stating ''However the best way to learn, is by doing it. So, white or black?''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-06-2017

"Hm.. Black. I study best when my opponent strikes first. Call me a defensive admiral, but it's how I work." Nicole would study the moves of her opponent, preparing to counter his actions the best she knew how. "Your move, my friend." She smiles, rather joyful of a friendly game of chess.

RE: St. George Pub - Victor Steiner - 06-06-2017

He moved his horse out. He liked the way it moved, it confused some players, and if one wasn't careful, it would confuse himself as well. ''All yours sweetheart'' he said before biting his tounge ''Sorry..Nicole...sort of...slipped out''

RE: St. George Pub - DarkTails - 06-06-2017

"Hmm? No need to be embarrassed about it, hun." Studying her opponents moves, she places a pawn in a rather unusual fashion, no threat to the horse, but leaving no opening either. Pretty strange, even for one who doesn't know chess.