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Reapers of Sirius - Printable Version

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RE: Reapers of Sirius - Zyliath - 06-17-2017

(06-17-2017, 07:58 AM)Rusty Wing Wrote: While there are people who are interested in the faction, there is no point in removing, in my humble opinion.
They are not newbies. It's a perfectly written fraction with confident RP-goals.
So, I think, that they deserve a third chance. May be even the last.


RE: Reapers of Sirius - Stefz - 06-17-2017

I was a part of the original Reapers as well as a part of the first Fallen Angels revival attempt. The one thing I can say is that the two didn't have a lot in common apart from the origins. There is no way the old Reapers would work now for multiple reasons, so you probably shouldn't look at the new Fallen Angels as an attempt to bring back the old ways because it simply won't work, and I believe that the person behind the faction knows that already. The one thing that bothers me though is the magical appearance of 2 Reaper bases in seemingly random locations. I was still with the Fallen Angels at that time and I don't remember asking for new bases since there was absolutely zero RP done around that iirc. There's also the fact that Reapers are now a shadow of their former selves and don't have nearly enough resources to construct 2 bases.

If the new Fallen Angels can make it work that's great, otherwise, I'd hate to see their bases in Cayman go away since they are quite unique and it would be unfortunate to see them go to waste. Also, the claim that Reapers were an admin pet project is definitely a contender for the top 10 the most ridiculous things I've read on this forum for a while, and I did read a lot of ridiculous things.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Diana.Daymarova - 06-17-2017

Whatever you do, just don't remove Cayman!

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Tabris - 06-17-2017

Removing the Cayman system is not in the line-up. So don't worry about that.

RE: Reapers of Sirius - Victor Steiner - 06-17-2017

Perhaps you could make an event out of it. Between the SCRA and the RHA (Mollies as well if you like) the Reapers were out numbered and were destroyed. Thus Cayman could become a melting pot of SCRA, RHA, Corsairs and Mollies.

I don't think the Reapers offer much any more. But the Cayman system does. So make an event out of it and add a little more to the 'silent war' that rages in the Omegas. Just my thoughts.