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New Providence (Formerly Freeport 2) - Administrators Office - Printable Version

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RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Stoner_Steve - 07-14-2017

"I think leaving Gallia is going to be the easy part, getting into and out of Kusari, then the same for Liberty." Ted grimaced slightly. "Not quiet as easy. And I don't excatly have any friends in the Government we can ring up and say 'yes hello, I'd like to take a hostile looking ship into your space please'." Ted chuckled slightly "Jimmy, first things first, we need a name, one that we can contact the Government posing as. Else we are going to end up with a rather fat and slowlymoving target for the Navy."

Ted turned and looked at Jimmy directly "You do realize this will be a more expensive venture than anything we ever attempted with the Hostess, right?"

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Croft - 07-15-2017

"The Corse? No, not really. Last I time I saw them, they kinda chased me off." He scratched the back of his head absent-mindedly "well lets see what happens with the Brigands first huh? They're gonna be the key to gettin' the thing outa Gallia, if we get it at all."

"I know it's gonna cost a bomb but this was your idea Ted." Said Jimmy, jabbing a finger towards him. "As for a name, err maybe somethin' like Exotic Worlds Travel? I don't know...Call us independent operators or somethin'. Don't worry about Bretonia though, I've got an idea for that."

A gentle chime made Jimmy spin around, the computer screen was flashing an alert that a new message had been received. Raising an eyebrow he read the message without bothering to sit down. "Speak of the devil, looks like the Brigands have offered us that drink." After pacing back and forth a little he spoke again "Guys I know you like to drink but if we're gonna get this thing done we're gonna need to split up. I'll see about actually gettin' us this liner while you two find us what we need to get it runnin', engines, a reactor, a crew and a shipyard. Whata'ya think?"

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Stoner_Steve - 07-16-2017

"I'll hunt around for a crew, say 300 or so." Ted tapped some more on the data pad he was holding. "And a reactor too I suppose." Ted continued to tap. "You know we have a lot of options for Shipyards as well. I guess it will be whoever calls back first."

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - DkJericho - 07-18-2017

Jasper smiles
"You know I'm always down for a free drink. So you think these Brigand guys are going to be a good contact to have Jimmy?"
Getting up from the table Jasper walks over to Jimmy's private stash of alcohol.
"Jesus Jimmy where and the hell did you get this rare bottle of gin from?"
Admiring the bottle he turns around to Jimmy.
"Wait wait getting distracted ugh Ill see if I can get a supplier on those engines, perhaps the Corsairs."

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Croft - 07-18-2017

Jimmy swiped the bottle out of Jasper's hands "Paws off Casper, that's a bottle of Garland's private reserve and it ain't for you two to sponges to soak up over nothin'." He said placing the bottle back where it belonged.
"From what me and Ted saw last time, yeah the Brigands are gonna be good partners, hell we're gonna be the one and only Gallic connection if we swing this deal. So you guys get out there and round up what we need for this liner while I wrangle the sucker." Jimmy said pulling on his good jacket. "We'll meet back here in like, what four - five days or somethin'?"

"Oh and guys, grab yourselves a side arm from my collection" he added pointing to the long crate by the desk as he walked out the office "we're about to hit the big leagues. Ciao."

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Stoner_Steve - 10-07-2017

Ted entered the office, glancing around to confirm that Jimmy was gone. Helping himself to a glass and a bottle from the shelf he settled himself behind the desk, waiting for his guest to arrive. It wasn't often he got to pretend to be in charge.

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Laz - 10-07-2017

Eva looked like a fish out of water while she wandered along the hanger deck of Freeport 2. She was a runner for the Brigands and therefore had left Gallia before, but never heading this far from home. Her face showed how much out of her comfort zone she was. She'd brought her Sunbeam, her personal ship of choice, on this long venture as its small size made it useful for getting places quickly and discreetly - while also being able to hold its own in a fight.

Eva looked around for signage signalling which way to proceed around this seemingly alien station - the architecture was similar to Freeport 6 which she frequented but it was just different enough to make navigation difficult. Towards the side where one of the doors stood there was a nice and shiny sign with the words "Freeport 2 Administration Office" written in big bold letters, sort of hard to miss.

She made her way through the corridors with a concerning amount of haste, not running but a rather fast walk. After taking a right at the end of the hallway she was presented with a rather large elevator, again a sign repeating some information, probably indicating that this is the way to the admin office. Taking the short elevator ride left a small hallway and a single door, this was the office. Eva walked on forwards through it and it made a nice signature chime indicating she had arrived.

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Stoner_Steve - 10-07-2017

Ted settled himself behind the large desk in the room and then tapped a key, opening the door
"Welcome to Freeport 2 my friend." Ted gestured her forward "Come take a seat, can I get you a drink of some kind?"

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Laz - 10-07-2017

Eva approached Ted slowly, flicking a strain of her black hair forwards over the left side of her head.

"Uhm.. Sure? What kind of drinks do you have?" She asked in a soft and inquisitive tone.

RE: Freeport 2 - Administrators Office - Stoner_Steve - 10-07-2017

Ted swung his chair around and approached the nearby bar, he called out
"We have a little bit of everything, Vodka, Rum, Whiskey." Ted glanced at the bottle on the desk "and of course the house specialty, wine."