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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - Printable Version

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Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - sovereign - 01-14-2009

We need RFP. The Bundschuh are not supposed to be engaging the military, we're supposed to run. Also, the RM are very nice at doing what they're supposed to be doing- which is being a military, countering military threats... but when the "grunt police force" that's supposed to be oppressing you out of a combination of ignorance, propaganda, and general hatred is actually the Military that values your support against foreigners... it basically means that we need foreigners around to have interesting RP. If I get to talking to Bundschuh or certain Hessians on my RM, we tend to end up agreeing about everything but which flag to carry... same when I'm on my Bundschuh talking to the military. I remember a loooooooong time ago when I was still an indy Bundschuh and I had an interesting encounter wherein I helped out a military guy who was fighting off some marauding Corsair, then had an RFP indy come try to arrest me only to get told off by the military; the resulting discussion of authority was quite nice, although since everyone involved was an indy we didn't really know what to do with the situation...

We. Need. RFP.

KSP would probably give new life to the Hogosha, KNF, and BD as well. Look at Bretonia; BPA and BAF work together in their assigned roles very well, and the times I've taken my Wilde into Cambridge, that's been fantastic. I think that the police factions may be needed just as much if not more than trading factions for House Space... but that's just a guess. Not like I have too much uncorrupted data to go off or anything.... I'd take a shot at revitalizing the other house police factions myself if I had some more of that magical word that starts with a "t" and rhymes with "Cardamine".

</distracted musing>

Faction symbiosis/What's your favorite one? - skoko - 01-14-2009

Corsairs<==>RoS <==>CR/IMG That is what i call "interaction"... hehehe, seriously though,

*IMG needs BMM to grow (RPwise), for time being IMG balances their politics between Kusari and Bretonia while interacting with Outcasts and CR

*RM is also kinda occupied with RHA and VF and AU, but mostly RHA which also have Corsairs to play with...

*Liberty has ... Xenos, which win in any aspect of the game, and what Liberty misses is LH back in their full glory and LR in greater numbers, Liberty has most factions in territory so i suppose opportunity is greatest there (NY excluded)

*KNF - GC/NovaPG, that is good interaction, but not constant one.. and Kusari in general is ,IMO, most neglected part of space

*BAF pushed new blood in Bretonia's veins , Kudos to you, also NLH, MR and 'sairs who made Bretonia interesting again (4 months ago... Bretonia was almost empty land)