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Placing a Bounty. - Drake - 01-29-2009

I haven't actually met any, just saying that it would likely happen. Many of the pirates most in need of Hunter attention are the same ones who'd change their name just to avoid it.

I wouldn't be opposed to a lack of blanket-bounties on generic pirates, but making it a server rule is going too far. Discuss it with the bounty placers individually, maybe. I'm sure some are reasonable people.

By the way, who has the Sigma-13 blanket bounty(s)? Can't be the GMG, I was under the impression they didn't care at all as long as you didn't bother them or their trade lanes.

Blanket bounties on pirates outside your ZoI is lame, but most blanket-bounty-posters don't do that.

Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-29-2009


You're making assumptions of what you think might happen. You can't do that ... its not right. Have you encountered a pirate that's changed his name to avoid a bounty?

Please do not cheapen this discussion with what you think might happen. And if someone uses the /renameme command to avoid a bounty ... well then ... he's not role playing and is not worth posting a role play bounty on. Remember ... bounties are in role play ... don't let a non-role playing pirate ruin that.

I've made a role play post in the Diplomatic Forum to the GMG in order to reach an agreement as you discussed here. Its been 2 weeks or so now and haven yet to receive a response. PM's with some of their faction leaders appear to be positive. I've also made diplomatic attempts (in game and in forum) to do this with Kusari and Farmers Alliance. Again ... no response. Black.Pearl is trying to reach out to factions with regard to role play and piracy ... but so far its been me talking to the wind. Do you guys wanna role play with me or not?

And yes ... GMG has placed a blanket bounty on pirates ... here's the thread. This thread and others are why I'm lobbying here.

Placing a Bounty. - Derkylos - 01-29-2009

There are an awful lot more "generic" pirates floating around than you'd think. The main reason for this is that, as an unlawful, your activity is more pro-active. You go into the houses, spout forth your views, kill some traders, and get a response from the lawfuls. Lawfuls cannot do the reverse...Bretonians cannot go to Gamma and attack Corsair ships, Libertonians cannot invade Alpha.

As the primary lawkeeping forces cannot maintain sufficient presence 24/7 to ward off hostiles, hired guns must be given free reign to attack these unlawfuls, naturally in return for cash.

Even with the current blanket bounties, it is usually very hard to find a target. Most of the server population will, at any one time, be tradeships. Of the rest, one must eliminate the lawfuls, mercs, and oddballs. This leaves a very small portion of legitimate targets.

As a pirate, I find it incredibly easy to avoid both the law and hired guns. And, no, I don't pirate in Sigma-13 (the place of constant warfare) or New York, yet I still make a sizable income from pirating...

Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-29-2009


Um ... ok ... guess you're in a different time zone then. New York is so heavily defended that pirates don't usually last long. You might get one good trade vessel before you meet your demise to the "authorities" ... who are usually all the indies with Navy or Police ID's. There are more lawful indies than lawful faction members to keep the peace.

Hard to find a target? There are FAR more unlawfuls out there that are NOT pirates that are causing FAR more trouble.

Placing a Bounty. - Derkylos - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:Derkylos,

Um ... ok ... guess you're in a different time zone then. New York is so heavily defended that pirates don't usually last long. You might get one good trade vessel before you meet your demise to the "authorities" ... who are usually all the indies with Navy or Police ID's. There are more lawful indies than lawful faction members to keep the peace.

Well, you are pirating in the capital system of a major house. That's like complaining because all of Alpha mobilises against your lone IMG bomber halting cardi Alpha.

' Wrote:Hard to find a target? There are FAR more unlawfuls out there that are NOT pirates that are causing FAR more trouble.

They may be out there, but is it easy to find them? Not if they're clever. Good pirates have strong situational awareness, and at least 3 different escape routes...

Placing a Bounty. - Drake - 01-29-2009

Well, the GMG bounties mention having to catch generic pirates in acts of piracy, so that's fine as far as I'm concerned. Sigma-13 rarely has many Hunters hanging around, at least from what I've seen (and I've spent some time there). BHG fighters/bombers are least common, and anything larger can't legally take the blanket bounty on you. And the larger ships will be completely gone come 4.85, banished to the Omicrons to bother the Corsairs/Outcasts/Order constantly.

As far as encountering people who've changed their name to avoid a bounty, I never have personally because I haven't really gone after bounties. But I know it's happened because I've heard other people bring up specific names, rather than just mentioning it happening in general. It doesn't happen terribly often, due to most pirates falling under one blanket bounty or another.

New York also gets fairly regularly taken over by pirates (though not the pirating pirates), especially in the late hours/early morning hours, EST. I also regularly see pirates actually pirating in California without much difficulty (the authorities seem loathe to leave NY in force).

Placing a Bounty. - looqas - 01-29-2009

There's one blanket on OC in S-13.

And I know the GMG bounty in S-13, but Baltar, you've been in server long enough to know that S-13 is not exactly the RP heaven.

I've met couple of generic pirates and yes, most of them are aware that I can't touch them unless I catch them in an act of piracy. It would be nice if all the blanket bounties would include this little phrase.

Since you are operating solely on profit I suggest you move your ship to Omega-3, Omega-7 or Stuttgart. The Cambridge - New Berlin draws a steady crowd of traders. Enough of them that you are not wasting your time and not so bad powertraders as S-13. There are blanket bounties in 2 of those systems but I won't go into details.

And you might also end up in a turf war with Corsairs and Hessians too, so it's full of opportunities to RP.

S/D specifically has ruled out S-13 and New York to be in unless going through. And that's solely due to reason that those 2 systems have very bad association with BH in people's mind.

Placing a Bounty. - Athenian - 01-29-2009

I don't think any change to the current system is warranted because of anything in Sigma 13. Hang around in the worst system in the entire game and expect to have a thoroughly unenjoyable experience of Discovery. Some manage to do it right out there, but frankly my experience of it has been akin to having my unmentionables rubbed vigorously against a cheesegrater and then dippped in salt.

The GMG bounty has ship limitations in place - and a generic pirate ID holder can't be targetted unless caught in the act of piracy. A Cruiser attacks your GB there - they are abusing the PvP aspect of the game.

There are several very busy systems where bounty hunters are currently not contracted to operate at all against pirates...but I ain't telling where.

Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-30-2009

@ Derkylos: Another assumption ... I don't pirate in New York. Was using New York as an example. I fly neutrals in New York and witness the rapid destruction of anyone even looking the wrong way.

@ Drake: Never experienced a target change their name and using hearsay as evidence it happens. I chased down a target a long time ago (2 years ago) who was a trader that refused to pay. He became my primary target whenever he was online. This was before the /renameme command. But he found a way around that ... he created a new character ... transferred all his cash (by way of dropping credit cards in open space) as well as all his gear. So ... low-tech ... he changed his name. But I didn't make a big deal about it. Instead I made a role play event out of it that became a primary driving force in my factions role play ... it became "the virus" that we desperately sought a cure for. You probably have no clue what I'm talking about ... but I used this as something constructive. Generics (generic bounties, merc bans, "engaging") ... they're just shortcuts to role play. Yes ... they are role play ... but not very inventive ... not very imaginative.

@ looqas: The system that "is not exactly the RP heaven" changes from time to time. Some examples: 1) New York for a long time was a non-RP heaven for a very long time. This changed when [LN] cleaned things up. 2) Then there was Tau 31 with traders running prisoners from Planet Harris to the battleship orbiting the planet (1 mil every 30 seconds) ... oh yeah ... that system was way non-RP. This changed in 4.84 when that trade route got nerfed. 3) Right now its Sigma 13 with the Diamond / Niobium Run. But that changes with 4.85. And in 4.85 ... we'll just have to wait to see which system becomes the most non-RP system. Trust me ... there will be one. But at least in 4.85, Sigma 13 will become a decent role playing system once again ... partly to the nerfed trade route and partly to dropping BH caps. As for operating solely for profit? ... HARDLY ... my pirate does it for role play. You don't get rich by demanding 500k or by asking a trader for 1 unit of food and 1 unit of water as he passes by (actually did this once or twice).

@ Athenian: As I mentioned above ... won't restate it ... but the "worst system" changes over time. New York, Tau 31, Sigma 13 ... the next one is yet to be revealed. And yes ... I've noticed traders beginning to migrate elsewhere ... and with them follow pirates ... and with the pirates follow hunters. But ... who's following the hunters? Circle of life has become a straight line. But I look forward to hunters being limited on ship size ... will make for a more competitive environment.

Placing a Bounty. - Grumblesaur - 01-30-2009

I hate blanket bounties. One or two of a faction bug you, yet you allow BHs to go postal on every single one in an area. Not fun.