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Ship Suicides - Barracuda-007 - 01-29-2009

Some don't know this but, Those who do Plow into planets or closest thing to die is for 1 simple reason ushually.
to return to a base one was at, or because they have lot wepons form the fight and if you dock you lose them
so you commit suicide and all is good

Ship Suicides - Varyag - 01-29-2009

A different aspect I go for as well is I will run to preserve equipment as well as my character's life. I hate haggling with a dealer to get new debs installed.

Makes a balence as well with some of the cheaper equipment. Do I want to go all the way back there to get a new X or pay a huge ammount to fix X, or do I get this cheaper X that is easier to fix/replace.

Most of my characters are pretty attached to their ships, they just don't toss 'em at the first scratch or missing wing.

Ship Suicides - spec - 01-29-2009

When a player's ship is destroyed, he should start afresh in the nearest friendly/neutral planet (assuming that someone friendly was able to rescue him each time he dies).
PVP must be costly that is in RP - You ship getting destroyed and you restarting on the last docked base with all weapons is not RP - that's just current game mechanics.
As for the loss, that's why you have insurance.. Will be an a great opportunity for a new set of Insurance RP.

Ship Suicides - Derkylos - 01-29-2009

RPing fixing/replacing weapons is just not practical in some cases. It's quite easy to replace the debs on a BAF bomber each time they are blown off, but try explaining that to, for example, a Hessian bomber, or a paralyzer missile armed fighter...or for a Blood Dragon with a Mini Razor.

Some equipment is simply not readily available in game mechanics, while being available in RP.

Also, funding. Powertrading is already an issue...I don't want to be forced to trade another hour because someone decided to bring along a missileboat and strip my fighter...

Ship Suicides - Drake - 01-29-2009

While I find suicide distasteful, I think it's unfortunately necessary sometimes. If it was considered an OORP offense then that would just encourage everyone to fight to the death.

As for actual death penalties, this has already been discussed in a very long thread (threads?) that got locked, so there's really no reason to bring it back up. Not gonna happen.

Ship Suicides - spec - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:RPing fixing/replacing weapons is just not practical in some cases. It's quite easy to replace the debs on a BAF bomber each time they are blown off, but try explaining that to, for example, a Hessian bomber, or a paralyzer missile armed fighter...or for a Blood Dragon with a Mini Razor.

Some equipment is simply not readily available in game mechanics, while being available in RP.

Also, funding. Powertrading is already an issue...I don't want to be forced to trade another hour because someone decided to bring along a missileboat and strip my fighter...

Maybe some of the availability issues will be solved in 4.85.
Powertrading is an issue, yes, but if we we have banks & insurance companies, you probably don't have to powertrade each time. The banks will pay an interest on your deposit, they will earn this interest from loans to
upcoming traders and insurance companies. Insurance companies will get their credits from rich(er) players, trading companies and will take loans from banks in case of emergencies.
Obviously insurance will not payout in case there is a war or terrorist event - they always have an escape clause !
Economy - It's a vicious cycle.

Ship Suicides - Quorg - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:Maybe some of the availability issues will be solved in 4.85.
Powertrading is an issue, yes, but if we we have banks & insurance companies, you probably don't have to powertrade each time. The banks will pay an interest on your deposit, they will earn this interest from loans to
upcoming traders and insurance companies. Insurance companies will get their credits from rich(er) players, trading companies and will take loans from banks in case of emergencies.
Obviously insurance will not payout in case there is a war or terrorist event - they always have an escape clause !
Economy - It's a vicious cycle.

What banks are still active?

Even if there are, there is still the same financial disincentive to losing all your weapons.
And still nobody has addressed the fact that not all deaths are a result of the player or character's own decisions- take a new player getting killed by a Phantom and such.
Dumb luck shouldn't smash players into poverty.

Ship Suicides - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 01-29-2009

I gladly repair capital ship bills, but having to replace HIGH overpriced greedy weapon dealer codenames? Sure, Ill start paying that as soon as you tell them to make every codie 3 mil or less:)lol... (just as soon as i start flying that FIGHTER!) lol...

Ship Suicides - spec - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:Um...
What banks are still active?

Probably none - there was no incentive for them to survive.

Quote:Even if there are, there is still the same financial disincentive to losing all your weapons.
This can be still solved by banks - locker room for keeping those precious items, or a deal with a gun dealer - perhaps a lifetime discount on weapons of a certain nature... Gives some incentives to Wpn dealers to remain in business as you're not just buying a gun, you're buying a service to always get that gun.

Quote:And still nobody has addressed the fact that not all deaths are a result of the player or character's own decisions- take a new player getting killed by a Phantom and such.
Dumb luck shouldn't smash players into poverty.
That is sheer dumb luck, but maybe the local government of the system can compensate ordinary civilians to
an extent.
It should be know to all by now - you see a phantom, you run like there's no tomorrow !

Ship Suicides - Xing - 01-29-2009

It's OORP to die, and survive and have your ship back to normal status, exactly identical, with the same name, within 4 hours.

and then what?...