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Hispanic Armed Forces - Laowai - 02-03-2009

Incoming Transmission.....

Comm ID: Elder Ben Laowai
Battleship Venganza, Omicron Gamma.

Message reads....

Right, I have had very little experience with you HAF people, but that that i have has not impressed me all that much, i know you are new pilots, green amongst our people and full of the bravado and false pride that so many young Corsairs are all too often guilty of carrying.
My time is precious so i will not waste words.
I abstained from this vote, which generally carries a motion when the numbers are present. I cannot and will not abide by motions that cause Corsairs to attack other Corsairs. That being said, this motion was voted on and passed by a clear majority of the council and as such the motion stands. Furthermore, your condemnation was passed onto me by Several Elders, not just those of the OPG, whom you so ignorantly accuse of all manner of power abuses. These Elders are known to me and respected greatly by me, and they and their familias have proved themselves time and time again, as such, when they speak, i listen, when they offer me counsel, i take their words to heart.
They have this respect, because they have earned it.
You of the HAF would do well to learn some humility in this matter, standing against the council is treasonous at best and to do so displays extreme foolhardiness. So my HAF friends, the OPG is NOT the council, but the OPG are ON the council and as such their words carry weight.

Until such time that i see otherwise and propose a counter-motion, or until such time as my brothers on the council tell me otherwise, this motion shall it seems stand.

My advice to you, do what the council bids, stand down and learn to work with your people. This council and these houses have stood for far longer than the HAF have done, and they will stand far after your names are barely known memories. You have offended members of the council whose favour, once lost, is not easily regained, however were i in your shoes i would do what i could to regain that favour.

Laowai out.

Transmission ends.....

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

incoming transmission...
from HAF-Megadeath

ok Asno, ill request to you dont insult me, im not an ignorant, you maybe yes, we need to see the answer of every one Elder here, and you was talked enough, please dont put more gasoline in fire, because you, solo, you arent the council, if you are only the ugly secretary, we need to know that about one no OPG member of the council.

//we, HAF, are respect the rules in game, no reengage, leaving systems, no insulting... because we want stay here.

Hispanic Armed Forces - Zelot - 02-03-2009

Clearly you are not hearing what the Elders of the Council say. We are one council, not OPG elders, Brotherhood Elders, Benitez Elders, and Independent Elders. We speak with one voice to the outside. The Council has voted, a majority voted for this and that is all that matters to the HAF. I will not have you fools taking a straw poll of Elders, we shall explain to you what we feel, we shall not be questioned by you like we are on some kind of trial. We are the law in Corsair territories, and it would help you to start to recognize that.

Elder Miguel Sephardi - The Brotherhood!

Hispanic Armed Forces - globalplayer-svk - 02-03-2009

Incoming Transmission.....

Comm ID: Globalo, Elder of The Brotherhood...

You will see vote of every elder? you see it. you will see vote of council?
You see it. What more you will ? And yes, i am the globalo, that little not important indie corsair, or how named me one of your men...

Hispanic Armed Forces - blubba - 02-03-2009

Comm ID: Chico Benitez


Be aware Senor that what the Councilors are trying to say is that the vote has been made behind closed doors.
While you may have some sympathy with some corsairs for your plight, it would appear that even their patience is running/run thin. As the vote stands, you current position would appear untenable.

"Until such time that I see otherwise and propose a counter-motion, or until such time as my brothers on the council tell me otherwise, this motion shall it seems stand.
My advice to you, do what the council bids, stand down and learn to work with your people. This council and these houses have stood for far longer than the HAF have done, and they will stand far after your names are barely known memories. You have offended members of the council whose favour, once lost, is not easily regained, however were i in your shoes i would do what i could to regain that favour"

I suggest you heed those words wisely.

Despite your opinion of some of the Elders who sit on that council, they have earned their places through comradeship and blood. The good times and the bad.
Elder Asno has informed you. He is speaking for the OPG councilors. Elder Shepardi of the TBH has explained their position. Elder Laowai has notified you. He represents possibly the largest corsair contingent.
It would appear Elder Custo Benitez has voted against your current position as well.
I can only mirror Elder Laowai's words.

Chico out.

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

incoming transmission....

ok, now we are seated in a real reunion, someone said have not enough time, ok, ill dont talk so much, but im coming, not as an elder, im coming in the name of my mates, we dont start the fire, was the OPG, they was who insult us as worms, whit racist adjetives because we are hispanic people, they said me "remember your mother here in my cockpit suck...." they insult to my father and to my brothers, thats normal for a pirate, but we cant tolerate their abuse, and they fired their guns first, and your paper soldiers, like vilkas, karolis and other take your names and want to do orders over us, but you, council, with exception of gentle and Globito, (who was at the end in the crossfire yesterday) you was not there.

you only was listening to you friends, not to you people, the corsair nation, and its good to you know, all indies in gamma are terrorized by OPGs, now you are here, so, judge a corsair man with justice, no with your heart , we are thinking all Elders are wise and old persons, we think they loved their people in gamma.

**trans end***

Hispanic Armed Forces - Zelot - 02-03-2009

Open Comms:

Thats enough, you would yet again suggest that you know the Corsair people better than the Council, yet again you try to explain being Corsair to us who live it day in and day out. You suggest that all independent Corsairs are somehow attacked by the OPG. Why is it we dont hear this from those very independent Corsairs, why do we not hear it from Elder Laowai who represents those independent Corsairs on the Council? I think it is because they are lies, meant to divide the Corsair nation, and I will not stand for it.

Comms Closed.

Hispanic Armed Forces - globalplayer-svk - 02-03-2009

Incoming Transmission.....

Comm ID: Globalo, Elder of The Brotherhood...

Ok, i try it again and slowly. You are screaming that OPG ships fird on you. and what you are waiting when you aren ot respecting orders from elders? when you are attacking phantoms? you will have phantoms on your doors? i no. and what you think other will make, when you destroy deals that were maked time ago ?

Hispanic Armed Forces - geohxx - 02-03-2009

***incoming transmission***
**TO Corsair Council***

If we be ignorant of the Council's authority, we had not attended to come here

***transmission end**

Hispanic Armed Forces - -Wraith- - 02-06-2009

---------------Opening Comms----------
---------------Signal Locaction Unknown---------

From: [OPG]-Wraith-
To: HAF-Megadeath should know better. When I first showed up in Omicron Gamma I was just some guy flying a Defender with Liberty Navy IFF. On my wingtips were two Corsairs who taken me captive in the Borderworlds. Sure some people were saying that i should leave and not be there. Many people came to my aid including you and the [OPG]. Back then there was no problems with each other. Now I must ask this question.

Is this whole defiance just to show that you and your comrades won't give up on doing what the other Corsairs have failed at doing? Or is about your ego and that the Hispania Armored Force are some how connected if you lose one you will take a serious blow to the other.

Now i'm asking you as one of your previous "students" to do the smart thing and the reasonable thing.
Lay down your arms.

------------Signal Lost---------------------------------------------------------------------