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To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Printable Version

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RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Kazinsal - 05-01-2018

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Florence-Clemens.png]

Identification: Lieutenant Florence Clemens
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium, Fourth Fleet

To: Hagbard Celine, TAZ
CC: Aquila Defense Systems

Subject: Dockmaster has encountered a problem and needs to be restarted.
Encryption: MEDIOCRE.
Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44

Kallisti, Mr. Celine.

Director Jones is out of the office but I've been authorized to speak to this issue.

One of our affiliates went out and retrieved a sample of Optronic Arrays so we could teach the dockmaster what they look like and how to accept them. We apologize for the inconvenience. We also noticed the dockmaster was not properly paying out for Robotic Hardware. This issue has been corrected as of right now and we will retroactively correct the error on your next bonus payout.

Florence Clemens
Natio Octavarium, Fourth Fleet

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - realekki - 05-02-2018

ID: Hagbard Celine

subject: melbourne

Location: in space

Encryption: maybe Level: lousy

Kallisti Mr. Nitzan,

yesterday, Pope Rackham, Pope Gustavson - formaly known as Pope Shadow and me were able to deliver huge stuff of this and that. details? see below

in short: the [TAZ]Digger.Fish delivered the following:

when?what?how many?the oh yes
01.05.825 Robotic Hardware 15.000 1, 2, 3
01.05.825 Nanomembrane Filters 10.000 this, that
01.05.825 Optronic Arrays 15.000 yes
01.05.825 High Performance Alloy 5.000 praise eris

Hagbard Celine

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Kazinsal - 05-02-2018

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Kane-NO.png]

Identification: Minister Harold Kane
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium, Ministry of Relations

To: Hagbard Celine, Mad John Rackham, TAZ
CC: Aquila Defense Systems

Subject: My office is full of construction supplies
Encryption: What isn't encrypted these days really
Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44

Kallisti, your popelinesses,

Jeepers creepers, you folks are brilliant. We'd ask how you managed to pull this off but that'd spoil the magic. Bonuses sent plus a little extra to make up for the dockworkers not having their robotic heads screwed on all the way.

Attachment found: Receipt

Construction efforts are nearing completion thanks to you all. We sincerely hope the monotony of the cargo runs didn't sour you on future work and friendship with the Natio.

Harold Kane
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - realekki - 05-04-2018

ID: Hagbard Celine

subject: melbourne

Location: in space

Encryption: capitalisti Level: lousy

Kallisti Mr. Nitzan,

the polyfathers did some deliveries, paperworks follows.

looks like eris stepped into ya station and run away with ya clerk, who took the chance and stole nearly all of your money.
to the point: the cargomaster still can just pay the hull segments - app.17k are left right now. but pope aggripinus sits at the bar after he decides to get plastered
while his ship with the last 2800 heat sinks blocks a docking bay.

your help and your money is required.

Hagbard Celine

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Kazinsal - 05-04-2018

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Tobiah-Nitzan.png]

Identification: Minister Tobiah Nitzan
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium, Ministry of Finance

To: Hagbard Celine, Mad John Rackham, TAZ
CC: Aquila Defense Systems

Subject: Bank robbery corrected
Encryption: Funny story, really
Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44

Kallisti, popes,

You've done such a fine job with your shipping runs that our dockmaster ran out of wads of cash. We're not sure what the appropriate way to thank you for this is, so we've settled for giving him another suitcase full of money that will no doubt be transferred to you in short order.

Tobiah Nitzan
Minister of Finance, Natio Octavarium

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - realekki - 05-04-2018

ID: Hagbard Celine

subject: melbourne

Location: in space

Encryption: ohyeah Level: puhh

Kallisti Mr. Nitzan,

when ya read this, Pope Gustavson has finished the last delivery for melbourne. the base now can go a step further in a future only eris knows.

the paperwork is in work and will be done shortly.

Hagbard Celine

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Kazinsal - 05-04-2018

[ Incoming Transmission ]

[Image: Kane-NO.png]

Identification: Minister Harold Kane
Affiliation: Natio Octavarium, Ministry of Relations

To: Hagbard Celine, Mad John Rackham, TAZ
CC: Aquila Defense Systems

Subject: Suddenly, we have living quarters
Encryption: Somewhat
Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44

Kallisti, your popelinesses,

The Natio greatly appreciates everything you've done. On behalf of our people I want to personally thank you for your efforts. Our citizens are safer thanks to you. You are more than welcome aboard Melbourne Station and in our space in general any time. We look forward to further cooperation between the Natio and the TAZ.

Let us know when the paperwork is ready. In the meantime, I'll be in my shuttle, just outside the docking bays, admiring our new and greatly improved starbase.

Harold Kane
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium

[ Transmission Ended ]

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - realekki - 05-04-2018

ID: Hagbard Celine

subject: melbourne

Location: in space

Encryption: sometimes Level: done

Kallisti Mr. Nitzan,

here is my last delivery manifest.

over the last days, Pope Rackham, Pope Gustavson - formaly known as Pope Shadow, Pope Agrippinus and me were able to deliver even more stuff of something.

in short: the [TAZ]Digger.Fish delivered the following:

when?what?how many?the oh yes
02.05.825 High Performance Alloy 7.000 23
04.05.825 Nanomembrane Filters 3.000 a
days in may 825 Hull Segments 12.500 5 5 5 5 5

Hagbard Celine

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Marc Shadow - 05-05-2018

[Image: EZA1SQn.jpg?3]

ID: Pope Ragnar Gustavson

subject: melbourne

Location: somewhere in space

Encryption: praised be Eris!

Level: confused

Kallisti Mr. Nitzan,

Eris is my life and i feel her spirit in all my veins!
That's why I brought all the pending deliveries! Although I saw that your Cargo Master was only willing to pay 1 credit for the Hull Segments.
There may not be all screenshots because I had a problem with my Gun Cam, but if you check the shipping documents you will see Eris was generous.


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


For Eris


Praised be Eris

Well Mr.Nitzan, it's on you to make a donation to the: [TAZ]Equinox Of course i would be happy about a few credits. And my ship needs a renovation after such an action!
May Eris always be by your side!

Pope Ragnar Gustavson
Kallisti and

RE: To: Temporary Autonomous Zoners | From: Your friendly neighbourhood ex-Raiders - Joggin - 05-06-2018

*Incoming Transmission*
Comm ID: Mad John Rackham
Location: Ambassador's Office, Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
Encryption: High

To: Minister Harold Kane
CC: Tobiah Nitzan, Jonathon Jones, TAZ


We're chuffed that yer pleased with the look of yer base, fully kitted out, with all the gubbins yer need to bring her up to scratch and shiny like, there's a final Invoice or two to pay, and then I think we're done for the mo'.

Here's my last and final tally for deliveries to Melbourne....

Hull Segments 1
Hull Segments 2

Total of 3410 Hull Segments

Optronic Arrays 1
Optronic Arrays 2
Optronic Arrays 3
Optronic Arrays 4
Optronic Arrays 5
Optronic Arrays 6

Total of 20460 Optronic Arrays

All payable to the [TAZ]Law.of.Fives if you will? And thank yez!

Hoping ya have all that's needed fer now, give us a shout any time ya might need a dig out with further deliveries. A pleasure ter help out.

Yours in the Deep,

2's & 3's