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Missions are not worth it anymore - Printable Version

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RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Greylock - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 11:30 AM)Lythrilux Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 11:27 AM)Greylock97 Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 11:13 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: I've heard the problem is with Cruiser Commanders? Maybe remove the sell point? Or perhaps move it further away

Moving it would be easily countered by having a buddy with a transport to just fill up and sell all at once, which is what I do.

Is that really a counter though? Your buddy is still running the risk of getting intercepted when he's ferrying the loot to the sell point. I was thinking of having it put it one or two systems away.


RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Lythrilux - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 11:32 AM)Greylock97 Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 11:30 AM)Lythrilux Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 11:27 AM)Greylock97 Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 11:13 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: I've heard the problem is with Cruiser Commanders? Maybe remove the sell point? Or perhaps move it further away

Moving it would be easily countered by having a buddy with a transport to just fill up and sell all at once, which is what I do.

Is that really a counter though? Your buddy is still running the risk of getting intercepted when he's ferrying the loot to the sell point. I was thinking of having it put it one or two systems away.


I feel at that point - the JD moneysink and splitting the profit between you and your buddy - the profit/sec would worsen as compared to just hauling the loot there yourself.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Banned player t202085 - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 10:37 AM)Antonio Wrote: It's almost as if the hardest and most profitable missions should be group effort. 200m per hour was not fine, something had to change. We'll see how this change specifically impacted missions.

Something like that in a Mako wouldn't be possible, it can't take the damage nor have the powercore and two heavy slots, not the three, this change disproportionately affects factions with only light capital access, capital missions in comparison to everyone else.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Felipe - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 11:14 AM)Greylock97 Wrote: Exactly. Between the cost of missiles and repairs, you only lose money doing missions now.
Just if you doing missions as other factions, the well paid ones still worth doing...

(09-22-2018, 11:24 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Unpopular opinion: Spamming hurricanes at idiotic NPCs should not be more profitable than the chore that is trading, because otherwise everyone will stop trading and go for the fun thing instead, arguing that people will be more likely to group up and fight five Hurricane Legates in Xi than logging a lone bomber with torpedos to kill juicy freighter-shielded armorless defenseless transports.

"logging a lone bomber with torpedos to kill juicy freighter-shielded armorless defenseless transports."

If is a cau8 Battletransport and a decent bomber is using coronas or SNAC, transport is dead anyway, is pointless losing cargo in defenses.

And thats one of the reasons ppl prefer missions than trading, what is bad keep being turned worst, and instead solving that, drive effort (the minimum possible btw) to make game even worst in other areas to force ppl in the bad situation that players where trying to not go into, and had not been fixed (in fact turned worst, as by the devs pov, Transports are same as Battleships, at least for Coroona and SNAC effectiveness (100%)

If the intent is driving players away, good work.

If isnt uh... you guys ***may*** had done a mistake. Or some mistakes.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - St.Denis - 09-22-2018

Being a person, who occasionally does missions, doesn't know the how to turret steer properly, doesn't know the finesse way of fighting in Caps (uses the method of 'going in all guns blazing'), doesn't use missiles and does it as a form of relaxation and not for making money, this has totally destroyed that option.

The problem, as I see it, is that the addition of missiles, that has made the missions too easy.

Now that missiles are here, and possibly not going away, the choices appear to be:

a) Reduce effectiveness of the Missiles and/or
b) Reduce the reward dropped by the Missions.

By doing this 'Armour increase', it has now forced those of us that didn't use Missiles, to have to chose them to stand a chance of surviving.

This 'fix' appear to have not resolved the real issue (that being that Missiles are very over-powered), but to stick a big plaster over the problem.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - OldMiner - 09-22-2018

Query: Why are there no missions involving the collection and delivery of cargo? Surely all bases may from time to time need the urgent delivery of critical commodities and are willing to pay more than the going rate.

Just a thought other than missions for fighting vessels.


RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Titan* - 09-22-2018

1. Remove half of the loot that dropping from NPC capitals
2. Revert armor/hurricane changes

Thats it

Just change loot drops from NPC Caps if there is problem, there is no reason to nerf anything else.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Lythrilux - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 02:12 PM)Titan* Wrote:

1. Remove half of the loot that dropping from NPC capitals

Just change loot drops from NPC Caps if there is problem, there is no reason to nerf anything else.

No, this is just the same line of logic as the initial change. You can't apply general changes to cap missions because they play differently to each other.

Missions need to be reviewed on a case by case basis, their profit/sec, and how respective faction caps interact with them. And only then can changes need to be applied thereafter if needed. It would take effort yes, but that's what quality balance is.

EDIT: So yeah, reduce the loot from Xi. Leave everything else untouched.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Felipe - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 02:12 PM)Titan* Wrote:
1. Remove half of the loot that dropping from NPC capitals
2. Revert armor/hurricane changes

Just change loot drops from NPC Caps if there is problem, there is no reason to nerf anything else.

+1 but
Of the missions that pay too much not of *ALL OF THEM* for Jesus sake, not every 5M+ gave 200m/hour, the one RM guys did been around 70M/hour (and finding a 5M+ wasquite hard)

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Greylock - 09-22-2018

(09-22-2018, 02:17 PM)Felipe Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 02:12 PM)Titan* Wrote:
1. Remove half of the loot that dropping from NPC capitals
2. Revert armor/hurricane changes

Just change loot drops from NPC Caps if there is problem, there is no reason to nerf anything else.

+1 but
Of the missions that pay too much not of *ALL OF THEM* for Jesus sake, not every 5M+ gave 200m/hour, the one RM guys did been around 70M/hour (and finding a 5M+ wasquite hard)

Me being the main person Felipe is referring to, I must agree with him. Mission grinding in Sigma-21 was fine as it was. Decreasing the loot from that takes that down a good bit. It is a pain to find missions that pay well enough to cover the cost of repairs (stupid battlecruisers dodge the hurricanes) and ammos. At this point, I see no reason to even touch my bs unless there's an event going on.