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Racing Ships - Printable Version

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Racing Ships - Xing - 02-14-2009

' Wrote:Aerodynamic eh?

And how is that suppose to help a space ship?

I hate to say this, but whats the point of flying a cube while we are at it?
Design is interesting. Speed is associate with aerodynamism, a sleek design will obviously suggest a fast craft.

If, in your eyes, a Rheinland battleship is synonym to a racing vessel, then I don't know what to tell you.

Racing Ships - Tenacity - 02-14-2009

well, you could always consider nebulas, which do create resistance/drag on non aerodynamic ships, though in very small amounts.

Racing Ships - Linkus - 02-14-2009

We should all fly spheres if we want the best style of warship. Provides the greatest surface area for weapons.

We like pretty things though and have always existed in this atmosphere that requires sleek, aerodynamic designs to pass through quickly in.

Racing Ships - me_b_kevin - 02-15-2009

i have a few more ideas that i'll draw up when i get a few minutes to spare. i'll let you know when they are done.

Racing Ships - Lunaphase - 02-20-2009

why not make these ships double as light fighters? we need more of them and a LF with guns stripped really is just a rocket with a cockpit and wings.

Racing Ships - Magoo! - 02-20-2009

A sleek space-racing ship would be... Silly?

Given the size and shape, if you rounded it off much more it'd look like a bloody Covenant cruiser or otherwise *looks at Linkus' avatar* like a small Phantom fighter.

Keep it as it is.

-Edit- For all I care, make a line of civilian sports ships if the people want pretty. Right now we're look at effectiveness, and that involves a ship that can carry alot of fuel and power while remaining light and easily propelled.

-Double Edit-
[Image: cot.jpg] <-- Effective
[Image: madison_2003_corvette.jpg] <-- Pretty

See the difference (Mostly saying this to Yue)? Prettiness is made to sell by making the people think it can go fast. Effectiveness does go fast.

Racing Ships - Hawkwings - 02-21-2009

I'm slightly wary of this racing ships idea. On one hand, it could be great, adding another element to the game for people to play. On the other hand, it might turn into a mini-game within a game, where it has nothing to do with the larger universe as a whole. If you make ships that are only meant for racing, and can only be used for racing (no guns, weak shields, etc) then people will only use them for racing, and be totally disconnected from the rest of the game while in those ships.

Racing Ships - waimser - 02-21-2009

I think a line of racing ships is a great idea. All looking different, some sleek and pretty, some looking real mean. All with same or very similar stats.

I do also agree that they should be useable in the real world of freelancer. Even if we went to the extreme of saying they are considered unsafe for normal use and hence illegal. then ppl using them would have big problems with the authorities.

Like the idea of more race tracks, and also an organised cross sirius race.

Im also liking the design of the ship which started this thread. Its fairly spot on what i would imagine for a racing ship in this game.

Racing Ships - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-21-2009

' Wrote:If you make ships that are only meant for racing, and can only be used for racing (no guns, weak shields, etc) then people will only use them for racing, and be totally disconnected from the rest of the game while in those ships.

If you make ships that are only meant for trading, and can only be used for trading (large cargo holds and little combat capability), then people will only use them for trade and be totally disconnected from the rest of the game while in those ships.

Different ships for different roles. Besides, having an entire racing subculture in the game could be interesting, especially as relates to their relations with other types of groups.

I say keep them specialized for racing. No need for multiple roles here!

Racing Ships - Magoo! - 02-25-2009

Somewhat of a random bump. Had an idea.

Perhaps make a one-way jump hole to a system dedicated entirely to racing? It'd eliminate people soaring at 800 m/s to scan systems and it'd serve its purpose. The ships would be sold there, along with a camera ship in case anybody wanted to film a race or event. Of course, have it clearly marked as a one-way so new-ish types don't wander in unsuspectingly.