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Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Printable Version

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RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Rantari - 03-26-2019

Which is why the story can't be solely based on in game PVP that is just the flavour the enjoyability aspect. At the end of the day there will always be a player or group of players that can just annihilate another, should we just delete the factions because they don't only have PvP aces? I don't believe so.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Sombs - 03-26-2019

Ah, see, IMG, ALG and RHA defended the station so incredibly well that it took a lore-breaking, suddenly possible and considerable deus-ex-machina to have Bretonia still get the shipyard.

Look, I believe most of the people have no big issue with the fact that Aland got taken, but the way it was done and justified screams blatant incompetence, forced masterplan and wishful ignorance left and right.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - pulha - 03-26-2019

And what was the problem with bretonia not getting the shipyard ?

I really don't see what the problem is actually ... they would lose the war ... and? what's the problem with that? There's so many other options ...

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Lythrilux - 03-26-2019

(03-26-2019, 08:27 PM)Unseelie Wrote: In point of fact, the current state of Aland is due to the IMG's resistance to the base being taken. The amount of damage planned for the station was ratcheted up twice because of the fervor with which the IMG defended the station.

We haven't just blindly followed through with our original plan. We've talked to many different parties and judged what can be done and how, and we've changed our plans based on in-game shows of opinion. No, we did not announce and event and run it for two hours. We watched combats in that system evolve over two weeks of time, watched roleplay on the server grow and change, watched everyone from the CR to the Order, from the BMF and the ALG become involved on one side or another.

I'm sorry if anyone feels that they did not get a chance to participate in conflicts that lasted for weeks, but if you couldn't clear your calendar to be engaged in those, I can't expect you to have made time for a single event.

Core, Bretonia's actual ally in the region, was completly omitted from the whole thing as if it never took part at all. Not even a footnote...

Either way, I must disagree with you. The Dev team first intervened with events by dealing with CR as they did - now I don't necessarily agree or disagree with how they handled that, but the spirit of it still doesn't feel great. Otherwise, as I outlined in my other thread, this conflict was filled with forced story changes completly oblivious to the actions of players, or things that were happening where the players were given little to no chance to prepare for and roleplay these. The conclusion to it all was even worse.

This doesn't feel like the Devs reacting to what was going on, it feels like it was all decided from the start (the fact that I have been informed of such, and was able to predict it myself). This is the opposite of the organic series of events you thought happened.

Both sides to this need to stop getting so flustered and thinking the only way forward is extremes (either players being puppets to the Dev team, or the devs being puppets to the players). Both sides should be able to confidently suggest ideas to each other and work on getting them implemented in a healthy, organic way. I still strongly believe these could have all had events done for them. It's about putting in a little bit of extra effort and communication to help plan something with OFLs. Hell, if the story devs don't want to do it, I'll gladly put on my short-lived Event Team hat on again and do it for them.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Rantari - 03-26-2019

nothing wrong with Bretonia losing the war at all, we actually discussed a surrender a while back so it isn't something completely off the cards and I doubt it is now but only time will tell. That's the fun part about having a developing story is the surprise and having to adapt. You don't read and book and then start rewriting it after a few pages because the author didn't write it how your favourite character the way you wanted.

I'm not arguing that it couldn't have been done better, but the story is written lets roll with it.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Lythrilux - 03-26-2019

People are just going to drop bad books tho.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - JonasHudson - 03-26-2019

(03-26-2019, 08:52 PM)Rantari Wrote: nothing wrong with Bretonia losing the war at all, we actually discussed a surrender a while back so it isn't something completely off the cards and I doubt it is now but only time will tell. That's the fun part about having a developing story is the surprise and having to adapt. You don't read and book and then start rewriting it after a few pages because the author didn't write it how your favourite character the way you wanted.

I'm not arguing that it couldn't have been done better, but the story is written lets roll with it.

Ever hear of choose your own adventure novels?

I only ever bothered to join the Bret side because of how the war had been decidely in Gallia's favor for so long. I always could handle my side losing, but I did want to see it go a little more fair. weirdly its like most could tell though if it was player driven we'd be sieging new paris instead of what we have now. The entite war should have been managed with events. The rest of it should too. Writing pre set story with marginal consideration of community RP sucks all the air out of the point of being here. If you want just RP, fall back on D&D. In this game, stuff should happen unless its absolutely necessary not too.

So to be fair, i complained about Gallia having stuff handed to them, i complain the same here. Its not about who wins, but how that is determined. in Aland's case its true it would be a little easier than a big military objective like a planet, but as the crisis unfolded, sides were chosen, people went to work, and the devs responded with handing the station over to avoid a fair fight, when free flowing things started to get in the way. Instead of having complaints on both sides, an open public system keeps us all on the same page fairly. No one gains stuff they can't earn! It also means less work from the devs on floating which things will irritate or not.

Screw it lets not end the Gallic war, lets actually just start it and have a war. Even for a short time at least.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - sindroms - 03-26-2019

IMG should have crippled the base and let the BAF have their smoking wreck if they really wanted it so bad.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Loken - 03-26-2019

That's actually what they said they were going to do.

RE: Poll: Should we have a redo Player Event at Aland? - Sombs - 03-26-2019

It's literally what was planned.