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New Cloaking Ideas. - Printable Version

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New Cloaking Ideas. - swift - 02-26-2009

Admin Given... Not Good
Free For All.. Also Not Good
Cloaks.. Not Good.

Unrelated to the thread... the nebula visibility decrease... Good.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Tenacity - 02-27-2009

Honestly, right now I'd rather see jump drives for battlecruisers and battleships than cloaking devices for anyone.

New Cloaking Ideas. - farmerman - 02-27-2009

It'd be interesting if it was possible to have an item to allow it that replaced the shield but also would use a large percentage of the ship's power (it would need energy, right?).

New Cloaking Ideas. - NerdRage - 02-27-2009

a... radar jammer?

a copmplete colak would only be feaible if it ate energy like the devil,
and could only cloak without cruize for about 2 minutes

good idea, i'll branch off some ideas off the 'variable armour slot'

make the armour upgrade slot variable, you could have:

armour uprgades,
radar jammers,
reactor upgrades (only adds a little bit to your energy)
missle jammers?
extra cargo hold?

radar jammers make it that the player appears on other people radar later (for example, only if they are 10k away)
cargo hold multuplies damage but somehow increases hold by max 300?
a missle jammer is like a constant CM , so theres a 10% chance that the missle fired on you will not lock on without deploying a CM?
but reactor upgrades add either more energy capacity or faster recarge so you can fire one more volley of pewpew befor you run out of juce.
its only a few ideas, but methinks it will be really abused.

whatever happened to the 'paintjobs' idea? an item that changes your texture, is that possible?

New Cloaking Ideas. - Wo3dy - 02-27-2009

' Wrote:a... radar jammer?

a copmplete colak would only be feaible if it ate energy like the devil,
and could only cloak without cruize for about 2 minutes

good idea, i'll branch off some ideas off the 'variable armour slot'

make the armour upgrade slot variable, you could have:

armour uprgades,
radar jammers,
reactor upgrades (only adds a little bit to your energy)
missle jammers?
extra cargo hold?

radar jammers make it that the player appears on other people radar later (for example, only if they are 10k away)
cargo hold multuplies damage but somehow increases hold by max 300?
a missle jammer is like a constant CM , so theres a 10% chance that the missle fired on you will not lock on without deploying a CM?
but reactor upgrades add either more energy capacity or faster recarge so you can fire one more volley of pewpew befor you run out of juce.
its only a few ideas, but methinks it will be really abused.

whatever happened to the 'paintjobs' idea? an item that changes your texture, is that possible?

i would make it 6-7k for the radar jammer, with 10k, the "oponent" has to much tim to react good

New Cloaking Ideas. - Nightmouse - 02-27-2009

' Wrote:Honestly, right now I'd rather see jump drives for battlecruisers and battleships than cloaking devices for anyone.

I like the sound of that idea, BUT how do you move an entire fleet then. The battleships jump, but the escorts have to try to keep up.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Leo - 02-27-2009

' Wrote:No no no no no! we would never be able to see them, or find them.

Then set it on a timer. Only cloak for five minute or something then it decloaks and has a cooldown until you can use it again.

' Wrote:Honestly, right now I'd rather see jump drives for battlecruisers and battleships than cloaking devices for anyone.

I've sucessfully managed to create a jumpdrive that jumps one system over. It uses crystals similar to how shield and nano's are used. Once you're out you can't jump. Takes almost a minute to charge up similar to a cruise engine. However, if you jump with in 5K of anything the game and server both hard crash, and requires a reboot. Still too buggy to impliment into a server environment.


New Cloaking Ideas. - Sikotik - 02-27-2009

I like the timer idea it sounds like a possibility (for me).
Don't know with the others.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Dragon - 02-28-2009

radar jam -good idea
cloack -bad idea

Radar jam is nice idea but ONLY for h fighters and l fighters let`s make them more unique - but it sould be able to use armor upgrade.

New Cloaking Ideas. - Ironfoot - 02-28-2009

If you were to cloak in battle shouldn't that be treated the same way as engaging cruise engines, after all aren't trying to evade the other player?

What are the rules for using a cloak, I'm not familiar with them?

I think you should be able to use a cloak to wait for a battle but once you de-cloak you must remain visable or you should keep on running.