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SOB Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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SOB Bar & Grill - Unholy1 - 08-04-2009

"Lt.Colonel Picaro Diablo to Malta control. Do you Copy?"

"Picaro this is Malta control we hear you loud and clear Sir."

"Roger that, I seemed to have found Colonel Diablo."

"That is great news Picaro!!"

Picaro looks back into his cargo hold at a man in somewhat of a trance.
He grabs his communications mic. while still looking at the man.
"Well Malta control, he seems to be in some sort of a trance. He doesn't know who he is or how he managed to make his way to my cargo hold."

"Get him to the medical ward stat."

"Already set the coarse Malta control. Get people out of my way!"


Picaro punches the thrust as far as it will go and makes his way to Malta's docking rings.
He then lands. Skidding across the hanger, making his way to a screeching halt.
Picaro throws the cockpit window of his Sabre up, grabbing Picaroon he jumps out.
By this time medical had a stretcher waiting on the outside of his ship

"Medical he was kidnapped, basically seeming to disappear from Ironmaiden. I have my suspicions to who was behind this. But that doesn't matter at this moment. He is in somewhat of a trance... like he was .. brainwashed."
The medical personnel had been getting Picaroon strapped down to the stretcher while Picaro explained the issue.
"Don't worry Diablo sir, he is in good hands and will be treated ASAP."
Picaro runs behind the medical personnel, down the long corridor, until coming into the main medical hall.
"I have to ask you to wait out here Diablo sir."
Picaro knows he doesn't have to accept this request, but decides to anyways. There really isn't much he could do.
Not sure what else to do he walks down to the bar to cool down and explain what had happened to the rest of the Brigade.
He walks into the bar staying in the shadows.
Picaro makes his way to the middle of the room, once there he grabs a blaster from the holster at his side firing it into the ceiling above.
The room instantly goes silent so he re-hostlers the weapon.
"Colonel Diablo was kidnapped this morning as you may or may not know depending on how many of you slackers pay attention to your network communications.
All I know so far is he was commanding the Ironmaiden when Prometheus Harvester 24 launched multiple harpoons clamping onto the vessel.
Ironmaiden fired a single Heavy mortar round into the machine taking this as a hostile action.
After doing so the crew claims to have lost all controls to the ship. Navigation, weapons, everything.
I heard static, then tried to get the unit to submit to command. He refused.
A few minutes later, Lt.Vasquez of the Ironmaiden's crew reported Colonel Diablo had seemed to vanish instantly with no explanation on how he did so.
Requesting tows do to extreme internal damage, I docked and jumped in the closest ship I could, strong enough to pull the battleship, to bring them back to Valetta.
I made sure they were docked, then followed the unit who managed to somehow cloak his ship on command.
This aggravated me, but I kept my cool. Waiting around Malta, a smuggler claiming to be "controlled" dropped a pod into space.
I tractored it in and to my utter amazement it was the Colonel.
He suffered severe memory loss, and is now in medical ward being treated.
Until further notice I will take his place a Colonel of the SOB.
That is all."

Picaro grabs a bottle of rum from behind the bar and sits down. The pilots in the room are still staring at him amazed at what he just said.
Picaro looks up from downing half the bottle right there.

"You slackers have something to say?"

SOB Bar & Grill - JMScomp - 08-13-2009

A few days later...

Doctor Moroli walks into the bar. Visually fatigued and sporting a black eye. He stands at the door for a moment to search for Picaro Diablo, who he sees sitting at a table in the far corner with his usual rum.

Moroli approaches him slowly. "Picaro sir, I have good news about your father."

Picaro motions for him to sit down. "I'm Listening."

"His personality and reactions are completely normal now, and his memory has been returning to him at an increasing rate. I would say that in another 36 hours he'll remember everything before the incident."

Picaro looks relieved "That is good to hear. So he can leave the medical ward?"

"My...colleges would like to keep him for a time to study the process, this is something we have never seen before. My evaluation on the other hand is that he is fit to command again as is, and that further study would be...unhealthy for the outcast people. The final decision has been left up to you though, since you are now commanding officer."

Picaro surveys Moroli for a moment "If you say he is fit to command again then I see no reason to keep him locked up in there. And what happened to you? You look like hell."

Moroli nods with a slight hint of satisfaction as he sends a quick message on his data pad "Immediately sir. As for me, well, Colonel Diablo took offense to the last set of tests regarding his reaction times and decided to present them otherwise. Unfortunately I was the one giving the test...I'm just glad I dropped the flashlight."

Picaro grins "Heh, that sounds like Picaroon."

Picaro yells for the bartender to bring him and the doctor a rum.

"Sorry sir but I must decline. I have much work to do and...."

Picaro cuts him off "Nonsense. Now enjoy your drink, you deserve it."

SOB Bar & Grill - Data - 10-27-2009

Two people walk through the door. They are both covered in metal, like some kind of cyborgs. Someone in the bar recognizes them as SOB and BLS pilots Data and Sick.

It's good to be back...

SOB Bar & Grill - Prysin - 03-17-2010

A man comes in the door, almost without a sound, well if you ignore the loud "clunk" sounds that comes from every step he takes.

- Hola "Siddy" the barman shouts. So, you want the normal round?
- Ofcourse. Hand me 'sum rum, and dont forget the bacardi!!

The person called "siddy" heads over to a table were 2 other pilots is drinking. One is unfamiliar, the other one is Salvatore Luciana, a well known smuggler and pirate, also a member of the Brigade.

- Hola Sal, who's the new guy?

The bartender arrives with "siddy's" drinks and for a moment theres no talking.