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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

OOC: Ok, i stand corrected, i personally have never had trouble getting a zoner bribe, but neither have a really needed it... Anyways, lets turn this back into a message dump, not an OCC fest

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

---------------Incoming Transmission-------------

Greetings, fellow revolutionaries! I wish to announce that my Flagship, The RACS Terra, Should be out of 'Character-Wipe Drydock' shortly, and ready to send fire to our enemies again soon. I will be refitting it with many extra features, including extra armour to rival the Mothership itself.

Forward the Revolution! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 10-18-2006

Koolmo,Oct 17 2006, 07:59 PM Wrote:---------------Incoming Transmission-------------

Greetings, fellow revolutionaries!  I wish to announce that my Flagship, The RACS Terra, Should be out of 'Character-Wipe Drydock' shortly, and ready to send fire to our enemies again soon.  I will be refitting it with many extra features, including extra armour to rival the Mothership itself.

Forward the Revolution!  Mcintosh out.

Admiral McIntosh,

Malaclypse here,

One last intrusion and one last Kudo> Congratulations on the impending commissioning of your new Flagship. If the ELF can provide an Honor Guard for the Christening, we'd be delighted to pop over. Do you like cordials with maple centers? I have a box or two left over from a previous negotiation.

Viva la Revolucion!
(Your comms are once again secure from FnordNet. Download the free trial version from

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

Thank You kindly Malaclypse, I'm sure that a Mixed ELF and SCRA Escort for the maiden voyage would be excellent. The Site will Be Planet Crete, the date, I'm unsure of, as those yard dogs need some swift kicks and steady bribes, and although kicks are as common as ever, bribes are in short supply. I'll Be sure to send you an ETA when I've got it, and i think I have a few bottles of wine in the cellar somewhere. Perhaps you'd like the honour of smashing a few on the bow, before it gets covered in bounty hunter...

Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 10-18-2006

Incoming Transmission

Ah mally, so nice to hear from you old boy... (?)

anyways, we'd be honoured if sent and honour guard, however the unveiling date has yet to be determined, so please stand by on that regard.

i was more thinking of our home planet, gran canaria in omega-49, that would be a bit more appropriate i believe.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 10-18-2006

Very well, the launching Ceremonies will take place in Omege 49, from Planet Gran Canara. Also, The Chancellor has decided to Launch his new Flagship, The Dreadnaught, will be launched at the same time and from the same place.

Malaclypse, we will ask you If you would be so kind as to provide 2 Members of an Honour Guard, as well as those maple things.

Oslav, will you be able to bring your fighter to the ceremonies as the leading ship in the flotilla?

I will be asking all of the major clans if they wish to send a representative or two to the Christening ceremonies and Maiden Voyage. Date TBA.

Forward the Revolution! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 10-18-2006

Aeon,Oct 17 2006, 10:10 PM Wrote:Incoming Transmission
Ah mally, so nice to hear from you old boy... (?)

anyways, we'd be honoured if sent and honour guard, however the unveiling date has yet to be determined, so please stand by on that regard.

i was more thinking of our home planet, gran canaria in omega-49, that would be a bit more appropriate i believe.


I am afraid I have commited the most dreadful faux pas..

i take back all those dreadful things I said about your home planet. The peasants are very engaging, and there is nothing wrong atall, atall, in using your abundant resource, dung, to express your passion, your vision, your fart.

Oops. That slipped out. Pull my finger!

I've also become quite fond of mangelwurzel...

It is such a dear coinky dink that you'll be having festivities In Gran Canaria just as we are visiting! Ah, the age old question.. To kill or not to kill? I hope, Aeon,that our amenable relationship will demonstrate to our acquaintance Kerberus Actual, that we all do indeed spin our Chaos in the same direction.

Will you make it for the awarding of the Dung Sculpture Ribbons?

Mal Charena
*Kiss from Dis, Dear Aeon Snookums*

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Malaclypse 666 - 10-18-2006

Spot on, Mcintosh!

A "twofer", you say!

Then a twofer it shall be for us as well, one each from our crustier mob, the Golden Apple Corp, and one each from our latest endeavor, the Legion of Dynamic Discord.

...actually, it'll be a fourfer, because they never go anywhere without the Fnordettes.

..actually, a sixfer, as Dis and I are already here..

...actually, if you count..

Never mind, you get the picture.

Would you like those Honor Guards in biggish or smallish?


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-18-2006

honoured to be invited ,but ,would you liek me to bring my rouge gunboat or rheinland very heavy fighter?

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 10-19-2006

Ah, well Mally, i really dont care if you trash our lovely piece of **** planet that we're from, and yes i will be there for the awards at the Dung Festival. youll have to forgive the people there, they are rather rustic if you get my meaning...

as for the honour guard, well you may bring two of your most trusted people. i strictly forbid hostilities of any kind at the christening, especially if the bs| show.

and your not half bad at brown-nosing there mally, but theres no need to demonstrate ur skillZ...

you may bring whichever ship you like (as long as its either a gunboat, fighter, or bomber) Leiutenant Olsav, and as long as its a SCRA tagged character.
