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RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Doc Holliday - 10-06-2019

"No it was not my bare hands but yes, I do carry a gun, two in fact, and I am very quick with them both" he answered. "There are a lot of things that you do not know about me nor do you need to."
He took a sigh and continued. "As I told you before, I have walked both sides of the law." He then spread his robes a bit and unbuttoned his shirt enough to reveal the very faint scar on his chest that ran down his sternum.
"I had my death sentence before and when one has nothing to lose, it makes you something that you do not want to be." He then re-dressed himself. "I took my second chance seriously. I figured, sure, anyone can take a life and I have my shady past but I found more satisfaction in saving lives than taking them so no, it was not me."

"The nuke? Well, I used to run nuclear devices to Lanzerote as it required the fuel to run. It still does if I am not mistaken. I did save one though, one so that if ever I had to destroy my work that it would be complete and total."
Depression was starting to talk loudly so Doc was hitting his glass again. "Have you ever loved someone so much that you would be willing to take a fall for them? My God I have been so alone since I lost Midori."
He emptied his glass. "Did you know that there was a time that men like me were considered monsters for the work we did? I still get that when I harvest organs for transplant."
He was beginning to lose himself and the Scotch was his fix. Realizing this, he rose to his feet and leaned against the doorway as he began to unravel.

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Thunderer - 10-09-2019

A living riddle, that's what was in front of Elizabeth. Another living riddle, she thought. She had been encountering more and more of those since she been elevated to her position. She should have studied at an acclaimed university, she thought, but being self-taught was the best she could afford at the time. Still, nevertheless, here she was: although for all the wrong reasons, by luck, she guessed Holliday's innocence. Elizabeth did not always like luck. And it always felt undeserved.

But Holliday's mention of love without any obvious reason whatsoever, just like that, gave her something to draw conclusions from by her own intent, and not by fortune's. Was it the drink, or something more? Fifty-fifty, she thought, and better use the luck while it's still present.

"The only reason why I would claim it was me if it wasn't is protecting someone. It was a woman, wasn't it?"

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Doc Holliday - 10-09-2019

He just looked at her and nodded. Disgusted with himself, he got out of his chair, stumbling slightly as he did, before putting his hands behind him. Shame wouldn't let him talk to her. Rather, he spoke out loud looking slightly up. He didn't want her seeing the tear that began to fall.

"She is all I had. Where she is now I do not know." He shook his head a little. "She knew my temper and how William Mortimer brought it out simply by being himself. I grew incensed to the point where Alessa got between us, her hand on my shoulder. She pushed me back just a little, whispering in my ear that it was alright."
His right hand balled up and began to make small thumps on the door casing. His head shook more as his anguish grew.
"I.........I.....never even felt her take my pistol."
At this point, he fell to his knees. There was no turning back as the cat was out of the bag. "I did not even have time to stop her. I mean, William Mortimer lay dead on the couch before I even knew she had shot him."
His betrayal complete, he could say no more as he was on all fours, sobbing.

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Thunderer - 10-10-2019

Elizabeth sat there, motionless, staring. She got what she wanted, but she was not sure what to do with it. Maintaining professional distance from any kind of emotion and closeness was what she knew she was supposed to. But she herself had just gone through most turbulent times and had no strength left to suppress compassion. Holliday's state moved her. She turned off the recorder. She rose, rubbing her eyes to produce a few tears artificially as they would still not come out on their own, walked toward him and extended him a hand. A very symbolic gesture, a Bretonian extending a hand to a fallen Zoner, but Elizabeth did not realize this yet, as it was coincidental and not by her intention.

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Doc Holliday - 10-10-2019

He sobbed, his words finished. Grief started to get replaced by shame. With a big sigh, he got control of himself and with only the sleeve of the shirt beneath his robes available to him, he began to wipe his face before he even dare get back to his feet. filled him. All of the loss he had been through and all of the war torn bodies had finally taken its toll on him. Turning around, he saw a friendly hand extended to him. He accepted it and got back to his feet, still collecting himself. That's when he realized that before him stood a proud Bretonian with wet eyes. He excused himself.

"I am so sorry for that display," he stated. "Perhaps it was something I needed to clear myself of."
He then found his empty glass and made a motion to fill it but then stopped as he looked at the bottle. "I think it has spoken enough already." He hmphed, "So much for business I guess."

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Thunderer - 10-10-2019

Elizabeth wiped off her tears and stared at the broken man for a few seconds.

"Who got the better out of you this time", she pondered, "Mortimer, or Alessa?"

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Doc Holliday - 10-11-2019

He just shook his head. "William Mortimer did not deserve that fate." He then took a step, placing his hands on his hips as he looked skyward, "Hell he did not even deserve my wrath but....."
He then put his hands down as he looked back down, again shaking his head. "He was trying to do his job and....." He shrugged before finishing, " me in the process and now, I cannot even give his family his remains."

"And now, I betray Alessa," Doc softly continued. "I can save others but cannot save myself."
He stood silent, in thought.

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Thunderer - 10-11-2019

No word more, not today, not with him, Elizabeth decided. She walked past him, opened the door and called his escort in. "Ask the staff to find him a room. He's staying here until I decide what to do with him."

Everyone having left, Elizabeth fell to her knees. The Bretonian knelt on Canaria for a while, catching breath, wrestling with self-pity.

RE: The Captain and the Doctor (RP with Thunderer) - Doc Holliday - 10-11-2019

Alone in a room. It was a rather nice room for someone viewed as a criminal. Perhaps his good side overshadowed his misgivings. He collected himself in a hot shower while he was lost in thought. Sure, he cleared himself but he gave up someone else in the process. He let the hot water run over him while he leaned against the shower wall. While the thoughts of lost loves filled him, he started to think of his work.
"Perhaps we can start fresh" he thought to himself. Thoughts of reacquiring land to build on would usher in new ideas but then, that's what he had his facility in Baffin for. That and he had Canaria Medical still on the ground.

Dinner would consist of a steak and all the fixings direct from Cambridge. He made sure to leave a generous tip for the lad you delivered it. His head still buzzing from strong Scotch, he settled for some seltzer. While he ate, he caught up with the times in Bretonia on the local broadcast channel on a com screen. Some apple crisp would be a desert that he would slowly eat while he reviewed files on various projects and his patient schedule. Yes, he was starting to feel like himself again as for once he was able to relax a bit.

Elizabeth. The Captain. She crossed his mind in the middle of his work and it put a light smile across his face. She was attractive but her power position was intimidating to say the least. Power and beauty were a rare combination nowadays, especially when it came for a suitor to an old country, southern doctor who equally enjoyed a Poker table, some riff raff and fine drink. He also knew that he would be working with her more in the future so for now, professionalism was key.

He went back to reviewing files and making budgets. The recent donation of ten billion credits had to be spread about his enterprise. With a smirk, he quietly and anonymously put ten million into a fund for the victims of the Leeds glassing. It would simply go in under the title "Someone Who Cares." He had more than enough to where he wouldn't have to fly his trade ship for awhile. In fact, he decided to hire a young man to fly it, a young Med Force custodian-turned-pilot, Billy Garand. It would be his first conversation of his com of the evening.

He then had a long chat with his twins, Henry and Aika. It was decided that once he cleared things in Bretonia, he would spend some time with them. He also sadly told them of their elder sister and her turn to the Chrysanthemums. It would be a conversation they would elaborate more on later. Tired from the day, he turned in for the evening.