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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Printable Version

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Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Dab - 10-05-2006

Well your.. not ..humble.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-05-2006

Message from: Fin

Dab, pretty much on the nose with that one there. The Templars of the SF/BAF are an
extraordinary co-incidence, but a delicious irony in itself.
Mac old boy, wouldn't count your chickens where the Bs| are concerned, you were quite
happy to target them earlier, without a second thought. Changing sides like that shows
a little instability as to the aims of your organization.
Throat ripping eh, never covered that at my school, Eris is forgiving of our mistakes in a
certain way, not of yours though.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Kane - 10-05-2006

ROLE PLAY: The Phantoms would be delighted to aid in this wonderful attack of those who quite readily deserve it. I personally hope to arrive and join in the festivities.

Assuming, of course, I ever manage to disentangle myself for the utter nothingness that seems to have befallen me. It may take some time to become fully extracted.

TRANSLATION: Yes, I would like to fly with the ELF on the 13th.

But, I havent re-created DarkStar yet. I'm also a lazy bum who can't be arsed to do so anytime soon.

EXPLINATION: I seem to have lost the FL mood. So far, the only character I have fully working is Krieg, and even he could use a little more tweaking. The only other account I have is Kane, and to show just how lazy I am, he's still in a Large Transport. Not train, Transport.

So, DarkStar may or may not be ready when the 13th comes around.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-05-2006

Message to: DarkStar
Comm ID: Mal 666

Mea Culpa received.

Tentative reservation accepted and noted.

Do you speak for all Phantoms? ..or do we need to qualify individual attendees?


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Kane - 10-05-2006

My lords, sargents, and slayers are all welcome if I am. Whether they choose to join us or dispence their own 'Justice' elsewhere is up to them. I'm sure that at least one or two will show up, once the word is out.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-06-2006

Kane,Oct 5 2006, 04:25 PM Wrote:My lords, sargents, and slayers are all welcome if I am. Whether they choose to join us or dispence their own 'Justice' elsewhere is up to them. I'm sure that at least one or two will show up, once the word is out.

Mal to Darkstar

Caveat noted. The more the merrier.

And on a further note of explanation for the terminally confused:

"Consult your Pineal Gland" = :

...What color am I on your Hud?
...What do you do??
...Think! Quick!
...What do you do??
...Too late. Toasted.

...does that help?


Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - marauder - 10-06-2006

Why can't people slowly read through a post/thread before responding?

If you read it carefully and slowly the only faction mentioned as a target is the SF, due to the fact that the britonians have a VHF called the 'templar'.

Thats just from me reading the first post, it's abit clearer in a later post too.

All the rest of the posts that aren't from Hoodlum, Mal, wolfpack or kane are just confusing everyone as to what the hells going on.

Catch_23 will be there as requested, (assuming I can get the 2 supercomputers on it to agree who to shoot first...)

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Virus - 10-06-2006

It seems that the Order is unlawful here (like they should be).

Friday the 13th, I might join the "lawful" side here, with a good, sturdy Wrath.

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Malaclypse 666 - 10-06-2006

Virus,Oct 5 2006, 05:34 PM Wrote:It seems that the Order is unlawful here (like they should be).

Friday the 13th, I might join the "lawful" side here, with a good, sturdy Wrath.

"Chalk one more tentative for the Hodge, Dis."

*Gotcha, Mal. Did he say what he was bringin' to the party?*

"A Wrath. Oh! you meant something to eat! Nope, he didn't say..."

*Roger. Another of those talented chefs who's beaten a path between the freezer and the microwave. I'll put him down for stale, broken potato chips.*

"You're a Smart Girl, Dis!"

Proclamation! Friday, October 13th - Zukeenee - 10-06-2006

Alright! Perfect time for the fun-ness of happiness to arrive... ness!

Brakelatabasaasta will surely join this mighty fine shindig y'all are holding here. He won't be able to do any table-turning for either side; he's a wee little one, but we still love him! "Don't we, Glen?" "We sure do, Randall!" Just put me down for your little party of avengers there, Mal, and I'll bring the guacamole dip and half a bag of those little cheesy-puffs. Just let me know when and where to be when the day comes! In the words of that great man known only as conner, "Brakelatabasaasta feed me :wacko:".

Have a day!