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Discordian Q & A - Lightfoot - 10-11-2006

..and if you're wondering why I'm posting as Lightfoot, it ain't a perfect world.

...Dis forgot to log Mal's Net password...

...Dis is also moving / has moved to another home.

@Virus: Once again, now, and Fin even gave ya a crumb in this very thread.

C'mon. Make em harder!

Discordian Q & A - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-11-2006

Come now Mal, she will be leaving her indelible mark on many, though not necessarily
with a felt pen in this case.
Eris's presence will be enough to create an autograph book of chao in the hearts and
minds of Sirius. I see she is getting at you too ... Bless her


Discordian Q & A - Nightfall - 10-11-2006

My two cents... : A true discordian shouldn't believe what he reads. I'm a discordian. But then again, I'm typing this to confuse no one. Or am I? Dang! I confused myself :crazy: :lol:

Discordian Q & A - DarkOddity - 10-11-2006

Ok I am going to have to re-ask Korrds question.

Is this a religious recruitment thread? You have one post that contains the discordian propoganda AND seperate paragraph for role play.. meaning your trying to make people discordian OOC and IC...

Edit: rephrasing my last statement.

From the hodge came the podge, but from the podge came the hodge. But there is no middle ground in the Hodge Podge.. just non-existance. You are forced to choose either Hodge or Podge.

Discordian Q & A - Fellow Hoodlum - 10-11-2006

Mal, it would appear the plot has been lost by more than one or two here.
If you need that answered by now, there is a good chance the whole thing is working in
our favour already.
Pass the hotdogs ...


Discordian Q & A - romer - 10-11-2006

Sans buns, of course. No good questions yet, eh Mal? Could be that everyone understands perfectly...or not at all...or both. Though it is entirely possible that the stooges need to throw a few more pies about the place.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-11-2006

[QUOTE][quote=DarkOddity,Oct 11 2006, 01:10 PM]
Is this a religious recruitment thread? You have one post that contains the discordian propoganda AND seperate paragraph for role play.. meaning your trying to make people discordian OOC and IC...[/QUOTE]

Lordess, Lordess, the Thickness... Ya mean like: "Have you heard of the Book of Mormon? Would you like to know more?" Saint Norton preserve us from those sorts! Nah, I'm not pushin' the Goddess down anyone's gullet. I'm just trying to decrease the number of asinine questions I have to field in-game.

[QUOTE]From the hodge came the podge, but from the podge came the hodge. But there is no middle ground in the Hodge Podge.. just non-existance. You are forced to choose either Hodge or Podge.

Interesting take, but no. Order does not create Chaos, nor vice-versa. Both exist "in potentia" in equal amounts. It's when some radical on either end of the spectrum begins to believe that SHe has the "real" truth of it, that the opposing forces must react in order to maintain the balance.

Compare it to a particle physicist ("observer" in Q.P.). He conducts an experiment to determine the "spin" of particles emitted from a radioactive decay process. His equipment is calibrated to detect particles of one spin only. Guess what? all the particles he detects are the same! However, another "observer" has a device calibrated to detect particles with the opposite spin. From his detector's "paradigm", the particles being emitted all spin in the opposite direction.

Ergo, the observer is "forced" into a tunnel reality where one paradigm predominates over another. Were that observer ingenious enough to recalibrate his "detector", he would find that the opposing paradigm is equally valid. Discordians (and quantum mystics in general) learn that their detectors lie to them just as often as they tell them the truth.

Discordian Q & A - DarkOddity - 10-11-2006

DarkOddity,Oct 11 2006, 01:10 PM Wrote:From the hodge came the podge, but from the podge came the hodge. But there is no middle ground in the Hodge Podge.. just non-existance. You are forced to choose either Hodge or Podge.

That was refering to your earlier mention of ELF and balancing Hodge & Podge.. What I was trying to say is you can't be a balancing force. You are either one or the other. And you are definately the Podge. :)

Interesting response on your part none the less. Now to figure out wtf scientists and them having to calibrate their machinery (I get the meaning) has to do with what I said.

Discordian Q & A - Chucc - 10-12-2006

The Hodge and the Podge,
Walk hand in hand,
The Hodge falls down,
How long will it take the Podge to land?

Does that help your discordinant thoughts grip the nothingness that is?
It didn't mine either, but I get it.

You have to stop thinking and start reacting to life if your discordinance is going to shine in your darkness.

I was gonna have a barbque, lots of hot dogs, but I burned his fingers while eating them. However if not for the buns the table would still be wobbling.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-13-2006

Chucc,Oct 12 2006, 02:23 PM Wrote:However if not for the buns the table would still be wobbling.

Buns as shims! Tools! What a concept!

::: hands Episkospos Prime Mitre and Signet Ring to Chucc. :::