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Mining Concept Ideas - looqas - 03-13-2009

' Wrote:haha you're a cheater :)

Why would a mining detonation of 500m radius make a cheater?

I don't know the "spawning range" of the flying rocks, but the blast should cover it. To make it interesting and not spammed it could use expensive ammo.

Mining Concept Ideas - Benjamin - 03-13-2009

' Wrote:Also, Junkers, this is all a tad hypothetical. But what do you think about the idea of overlapping mining fields? In other words, you'd be sitting there hauling in scrap but getting an occasional hit of optronics, ship hull panels/etc. Basically that loot that everyone is always saying you secure.
Ah, that would be too excellent. I'd really like that.

Mining Concept Ideas - gonta - 03-13-2009

' Wrote:Why would a mining detonation of 500m radius make a cheater?

I don't know the "spawning range" of the flying rocks, but the blast should cover it. To make it interesting and not spammed it could use expensive ammo.

It's too simple for mining, you would just buy some mines and blast the rocks around, then gather the minerals, return to the base, then return to the minefield, make another blast... and that should give you extra-profit.

Yes, it could be compensated by big cost of mines. Though maybe i just don't like this way of mining... to simple :unsure:

Mining Concept Ideas - Thexare - 03-13-2009

Quote:Also, Junkers, this is all a tad hypothetical. But what do you think about the idea of overlapping mining fields? In other words, you'd be sitting there hauling in scrap but getting an occasional hit of optronics, ship hull panels/etc. Basically that loot that everyone is always saying you secure.
Great suggestion.

My only idea, for now: Ships could also provide extra boosts to certain commodity yields - not needed for the Mining Ship, but maybe giving the Salvager (for example) a boost equal to the Mining Ship for anything that drops in a scrap field (Scrap Metal and whatever else gets added in the above suggestion, if implimented).

looqas: I remember hearing that explosions don't damage asteroids. Not sure if that can be changed. Even if it could, hitting something with it wouldn't be easy since you can't target the asteroids, and the CD and Mine hardpoints aren't positioned for easy dumbfiring; you'd need to detonate the mine on yourself, and the CD option wouldn't work well at all...

Mining Concept Ideas - ian - 03-13-2009

well i suggest that the Atlas be givin the bonus that the mining ship has since it is IMG's Miner/Transport ship:D

also if the prices are lower couldent you just boost the drop-rate a small % more?

Mining Concept Ideas - AceofSpades - 03-14-2009

My suggestion is to have mining areas make sense (you mine where it is and where it isn't profitable to sell), but set all commodities at a certain level.

If every commodities price was universally increased by...let say just for kicks... 1000 credits, we'd solve the problem. You'd still mine gold in Dublin, where it sold for jack****, but itd be worthwhile because buying a cargo hold full of gold would cost you a solid amount.

This system of pricing wouldn't affect the profitability of routes (ex: cost of commodity X in Bretonia is 500, sells in Berlin for 1700, profit=1200. Universal prices increase by 1000 and now commodity X becomes cost 1500, sell 2700, profit 1200), but now mining commodity X and then carting it cross-galaxy is far more worthwhile. Now people still need to move product (not just mine outside Denver and sell), but mining it is also worthwhile. Thusly we promote having miners&traders, and RP teamwork takes off like a 747

Mining Concept Ideas - Markam - 03-14-2009

I think the sollution is simple in concept, requiring more thought in practice.

Quite simply the way BMM mines (with great risk), is mining at a location, and then shipping the goods some distance away (though within 2 systems at least) with transports, our miners are completely exposed and our traders are easily pirated.

What must be done in my opinion is forcing something similiar on every other mining area.

the Niobium sell point for IMG has been removed already, while that is unfortunate it may well be the solution in part, if say you were to require the miners to hire transports (or get a friend) and transport the Niobium to a new solid selling point, not base prices like 600 or whatever Falkland was, but an actual solid sell point like what we have in New London (1590 credits a unit), a base such as Holman, or South Shields buying Niobium for say 1200-1500 credits (I dont know, whatever is deemed right for the time spent taking it there).

this essentialy removes the safety of the mining, as it is vulnerable to piracy, i'm sure it is doable across the mining system, the profits are -not- greater than trading, and you're rewarded extra for speed and teamwork. With this use in mind, I think the profit levels can be more easily controlled compared to fastdock and super safe mining.

Mining Concept Ideas - eyvind - 03-14-2009

This might not be at all possible, and though it might be trite to say so it does remind me too much of cake not to throw in here.

Make those big asteroids destroyable with a very large number of hit-points and many components. When a component is destroyed, it spawns either those smaller roids or minerals. Mining lasers could be more effective against these asteroids, letting those roid components be destroyed quicker. Perhaps also with a smaller actual yield boost, because that makes sense to me.

The asteroids could be mobile, too, but being very massive it would be difficult to move them. Considering how the physics seem to work in FL, they should need constant force to move. Other ships could then move asteroids closer to the mining ship to make the whole operation more efficient.

This could give certain ships, such as the Heavy Lifter, a direct roles in mining operations. (I'm about to use some FL jargon that I've seen around but I don't think I will use them correctly, so I'll just hope it makes sense.) Those ships could be given a larger-than-normal nudge value, making them inherently better at the job. I'm not sure how much the model or hit-boxes have to do with it, but the Heavy Lifter (for instance) has those four blocks sticking out in front which would reasonably provide a more stable pushing surface.

Another, related, idea is to make mining ships considerably less mobile in some way. Decrease the impulse speed or prevent them from cruising, perhaps. It would decrease their viability as a solo ship, might even out some abuse (is it fair to call it that?) of the yield bonus (which might not be present anymore?), and simply make it a more role-focused ship. Maybe the cargo space should be decreased, as well.

A change like this, though, would make the ship practically useless to many people, and that would be unfortunate. Perhaps, then, some engineer somewhere would have a dream one night, wake up, and design a mining ship that sacrificies something -- mining yield bonus, maybe -- for something else -- normal mobility and maybe increased cargo-space too.

Mining Concept Ideas - Darkard - 03-16-2009

This is just a wild idea, but what if Mining ships (Through some fancy FLhook scripting) could refine the loot it spawns, they do have the big factory look to them and those funky exhausts.
Ither by having it spawn the refined comodity rather than a raw one or by it being switched when its tractored into the cargo hold.
Mineable areas drop "raw" materials. These sell for a reasonable price in the fields mining base (since they refine them there and they are transported out to be sold). The materials that Mining ships create sell much better in a location out of the system.

With this method a RP trader (for example BMM) can haul regular cargo from the base when there is no miner around.
A BMM miner (with his smaller hold) when by himself can sell the refined materials in the mining base for reasonable profit.
Both the above should pull a moderate profit for both individuals.

But if both the miner and trader are online together then the trader can haul the miners cargo and improve both thier profits.

This method would also mean that you cant sit in in the field with your 5k transport and mine rocks like a mining ship since the unrefined materials dont sell very well.
Makes mining both a reasonable solo job for deadicated characters, and offers bounuses for team work.

P.S. Moving the big rocks? I realy dont think thats going to happen, ther server would have to track every asteroid in every field since anyone could be bumping into them. Thats just going to be far too much for the server to handle.

Mining Concept Ideas - Weedalot - 03-16-2009

could i get a short summery what will be the way to mine (IFF.ID,Weapons)
and one question would Junkers Be also considered as miner id type or Harvesters for that matter?