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Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - The Unione Corse - 10-21-2021

[Image: eYtdMXJ.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Applications

Madame Navarre, with the history behind you, you should feel right at home in the Unione Corse. Almost cliché indeed.

Your goals also swiftly represents the Unione Corse. From what I have seen, you will be a perfect fit. Too perfect, even.

Your application has been accepted. You are now officially a member of the Unione Corse.

Please report immediately to Monaco Base for further instructions.

Principal Alfredo Orsini

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - Pinko - 09-23-2023

[Image: mPRWmKW.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Application

inRP section

Name(s): Aurèlie LaBrise
Age: Older than I'd like.
Place of birth: Within the Burgundy System.
Biography (about 100 words): Marraine of La Brise de Mer, a now defunct family that had been a part of Gallia until the Second Gallic War, allegedly responsible for the Bourbon Massacre. Former Baroness of Provence. Former Princess Consort of Gallia. As you may have noticed, we're not around anymore, but my talents are at your service. My vows to the Corse are my life.
Additionnal information you consider relevant: I am no longer affiliated to the Royal Family, and the dismantlement of the Police has been a severe blow to the last of my contacts.
Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal? YES

ooRP section

What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)? Fighters and Freighters.
How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)? PvP - Haven't done any in the last 8 years. RP - 8.5 / 10
Discord Name and Tag: castorien
Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant: Nothing special comes to mind

Aurèlie LaBrise

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - The Unione Corse - 09-23-2023

[Image: mPRWmKW.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Applications

LaBrise, with the history behind you and your name, you should feel right at home back in the Unione Corse.

You may are from a family that is nowadays defunct and irrelevant in the current Gallic affairs, but be reassured; as you said, your vows to the Unione Corse are your life, and we are honored to finally have you back. We will also brief you on the current state of said affairs.

Unfortunately, your application has been RESCINDED. You are currently persona non grata of the Unione Corse until a procedure to rehabilitate yourself has been realized, in accord with the Unione Corse.

Principal Alfredo Orsini

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - PH-Friend - 02-18-2024

[Image: mPRWmKW.png]
The Unione Corse

Affiliation Application

inRP section

Name(s): >Jesu du Mersac (I was allowed to chose my name, as I didn't have one)<
Age: >Unknown, le deuxième juillet - il y a longtemps<
Place of birth: >aboard of the ship _Perdición_<
Nationality: >Unknown<
Biography (about 100 words): >My whole family was killed when the Nomads attacked the civilian passenger cruiser _Perdición_ that had a hyperspace drive malfunction and stranded in unknown space. I survived due to unknown reasons and was rescued by a most probably Flibustiers. I spent the first years of my life in an orphanage (I do not remember the place as I didn't speak the local language). Then I was adopted by a Zoner family for whom I worked from then on to repay my Life Guilt. I earned my wings early and since then I'm running transport ships for the Zoners. The profit goes mainly to my step parents while I keep a minimum to keep the ship fit. My goal is to balance my Life Guilt and have sufficient cash for a descent fighter to destroy all Nomads and affiliates!<
Additionnal information you consider relevant: >I can't stand Methan in my Cockpit! I feel the urge to jettison individuals that set it free.<
Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal? Not yet

ooRP section

What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)? >all kind of Transports<
How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)? >PVP: perhaps ridiculous. RP: 1 (hopefully bit above ridiculous)<
Discord Name and Tag: >Magnificus (name of my step father's family)<
Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant: >My ships are Kalabaw, Halimaw, Napakalaki, Higante and Pangit<

>Sincères salutations, Jesu du Mersac<

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - henryk5pio - 02-18-2024

[Image: mPRWmKW.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Application

inRP section

Name(s): Jean Gausian
Age: 21
Place of birth: Planet Marseille
Biography (about 100 words): I was born into a moderately well-off family as the third son. Although we never lacked anything, I knew that I would not inherit my father's wealth. Up to that point, I had been helping out in the family business, which was based on servicing tourists visiting the numerous resorts of Planet Marseille. However, I decided that I wanted more... More recognition, more money, so I started to look into what the Union Corse could do for me if I decided to enter their service. After a few visits to the casinos and overhearing a couple of interesting pieces of information, I decided to apply to the Orsini family concierge and hope that I would be accepted. I believe that we can both have the benefit of working together.
Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal? YES

ooRP section

What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)? I like Gunboats and Bombers.
How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)? 5/10
Discord Name and Tag: henryk5pio
Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant: I play in Gaians) and [GN], but I will also try to find time to fly in Unione Corse.

Jean Gausian

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - The Unione Corse - 02-21-2024

[Image: pjaFFGW.png]


[Image: ICgQSCB.png]
Recipient: Jesu du Mersac; Jean Gausian
Sender: High Command, represented by Principal Alfredo Orsini
Source: Monaco Base, Système Provence
Subject: Applications

Saluti, fratelli è sorrelli,

Monsieur Jesu du Mersac. I have met with you in Provence, and I was moved by your personal objective of fighting against the biggest threat against mankind. I also understand that you are not ready for the rite of initiation, and exceptionally, I am willing to let you do it once you feel ready. However, your lack of nationality is problematic, but it will be resolved once you become a made man. Your resolve is indeed, one of the main aspect and reason, for your exception.

The Unione Corse is currently reorganizing as it is mantling governmental roles. The newly-prepared Merchant Navy of Provence will be happy to welcome you. You will be under the direct command of Tracii Draco, and myself, as we will guide you.

Therefore, you application has been accepted, and you are for now, an Affiliate, a rank under Initié, as we will train you for the Unione Corse, and all this entails. If you are successful, you will also become a citizen of Provence, therefore, gain a nationality.

Please report to Planet Marseille for your training.

Monsieur Jean Gausian, we are happy to see you apply, as well as your motivation. We are looking forward to see you. Your application has been accepted as Initié. As the Rite of Initiation will begin, we will see where you will be assigned, whether the Police Force, the Merchant Navy, the Spulsione Squadron, or other planned department of Provence.

Indeed; strength through unity.

Please report immediately to Monaco Base for further instructions.


Principal Alfredo Orsini

[Image: pjaFFGW.png]

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - Tenshi Kuonji - 04-21-2024

[Image: avatar_46874.png?ex=66371a7f&is=6624a57f...y=lossless]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Application

inRP section

Name(s): Catalina Luciani
Age: 19
Place of birth: Planet Burgundy, Burgundy
Biography (about 100 words): When was younger always liked to come in a vacations on marseille, their beauty sea infront of me, i am still glared to those blue-waters and all the transportation was done by the lining group departing from Burgundy, it was a beauty travel experience, on recent times, i have some bussiness done on canes, and montecarlo, seeing how is the economy actually maybe try a pilot while having a good place to live on work of it, i am more of an explorer type, but if times comes, i could get into a fighter and fight for whoever wanna make it pays, but for now, one way to get into provence more into a place, is being part of provence it self, meaning being part of the Unione Corse..
"But, I have been invited to join by a close member to the Unione Corse, and here I am today

Additionnal information you consider relevant: Anything more needed to know would like it to speak formally on presencial way
Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal? YES

ooRP section

What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)? Transport, Bomber/Fighter
How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)? PvP: 6.4/10 | RP: 5/10
Discord Name and Tag: *See Below*
Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant: Only under presencial way~

>May B. Clerici<

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - The Unione Corse - 04-22-2024

[Image: pjaFFGW.png]


[Image: ICgQSCB.png]
Recipient: Catalina Luciani
Sender: High Command, for the Principals
Source: Monaco Base, Système Provence
Subject: Application

Saluti, surella,

You may be young, but we have confirmed internally that one of our fratelli has contacted you and invited you through the proper channels, and ways to invite someone who is not born, or linked to the Unione Corse - to formally join the Unione Corse. The resulting examination has given you an opportunity to prove yourself to be a good sister amongst our syndicate of families. We are Provence, and we will continue to be this beacon of tourism, and control over Gallia as long as each continue working toward the goal, of making the Unione Corse not only comfortable - but making it work beyond its borders of the Taus, Gallia, Rheinland, and Provence.

For now you will be attributed to the Merchant Navy of Provence officially, while being an Affiliate of the Unione Corse, the beginner role, as you have accepted to do the Rite of Passage. The Rite will arrive unannounced, and will be anything from dealing Nox to the Core, or killing a few Outcasts asinu, torture them personally, and then jettison them in a decaying orbit near a black hole so they can see the end of the universe themselves while not being able to do anything through the pleasure of the relativity.

Most of it was chatter. What we expect from you is to be guided, and to be a good beginner. We will have to nourish Planet Marseille, as the Merchant Navy; but we will have to nourish our bank accounts in our own banks in Provence, our own tax haven. As well as continuing to expand economically - I believe that is why you are here; expand economically.

Welcome aboard, you have been accepted as an Affiliate, until you realize the RIte of Passage where you become an Acolyte. Report on Monaco Base. Prepare a Sirocco Noir, or a L'Ane, and you'll have a talk in space with Alfredo Orsini, our Principal.


Unione Corse High Command

[Image: pjaFFGW.png]

RE: Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - Marcellus - 08-26-2024

[Image: mPRWmKW.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Application

inRP section

Name(s): Patrizio Colonna
Age: 33
Place of birth: Planet Marseille
Biography (about 100 words): Born into one of the many satellite branches of the Colonna family, I never cared much for the tedious family affairs. Art, fine cuisine, and above all, speed were my passions. My father, with rare foresight, trained me to become a racing pilot, often saying, "You must be good for something." My career began in that world, with both legal races and clandestine ones. As my father wisely predicted, the skill and healthy dose of madness required to drive a Mistral at such speeds proved invaluable for transporting goods—especially illegal ones—across sectors without being seen or caught. After years spent wandering the circuits of Sirius, I received word of the family yacht's crash and the death of nearly my entire family. Reluctantly, I returned to Marseille to take the reins of the family business. Fully aware that nothing moves or is decided without the Union's consent, I am here to renew the vows of loyalty my father once made.
Additionnal information you consider relevant: Sometimes there's more ethanol than haemoglobine in my blood. But, monsieurs, how are you supposed to do my job if you're not relaxed enough? But, racing aside, I'm sober for the most part of the time
Do you agree to go through the Corse Rite of Initiation, chosen personnally by the Principal?Oui

ooRP section

What ship/class do you enjoy the most (fighter, bomber, gunboat...)? transports and bombers
How would you rate your PVP and RP skills (on a scale from 0-10)? a solid 2/10 in PvP when lag isn't making things even worse; "those who brag get dirty", so I'd say a 7/10 for the RP part
Discord Name and Tag: Marcellus95
Additionnal ooRP information you consider relevant: since my return on Disco (2021) I played almost exclusively OS&C chars, so, as mentioned before, not the most PvP oriented faction here in the game

Patrizio Colonna

Unione Corse - Recruitment Thread - JojKyLizaLe - 08-27-2024

(10-21-2021, 03:50 PM)The Unione Corse Wrote:
[Image: eYtdMXJ.png]
The Unione Corse

Recruitment Applications

Patrizio Colonna, I'll make this short. You got moxie, that's for damn sure!

Your application has been accepted. You are now officially a member of the Unione Corse.

Please report immediately to Monte Cinto Station for further instructions.

Conseiller Traci Draco MMP