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Harvester Cruiser.. - Implosion - 04-02-2009

It could get a little buff yes,the current stats are not so good.
Still,I haven't seen it in action though,but yeah,it needs a lil' "upgrade".

Harvester Cruiser.. - mjolnir - 04-02-2009

So you haven't seen it in fight, haven't flown it or against it... yet it "needs" upgrade.

mkay, we will take your opinion into consideration

Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-02-2009

Yes im harvester 21.

i fought 2 BHG pilots today.. 1 Dessie and 1 GS

No offense Athenian, but the setup you where using is not that great against Cap ships.. therefore it was a little easier than usual, but the point im trying to make is the Fact is that its a cruiser thats nearly the same size as some of the Heavier cruisers in the game and compared to them it is quite weak.
Even a Power buff would do, because with the current power rate i can fire one Light mortar and about 6 Pulse with my turrets and then im out of energy.. Harvesters use Corsair Cruiser turrets mainly because we're allied with them, and they suck the power up heavily.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Balance - 04-02-2009

I noticed most of the ships in the game that "opposing players" frequently voiced concerns against were given weak powerplants and usually reduced armor and maneuver. Any one of those adjustments is fine but when they are cumulative they can take a distinctive ship and turn it into a token.

The Mitsubishi Zero of WWII had crappy armor and light guns but could maneuver and climb like a bat out of hell. The P-40 Warhawk was a sluggish sloth to fly but could take hits and had firepower and a fast dive.

A distinctive (fun) ship to fly will always have a distinctive ability that can compensate for its weaknesses--when all distinctions are removed you have a mundane and uninteresting ship left.

Haven't flown the cruiser but I've noticed a couple of other great ships that were nerfed--which wasn't a problem--but its that they were nerfed in every type of combat category across the board. Now they are just 'there".

Harvester Cruiser.. - Athenian - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Yes im harvester 21.

i fought 2 BHG pilots today.. 1 Dessie and 1 GS

No offense Athenian, but the setup you where using is not that great against Cap ships.. therefore it was a little easier than usual, but the point im trying to make is the Fact is that its a cruiser thats nearly the same size as some of the Heavier cruisers in the game and compared to them it is quite weak.
Even a Power buff would do, because with the current power rate i can fire one Light mortar and about 6 Pulse with my turrets and then im out of energy.. Harvesters use Corsair Cruiser turrets mainly because we're allied with them, and they suck the power up heavily.

Shame on me, shame on me. Self-moderated. I should know better.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Balance - 04-02-2009

My point was simply to note that some nerfs were more aimed to be politically correct than balanced.

Overall I think the mod came out good and I'm sure in time we'll get tweaks here and there.

Congratulations on besting Athenian with those great skills and his lack of foresight in his weapons set up. I'm sure he learned a valuable lesson. Kudos!

Harvester Cruiser.. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-02-2009

Cosmos, Bounty Hunters get shot up a lot as well. We have a bunch of enemies also. Should we get our ships buffed for that reason?

No. Make do with what you have. Like every other faction.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Uh Harvester 21 was in O-15 today and engaged two BHG|Core guys, who I assume were in caps of some kind, and took them out in like 3 minutes. Not sure it's that terrible.

Just as an FYI, all BHG|Core ships are NOT caps. Scary as it sounds, we have a large number of gunboats, gunships, bombers, and fighters as well - all capable of flying under and using the BHG|Core tag. (We can't have all caps - the Order would complain too much about it during our regular weekly combat.)

Now - if you want to test your ship for sure against one of the new BHG battlecruisers, let me know and I'll be happy to oblige.

Commander, BHG|Core-Cerberus, Rostock Station

Harvester Cruiser.. - Athenian - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Congratulations on besting Athenian with those great skills and his lack of foresight in his weapons set up. I'm sure he learned a valuable lesson. Kudos!


Harvester Cruiser.. - Benjamin - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Just as an FYI, all BHG|Core ships are NOT caps. Scary as it sounds, we have a large number of gunboats, gunships, bombers, and fighters as well - all capable of flying under and using the BHG|Core tag. (We can't have all caps - the Order would complain too much about it during our regular weekly combat.)

Now - if you want to test your ship for sure against one of the new BHG battlecruisers, let me know and I'll be happy to oblige.

Commander, BHG|Core-Cerberus, Rostock Station

Yeah, I was in that mess of RHA fighters that took on the core earlier in the week, and there was a gunboat and a gunship and a bomber that I think were all |Core tagged. The battlecruiser was there too. Great fun, if a little scary, to attack one with just fighters.

When I said I assumed they were caps (which I used in the meaning that includes gunships/boats), this was based on the facts that:
I'd been dithering around the system a while, and was pretty sure I'd seen at least one of the two from a few K away in a big boaty thing.
At least one of the ships was being RPed with multiple people on board.
The fact they both went down so quickly makes me assume there weren't fighters dodging for their lives.