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Gallia Reps for Traders and others - tazuras - 04-08-2009

To clarify I do not have a problem with the Corse RP that Weed has dictated above. However the Navies RP is to stop you if you are from Sirius, if any Navy is not doing that they are very OORP. The police are often corrupt, so paying them off works for me in RP.

Gallia Reps for Traders and others - Doc Holliday - 04-08-2009

Well, Taz, I didn't reveal the identity of those who have befriended me for the reason that they don't need another reason for authorities to kill them. Obviously, the L'Dubois don't seem to mind.

And Taz, I have had a few Council people also chat with me and let me come through on good terms. Is it such bad RP, and I think it isn't, for outsiders to explore a new area of the sector? I think the opposite, it would be bad RP if folks didn't. It is obvious some have been making their way in and I don't see why some of them shouldn't be allowed to visit outside of their home world.

Quote:As for bringing goods to Gallia, Gallia seems to have done just fine for the past 700 some years without Sirian goods, the Gallics do not need Sirian goods.
Then explain why someone of the Council made an appeal for people to bring in goods to Galia? They asked for nuclear devices, luxury consumer goods and quantum multiplexors amongst other things? Want proof?

Maybe you have held your own for 700 years but maybe times are changing. I'm not here to start a fight or even look for one. I gave that life up. I'm in Galia to trade, supply things for people that they need and make a few credits and friends in the process. Perhaps licensing certain individual traders would be in order so as to know who is coming to Galia on good terms. I'm here to trade, not engulf in an inquisition of your territory.

To L'Dubois:
You've been a tremendous help to me and I'm greatful. I do hope things continue to blossom between our people.

Gallia Reps for Traders and others - Weedalot - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:Well, Taz, I didn't reveal the identity of those who have befriended me for the reason that they don't need another reason for authorities to kill them. Obviously, the L'Dubois don't seem to mind.

And Taz, I have had a few Council people also chat with me and let me come through on good terms. Is it such bad RP, and I think it isn't, for outsiders to explore a new area of the sector? I think the opposite, it would be bad RP if folks didn't. It is obvious some have been making their way in and I don't see why some of them shouldn't be allowed to visit outside of their home world.
Then explain why someone of the Council made an appeal for people to bring in goods to Galia? They asked for nuclear devices, luxury consumer goods and quantum multiplexors amongst other things? Want proof?

Maybe you have held your own for 700 years but maybe times are changing. I'm not here to start a fight or even look for one. I gave that life up. I'm in Galia to trade, supply things for people that they need and make a few credits and friends in the process. Perhaps licensing certain individual traders would be in order so as to know who is coming to Galia on good terms. I'm here to trade, not engulf in an inquisition of your territory.

To L'Dubois:
You've been a tremendous help to me and I'm greatful. I do hope things continue to blossom between our people.
thanks. we hope that as well.
now as i said to tazuras the status que was already broken once the mine fields were open. and the Corse must do their best not to be left behind or outside , to create a new status que fro themselves they must interact and see how this new situation will benefit them.
@doc: Well i wanted to get some RP with the TAZ... but you seem to be the only one going there now.
i will talk to your leader see if he is interested of making some nice RP for both of our factions/organizations.
the reason i am not afraid reveale who we are is that is not the RP section. so nothing can be based on what is said here. we will RP that as best as it could be, Keep a front, or a legal operations while under the table having deals with not so lawful deals

Gallia Reps for Traders and others - tazuras - 04-09-2009

@Doc: Read my post more carefully, I said that The Monarchy and those allied with them dont want Sirian traders or anyone from Sirius in Gallia, the council definitely does. Oh and dont quote player RP to me unless they are someone that really knows what their doing and has earned the respect of the community, otherwise they may just be misinterpreting RP or just disregarding it, although that is not the case here.

@Weed: I really dont agree that the Corse should be dealing with newcomers based off of this quote from a news item on Montelimar Base:
Quote:Unione Corse plans to avoid any dealings with the newcomers
I think that pretty much covers that, you sir are OORP untill official factions are allowed, you become one, and you change this, or the devs change it for you later. Hers are some other qoutes too that make me think you are OORP:
Quote:However, the agenda of the Council contradicts the goal of Corse to preserve status-quo on the black market of Gallia.
Quote:Corse consider the decision of the Council to open passage for all ships from Sirius into Gallia a premature and ill-thought one, a decision that will harm all parties in Gallia itself.

Unione Corse will treat intruders in the way they deserve, attacking them only if they will attack first or will venture into areas they are not supposed to visit.

To clariffy, I think that eventually the Corse will adapt and be more willing to deal with Sirians, but in the disco timeline the passage to Sirius has only been open for weeks, it is too early.

On the other hand I could also see the Corse go ultra-nationalist and start killing every Sirian they come across, just to hold on to their dying way of life, this would also due less harm to their relationships with the Gallic Monarchy. How does that fit into your RP by the way Weed, working with Sirians to let them enter Gallia and the Corses relationship with the monarchy, who want just the opposite?

Gallia Reps for Traders and others - Weedalot - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:@Doc: Read my post more carefully, I said that The Monarchy and those allied with them dont want Sirian traders or anyone from Sirius in Gallia, the council definitely does. Oh and dont quote player RP to me unless they are someone that really knows what their doing and has earned the respect of the community, otherwise they may just be misinterpreting RP or just disregarding it, although that is not the case here.

@Weed: I really dont agree that the Corse should be dealing with newcomers based off of this quote from a news item on Montelimar Base:
I think that pretty much covers that, you sir are OORP untill official factions are allowed, you become one, and you change this, or the devs change it for you later. Hers are some other qoutes too that make me think you are OORP:

To clariffy, I think that eventually the Corse will adapt and be more willing to deal with Sirians, but in the disco timeline the passage to Sirius has only been open for weeks, it is too early.

On the other hand I could also see the Corse go ultra-nationalist and start killing every Sirian they come across, just to hold on to their dying way of life, this would also due less harm to their relationships with the Gallic Monarchy. How does that fit into your RP by the way Weed, working with Sirians to let them enter Gallia and the Corses relationship with the monarchy, who want just the opposite?
I am very glad that you pull this one quote saying they intend to... Well status-quo is broken by the council actions, The core systems are now blocked... No one goes in or out.
and it talks about the status-quo of the black markets... as the actions of the council divided us from the core and locked us out its only fair to adept.

You know what so nice about mafia's that they are not being seen doing the illegal actions, once the police catch a member of our family we will do our best to get "Lawyers" on it.

Now blowing up traders that do not do any hurm to us, but on the other hand will help us regroup in the outer systems, we will take and use this opportunity.

You also say that the council does not exist but the council does, They have visitors in everyday. you know that a well organized criminal group wont look the other way when the town changing already,

so it does say intending. This is the initial idea, we do intend to not to get involved into any politics of the outside, but once they are in here and can provide the Corse a way to prosper they will be approached, they are not pirated but explained what is what in galia.

Gallia Reps for Traders and others - tazuras - 04-11-2009

I like how you didnt comment on:
Quote:Unione Corse plans to avoid any dealings with the newcomers

Honestly I can understand your point of view. If you didnt interact with Sirians their would be pretty much nothing for you to do in Gallia right now. I still maintain it contradicts the developers intentions for the Corse. For the beta this is fine but once the real game starts I would hope oyu either stick with the established RP for the Corse or write and put on the forums some very good and plenty lengthy RP about why and how your group broke away from the policy of the Corse to not interact with Sirians and how this has affected your groups relationship with all the other factions in Gallia, especially with the rest of the Corse.