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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Printable Version

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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Grimly - 04-08-2009

I didn't even read the ID, but after I did, I saw the navy have even no rights on smugglers :

Quote:Pilot carrying this ID is in the Liberty Navy, who :
Can destroy traders in Liberty who belong to corporations headquartered in Houses that Liberty is at war with if the trader refuses to drop all cargo and leave Liberty.
Cannot demand any contraband from anyone within the following systems: New York, Colorado, California

Since a navy pilot cannot ask any contraband, he cannot open fire cause the trader even don't have to answer any cargo fine.

It seems the ID is against the navy and is promoting the LPI and LSF.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - casero - 04-08-2009

A reminder to all the smugglers.... if you come from Bering or Hudson, you're like any other person who breaks the Embargo. (I met a couple of persons who said that I can't scan him while they were jumping from Bering to Texas).


Personnaly I'm ok with the ID. The LPI grew a lot in the past weeks, and it's due to that (a small part of it at least). Also, the LN has more free time (no dealing with smugglers and such).