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cruise disruption. - Printable Version

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cruise disruption. - Derkylos - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:No way, it should stay the same. I don't care what you fire at at me and it's on. CDs are missiles. Asking me to stop is one thing, firing a CD is another. You are FORCING someone to stop and that is definitely an attack. Some characters are really defensive, most of mine included and my trade ship is armed and armored for a reason. Fire at me and I will act as any other attack.

Then you will receive a nice SN up your tailpipe from my pirate. Good thing you won't be crying at me for not RPing, hmm?

cruise disruption. - carlabrams - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:no. i want it to count as attacking. BUT I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO FIRE BACK AT ME WITH NO RP WHEN I CD THEM!!

That's the reason I type /8.

I have my message programmed in already to save me from typing, "Combat stations, we're under attack! Prepare to return fire!"

cruise disruption. - Derkylos - 04-08-2009

And people complain about pirates "not making demands"...guess I'll introduce you to my /1, which reads "Drop all your cargo or die"...

Or, alternatively, you could realise that 98% of people a pirate says "halt" to do not stop, and, thus, the CD becomes a part of the "halt" routine, and actually, I don't know, give the pirate some RP?...

cruise disruption. - rayne - 04-08-2009

Us pirates have to CD to get them to stop in the first place... on the other hand when im on my trader i dont consider a cd as an attack, i consider it a warning shot across the bow

cruise disruption. - Zeb Harley - 04-08-2009

Would someone please explain the whole problem to me? I am obviously too stupid to understand this:

Why is it a problem to count a CD-shot as an attack? Because the shot target shoots back? And this should not be roleplay?
But why? This is roleplay, too!

It is very much Oorp to yell ship internal communication all over the system on your radio instead.

As a pirate you are allowed to damage your target as much as you like before making a demand. This includes shooting a CD at them, too.

The target of a pirate has the free choice to beg for mercy or fight back. If the choice is fighting back, there is no need (and time) to tell the pirate that the attack is returned.

If you, as a pirate, need targets who are not able to shoot back on your attack because of server rules, you might want to consider an employment-change.

Looked at it closely: mining can be very contemplating! Look at all those rocks, chew a few, ruminate a little, a nice growling mooh once in a while. Hey, this can be fun!

cruise disruption. - Baltar - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:meny times i have seen people open fire as soon as you CD them. the rules say it counts as attacking. i would like to for this to be changed.


we also would need something else for CD attacking rules.

it would encourage RP

Sorry dude ... gotta disagree with you. If you CD me ... you have intent to do more. There is NO reason to CD me unless you are going to start a fight. I have the right to STAY in cruise without you interfering with me. If you fire a CD at me ... you've just become hostile.

Same as if I'm walking down the street and you jump in front of me to prevent me from continuing my walk down the sidewalk. You are interfering with my path of travel. You'd better have a reason to CD me.

cruise disruption. - Tavarez - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:No way, it should stay the same. I don't care what you fire at at me and it's on. CDs are missiles. Asking me to stop is one thing, firing a CD is another. You are FORCING someone to stop and that is definitely an attack. Some characters are really defensive, most of mine included and my trade ship is armed and armored for a reason. Fire at me and I will act as any other attack.

Most people DONT stop when asked to, so the only other option without blowing you up is to CD you, to me a CD is not a violent act, all it does is exactly what it was intended to do, disrupt cruise engines, nothing else.

cruise disruption. - Tavarez - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:Sorry dude ... gotta disagree with you. If you CD me ... you have intent to do more. There is NO reason to CD me unless you are going to start a fight. I have the right to STAY in cruise without you interfering with me. If you fire a CD at me ... you've just become hostile.

Same as if I'm walking down the street and you jump in front of me to prevent me from continuing my walk down the sidewalk. You are interfering with my path of travel. You'd better have a reason to CD me.

Depends who CD's you, if its billybob and he just CD'ed you for nothing then yes, blow him away but when Law Enfrocement says to stop and you dont, expect a CD which is not intended to be violent.

If a cops stands infront of you and blocks your way, you gonna punch the cop? didnt think so...

cruise disruption. - Quorg - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:Depends who CD's you, if its billybob and he just CD'ed you for nothing then yes, blow him away but when Law Enfrocement says to stop and you dont, expect a CD which is not intended to be violent.

If a cops stands infront of you and blocks your way, you gonna punch the cop? didnt think so...

If you have a bada-- character in RP, you betcha he'd punch that cop, especially if that cop just shot at him with something that will prevent him from running.

cruise disruption. - Tavarez - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:If you have a bada-- character in RP, you betcha he'd punch that cop, especially if that cop just shot at him with something that will prevent him from running.

He was giving an example....*sigh* nevermind.

Verbal demand "Please stop for cargo inspection"


Maybe a 2nd verbal demand "Please stop for cargo!"



Its not made to be violent, especially since it only disrupts cruise, it doesnt blow up your "tires" or "make a whole in your boat".

Have you not heard of routine traffic stops, yeah sure somtimes it turns horribly wrong but thats because the person was guilty...

If you fire back, then you have initiated combat.