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To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Printable Version

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RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 11-28-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Wigston Archibald,

Due to some very recent developments things have turned sour. The Gallics have no regard for our laws and have been delt with justly so far and will continue to deal with them in aiding Bretonian allies. My apologies on the late response but these kind of situations have to be handled delicately. Thank you for your time.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 11-29-2022

[Image: 8.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Ministry of Defence, CR
From: Cpt. C. Wigston Archibald, Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence

Esteemed Minister,

We are thankful for the response provided. The Kingdom of Bretonia stands firmly behind the actions of the Crayter Republic in these trying times. We will continue to expand on our support, both militarily and economically, in the coming months, to better suit the need for maintaining important trade relations between the nations we represent.

On that end, I wish to inform you that the Armed Forces have prepared two transports worth of military hardware, alongside important military information and other necessary goods, in light of this move by the Crayter Republic against the rebellious Union forces. We wish to extend our gratitude, and, at the same time, allow for the concretization of a first step towards partnership between the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Crayter Republic in the Tau sector. The importance of keeping the strategic Sulawesi Citadel as a bastion against incursions both from the Outcasts and Gallic Navy cannot be underestimated, and we strongly believe that the provided supplies will present a beneficial addition to the efforts taken by your Republic towards repairing the damage on the station.

Thus, I wish to submit a request for permission for the convoy, going under designation LS 01 (New London to Sulawesi; convoy 01), to enter the Tau-44 system and resupply at Sulawesi Citadel. Please respond at earliest convenience.

Cpt. Archibald Wigston, C.
Vice-Chief of Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 12-05-2022

[Image: 8.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Ministry of Defence, CR
From: Cpt. C. Wigston Archibald, Vice-Chief of the Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence


We apologize for the delay in sending this transmission, however the convoy has reached Sulawesi Citadel several days prior. One liner has been lost whist en route to the Leeds system, but, unfortunate as it may be, the other has reached the intended destination. Going further, we will adapt to the issues that arose during the mission and attempt to provide much better safety for other similar military convoys.

Getting to the cargo, it has been of great interest to deliver the military codes due to their relevance in the coming months. They contain important information about both recent advances of the Nomad forces within the Tau sector, most notably in the Orkney system, and that of the Gallic Navy, as a result of their bolder incursions into the Tau-31 system. We firmly support the Crayter Republic's move to uphold an embargo against the Gallic Union, and, furthermore, wish to ask that the information is closely analyzed and used for immediate effects in the field.

Such a task will be bestowed upon your competent pilots, as the Bretonian Armed Forces presently are not capable of providing heavy support beyond Planet Harris due to a shortage in warships and manpower. In its stead, we are open to providing munitions, of which there remains a considerable amount following the conclusion of the Gallic invasion. Please communicate on this in the next transmission so that we may best coordinate.

We also wish to touch upon the sensible subject of cooperation beyond Tau-31 itself. The convoy was able to safely transmit its information to Planet Borneo, but the lack of support has led to the calling of Kusari Naval Forces ships into Tau-44 due to the appearance of both Nomad warforms and rogue elements of the Royal Bretonian Navy that we believe have been corrupted by the Wild. We hope that this can be remedied at earliest, as both civilian and military traffic remains at a high risk of ambushes without Crayter support on stand-by.

I will await a reply before detailing further proposals for the region, as well as a broader explanation for the events that have unfolded within Tau-44 proper. Inquiries will be answered to in a subsequent communication.

Cpt. Archibald Wigston, C.
Vice-Chief of Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 12-10-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Wigston Archibald,

The Republic graciously thanks the Kingdom of Bretonia, and the Crown, for its aid to Crayter. Many have pledged aid to us, but you seem to be the first to actually make any difference. I assure you it will be put to good use in restoring Sulawesi to full operational status and earn its namesake. The intel provided will be useful in future operations as we look to secure our borders and all within. I must ask to to wait as we finish the planning for the future of Tau-44 and I will be in contact soon alerting of their initiation. You will be included in completing the operations within.

Concerning your offer of munitions supply, it will be useful in aiding missions deeper into the Taus. You may find us able to reach many places you cannot alone. New threats seem to be appearing every day from thin air, we need to look for those behind the curtain. With Tau-31 only time will tell what both nations finds what comes knocking. We will be ready for whatever comes our way. Together.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - BAF Admiralty Board - 01-26-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Crayter Republic
From: Office of the Admiralty, BAF

Esteemed allies of the Crown,

We are informing you that, following the prior announcement to the Empire of Kusari and the lack of response, the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Bretonia are hereby initiating an operation against Fort de Bregancon effective immediately, in order to pacify the border with the Gallic Union and create a buffer-zone that will jointly remain under the protection and sovereignty of the signatories of the Treaty of Harris, First Chapter. This marks the third such attempt at routing forces friendly to the Gallic state in the Orkney system after past damage has been repaired hastily.

We solemnly hope that the Crayter Republic will aid us in the weeks to come against any attempt by Union forces to breach the blockade or otherwise attack NATO-member vessels. Further, we wish to open negotiations about the anteriorly-mentioned buffer-zone that will constitute a significant step in increasing the Kingdom and the Republic's capabilities in the deeper regions of the Taus.

That is all. Please inform us of any concerns there may be.

Office of the Admiralty
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 01-26-2023

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Office of Admiralty,

We recognize Chapter one of the Treaty of Harris, and we will abide by it. I must warn you of other threats found in the system in the past. We've found a heavy "alien" presence in the Orkney system. We have reason to believe it was "them" who lead to the destruction of Issodun Shipyard that once stood in the system. There will be patrols extending to Orkney to "keep an eye out" for your forces within.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - BAF Admiralty Board - 01-28-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Crayter Republic
From: Office of the Admiralty, BAF

Esteemed allies of the Crown,

As the operation has begun in earnest, we wish to address another matter of great importance. We firmly believe that, once the Gallic threat is neutralized, our joint efforts must refocus on the vital trade artery between Liberty, Crayter and Bretonian space.

Further, we wish to submit a request to examine the collected information from past patrols, and, within the coming weeks, activate Article 5 of the Treaty of Carlisle. The Kingdom of Bretonia stands ready to assist against the terrorists operating out of the Inverness sector and bring peace once more upon our neighboring systems.

Please let us know at soonest what the Crayter's stance is regarding our proposal.

Office of the Admiralty
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-02-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Crayter Republic
From: Office of the Admiralty, BAF

Esteemed allies of the Crown,

We bring news that Fort de Bregancon has been destroyed, therefore bringing an era of Gallic occupation to an end and delivering the final blow to the war effort of the Union to breach the blockade imposed upon its borders. The efforts have been conducted in a most skillful manner by elements of the 1st Command Fleet and the 10th Defence Fleet, acting in combined arms formation with elements of the Crayter Military. We commend the heroes that have assisted in bringing justice to the criminal Gallic state and, above all, we commend the support of the Republic of Crayter through the difficult years.

To that end, we wish to extend an invitation to the Crayter Military to participate in a victory parade taking place on Saturday at 1800 hours to commemorate this major achievement and to further act as a show of force against Bretonian and Crayter foes alike. The Active Fleet, in close coordination with elements of the Reserve Fleet, will be relocating assets from Planet Harris to Portsmouth Shipyard for repairs and maintenance, and we firmly believe that such an opportunity to celebrate the Bretonian - Crayter alliance must not be missed

Please do not hesitate to inquire upon further details.

Office of the Admiralty
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 02-02-2023

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Office of the Admiralty, BAF,

Good to hear of the victory in Orkney. I'm also proud to say that every offensive push conducted with a Crayter escort succeeded in their efforts. All Crayter Operatives will be awarded a "Flame of Honor" Medal and will be invited to the parade, and go to Harris. Our heroes should be celebrated for their actions towards peace in the Taus. Together. I have a favor to ask, I ask that for Crayter elements of the parades route be allowed to go into Omega-3. To pay respects to the Olympia. A monument to warriors of the past for the Republic.

When it comes to Gallia, I guess it's our alliance that keeps them in check. We have stayed neutral far too long waiting for a peaceful solution to come around. It seems there was no cause seeing as it's returned to its more royal roots. Which needed to be removed from the Taus. Especially with the development of Harris becoming a priority of Crayter interests.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 02-08-2023

[Image: 8.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter MoD
From: Vernon Mortimer, Defence Secretary, Ministry of Defence

Most-respected Allies of the Realm,

The Kingdom of Bretonia wishes to extend an invitation to the Republic of Crayter to participate and delegate several representatives to the Marches of New Cambria and New Anglia. We stand for closer and more thorough partnership in coming years, and thus we believe that a first step towards improving relations is the benevolent welcoming of Crayter representatives into governing bodies representing the Kingdom of Bretonia and vice-versa.

We understand that this may not be the usual request from us, however we hope that it will receive the most serious of considerations. We will eagerly provide more details should the need be.

Vernon Mortimer
Defence Secretary
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies