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How long do Nomads live for? - Printable Version

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How long do Nomads live for? - Tenacity - 04-19-2009

technically a nomad cant die. Each nomad ship is only a body, when the ship is destroyed by whatever means, the same nomad is 'reborn' into a new ship via the mindshare.

Then again, there are no individuals among the nomads, they're all one conciousness, despite some nomads having different tasks to accomplish than others.

Quote:A bodys lifetime should be accordingly to their "lifestyle". Radiation , multiple encounters and etc should make it live for less time. But they can always get a new one of course.

Um, dude, the nomads FEED on radiation, that's why they're always "bathing" in sun coronas.

How long do Nomads live for? - Titan - 04-19-2009

Seriously people, you have the answer on page one, why discuss it further?

How long do Nomads live for? - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 04-19-2009

perhaps untill some random BHG capwhore blasts them?


Maybe 500-800-1000 years?

How long do Nomads live for? - Weedalot - 04-19-2009

' Wrote:They are changeling-meta-morphs with collective conscious, so I'd presume they incarnate to a higher life form, once they are ''dead''.
nice one, i remember i saw something like that in one of those sci-fi series

How long do Nomads live for? - Exile - 04-19-2009

Like Titan said, Nomads are in essence immortal. They form their bodies from within the Mindshare and control those from within the Mindshare too. When the body dies, the Nomad will experience something I like to call a 'physical death'. Basicly, lots of pain and ouchies. The mind then recovers as it were, and goes on about doing its own thing. Should something bad happen to the mind somehow, it will restore itself as it were a super computer restoring backups after a fatal windows crash.

So, how long do they live for? Forever.

Also people, if you have any questions considdering the Nomads, please wait untill the Lore is released. It -shouldnt- be long now.

How long do Nomads live for? - Inconcessus - 04-19-2009

By nomad you mean the entity that crawls out from the chancellor in sp mission 11 or their grown ships ? Because they aren't the same, the ships themselfes are piloted by Nomads as far as I know.


I think they could have a unlimited lifespan, as they could regenerate infinetely given the resources or food to do so. I mean they were artificaly engineered and made by an advanced race, this detail was surely taken care of by them. If the nomads were left behind to guard their creators domain, and if I was one of those creators I wouldn't want my guards to have a "best before" tag attached to them.

How long do Nomads live for? - Unseelie - 04-19-2009

The lore document is not canon. It is, as any other suggestion, speculation. Perhaps its based on good evidence, such as the design docs, but even -those- are somewhat suspect. Just because at one stage the designers had X idea about Z, and they included pictures or words about it when discussing how they got to the final project, that does not mean that such and thus are actually part of the story. The Nomad lore document, so far as it has any truth, is true only insomuch as it is Keepers Faction RP, and as Faction RP isn't any more canon than Indie RP, or any other faction's RP, the nomad lore can be contested by any other bit of rp information.

Making assumptions from the design docs, I find the statements that the mindshare is invulnerable to data loss, as well as the suggestion that a biological form is immortal, rather poorly thought out. For instance, Cardamine is supposed to be life extention for nomads...not at all useful if they're naturally 'immortal'. Data loss cannot be completely fixed, either. Disasters happen.

@Inconsenssus: My understanding/belief is that the ships are nomads. They're biological ships, differing from the thing that crawls from the chancellor in size and shape, the same way a whale differs from a dolphin. Still very much a similar creature.

How long do Nomads live for? - RonG777 - 04-20-2009

' Wrote:The lore document is not canon. It is, as any other suggestion, speculation. Perhaps its based on good evidence, such as the design docs, but even -those- are somewhat suspect. Just because at one stage the designers had X idea about Z, and they included pictures or words about it when discussing how they got to the final project, that does not mean that such and thus are actually part of the story. The Nomad lore document, so far as it has any truth, is true only insomuch as it is Keepers Faction RP, and as Faction RP isn't any more canon than Indie RP, or any other faction's RP, the nomad lore can be contested by any other bit of rp information.

Making assumptions from the design docs, I find the statements that the mindshare is invulnerable to data loss, as well as the suggestion that a biological form is immortal, rather poorly thought out. For instance, Cardamine is supposed to be life extention for nomads...not at all useful if they're naturally 'immortal'. Data loss cannot be completely fixed, either. Disasters happen.
@Inconsenssus: My understanding/belief is that the ships are nomads. They're biological ships, differing from the thing that crawls from the chancellor in size and shape, the same way a whale differs from a dolphin. Still very much a similar creature.

. . . Yeah . . What he said . .:)

How long do Nomads live for? - X-Lancer - 04-20-2009

Nomad can reproduce themself...not to mention any tentacle sex and porns...and mindshare gives them the memory from previous they live forever..

How long do Nomads live for? - Boss - 04-20-2009

' Wrote:about 45 minutes

' Wrote:Not very long... Especially when in omicron minor trying to assault the isis.

You've never seen a Keeper furball.

Five hours is the limit on the carnage, then carpal tunnel hits.