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RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 03-05-2023

Daniels pulled Lea back behind cover.

"Listen, the plan is simple. I go in first and I distract them. We don't have the element of surprise anymore, so this will be tricky. I need you to get to your ship and relay our loca..."

The man was interrupted but the ship rumbling. The Illustrious had arrived in Omicron Nu.

"Predictable. As I was saying, relay our coordinates to Scarlet. After that we have to survive for fifteen to twenty five minutes. Whatever happens, do not come back for me. I'll be fine, I think. Any questions?"

Daniels didn't even wait for an answer.


He rushed into the hangar, firing his laser pistol at the attackers. Every shot was a hit, but the sidearm barely did any major damage. But he kept firing, desperately trying to keep the marines busy, so Kaufman could get to her ship.

RE: Forsaken - Lea Kaufman - 03-05-2023

26th February 830 A.S - System: Omicron Nu / Battleship Illustrious

She had no moment to say something to Jack when he entered in the hangar catching the attention. She sighed and entered in the hangar as well. She rushed toward her ship as fast as she could. All she needed to do was to contact Scarlet and giving the coordinates. When a soldier was about to shoot on the woman, the Guildmaster shoot to get the attention and it worked.

Lea reached her ship, opened the radio, set it correctly to contact Scarlet, the Guildkeeper. Once the communication link was established, Lea spoke calmly and clear to make the other party to understand what was happening. ''This is Lea Kaufman. To anyone who will receive me, we are in Omicron Nu. In fact we just jumped in the system. We are aboard an Overlord class. The Guildmaster is with me and we request support to these coordinates.'' She sent the coordinates after speaking what she needed to say.

Still in her ship, she observed Jack being completely a master of what he was doing.

RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 03-05-2023

Daniels had already taken two of the six soldiers down when Lea managed to send the comm. He saw in her cockpit, speaking into the comms. But he wasn't the only one, a marine was heading her away. Jack rushed out of cover and chased down the man and executed him point blank from behind. His brains were splattered over the ship's hull. Unfortunately, Daniels took a few shots himself. His left arm was scorched, the flesh burning off. Underneath, a metallic set of bones, laced with glowing blue cables was revealed. He briefly gazed at it, before continuing his murderous spree. He leaped half way through the hangar, thanks to his cybernetic implants, landing on one of the remaining assailants. He placed his foot firmly on the grounded man's neck, choking him to death. Two more remain.

"Alright, bastards. Who's next?" -Yelled Daniels.

The marines were so dumbfounded, they failed to see Lea, who has armed the weapons on her ship.

RE: Forsaken - Lea Kaufman - 03-05-2023

26th February 830 A.S - System: Omicron Nu / Battleship Illustrious

Sat in her pilot seat and the weaponry online, Lea opened fire on the soldiers. The remaining soldiers were atomized by the Odin's shots letting rest for Jack and Lea. The Rheinlander got out of her ship to reach Jack. ''We have now a moment to rest a bit. I contacted Scarlet and sent our coordinates. It's just a matter of time.''

RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 03-05-2023

Good. Shit's about to get real. There's nothing to do but wait now.

Daniels leaned against the wall and inspected his arm. The damage appeared to be just cosmetic. Nothing essential was damage. He let out a sigh of relief and wondered what's taking so long with the Core's fleets.

RE: Forsaken - Wolverine518 - 03-05-2023

Jason McPherson, who was patrolling in Omicron Zeta on his Requiem, heard the distress call. He had wondered where Daniels had gone, and now he knew. Guess I had better forward this to Yaren, then go an help. He send it forward to Yaren, then set his cruise engines to maximum burn. It took him a while, but he made it to Omicron Nu. He traced the signal to an Overlord in-system and started cruising towards it. He opened a channel. Jack, Lea, come in. It's Jason, you guys ok?

RE: Forsaken - Implosion - 03-05-2023

Daniels saw the comm unit lighting up in the cockpit and invited himself in.

"We're fine, Jason. For now. Rally up with the rest and assault the ship. But remember, we're on it. Don't blow us up, please."

RE: Forsaken - Whesto - 03-05-2023

Durban Station was quiet, Whesto was having a conversation with the equipment dealer next to his Thresher vessel about primaries. Suddenly a loud transmission on the PA system made Whesto flinch. Yaren Base sent a distress call, our master was in need of assistance, in Omicron Nu?

[Image: whestosuited.png]
Whesto made a mental note of the coordinates being yelled out and had them confirmed when he sat down in his cockpit of the cruiser. The information got his adrenaline going, an Overlord class? This is a dire situation. As the Thresher was ready in the docking bay, Whesto called for an assault group from the station, as well as a secondary pilot to handle the ship in case he had to abandon his station.

Whesto made haste to the airlock lobby and got his armor and weaponry, something he didn't use on patrol as a combat pilot usually, as it was too bulky for longer periods of piloting.

Five marines and the secondary pilot ran onto the Thresher and joined the cruiser's regular crew. Whesto suited up and strapped the combat helmet at the door of the cockpit . Within just a few minutes from the call, the engines roared and they set cruise for Omicron Nu. The ship linked up the comms with the other compatriots answering the call.

It was time for war.

RE: Forsaken - Misha_Gottlich - 03-05-2023

[Image: Taden_Harrs_Character_Portrait_01.png]

[RED]... [RED]... [RED]...

Taden was awoken in his system reconstitution pod by the blinking alarm in his optical display. Something was wrong. He arose from the pod and keyed up the urgent system message that was pinging away inside his CPU augment. An audio distress signal blared into his helmet feed.

''This is Lea Kaufman. To anyone who will receive me, we are in Omicron Nu. In fact we just jumped in the system. We are aboard an Overlord class. The Guildmaster is with me and we request support to these coordinates.''

Harrs stood bolt upright! Flashbacks from his own history with the Infected on a capital ship. His now mechanical fist clenched in rage. He uttered a single word before snatching his bombers authentication key and charging toward the hangar:
Taden flew down the corridor toward the hangar as fast as his augmented legs would push him. Several maintenance techs and base staff had to leap out of the way of the massive charging cybernetic pilot hurdling down the passageway. When he reached the hangar, Taden made straight for the Blacktip he had docked there and keyed up the activation codes. As the cockpit opened, he leaped across the last fifteen feet, diving into the crafts hatch.

Seconds later, the Blacktip's engines fired up and it launched from the hangar, departing Yaren at maximum velocity. It was only a matter of time before he was in Omicron-Nu, bringing some cold vengeance to the Infected on the Overlord class battleship.

... The Battle is at Hand...

RE: Forsaken - Anguirus - 03-06-2023

[Image: Up7HTyq.png]
Location: Capetown Station, Omicron Zeta.
Incoming Distress Signal...

The Ambiramus was moored in Captown Station, stationed to coordinate patrols to survey for potential Order activity.

Centurion Crow was on the Command Bridge of Capetown over looking a holographic map of the Omicron Zeta System showing patrol routes when the comms center lit up like grease fire. The shouting caught the attention other officers around Crow before he turned his gaze from studious work. A communications knight pushed through the now crowding room, barely able to keep his own breath. Centurion! We've received a distress signal from Omicron Nu! Someone on an "Overlord"-class with the Guildmaster! Nonsense sir! How can we tell it's the actual Guildmaster aboard that ship? It came on his security chain code centurion. Shit.

Crow crashed his way to the center of the bridge. Stomping his metal legs to get attention amongst the gitterning mass of command, attempting to bring the fanatical chaos into order once more. HARCK, and heed my words. Let us not lose our minds to panic! Send the signal to Yaren to send for reinforcements. Warm up the Ambiramus' engines and rally the crew! We're going after the Guildmaster. Scramble 2 squadrons of fighters and another of bombers! Any man I see standing around, I'll send them to hell! If the Guildmaster is at risk, we'll all soon follow! Within an hour the Ambriamus was cleared for launch and was joined by its flight of escorts. With a route mapped and set. The Ambriamus set course for Omicron Nu, and the Guildmaster.