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RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Printable Version

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 11-23-2023

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From: Provisional Republic Fleet Command
To: All Assembly Personnel
Subject: Promotion: Wren Gallagher

Attention, Assembly personnel.

Our latest recruit, Wren Gallagher, has demonstrated hard work and dedication to our cause and has more than earned the right to be considered a full-fledged member of the Assembly forces.

Congratulations. You are assigned to the Free Dublin Shipping Company, our supply and distribution division. Wear your colours proudly and bring about the Final Liberation, soldier of the revolution!

Long live free Dublin!

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - DragoonArcanum - 11-24-2023

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From: PRS-Willowkin, Free Dublin Shipping Company.
To: Assembly Command, FDSC Administration.
Subject: Jobs done.

Evening Lads, Finance Minister.

Got that bit of work from the Junkers done, all clean an safe, ran some Gold up Kusari way and bargained it for some credits and Optronics, took the lot back down to the Omegas. Delivered what was needed, sold the rest to the Coalition and brought back some augments for the miners and soldiers.

Thankfully the whole trip was pretty clear. We caught brief glimpse of a Corsair transport in the Omegas, exchanged some harsh language, but nothing more.
The crew extends their thanks to Pilot Penrose who ran escort the whole way up and back.

Think that's about it. Majority of the credit overhead has been deposited in the Assembly accounts, next time a patrol heads out we'll use the cover to break out and get on with regular merchant work again.
I've added the transfer of credits below, as well as the roster of those augments so the Med-Tech boys can catalogue it.

Captain Swift, PRS-Willowkin

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 11-28-2023

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From: Camille O'Reilly
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Combat Patrol

Evening. Banshee Actual reporting in.

I was getting ready to do the usual rounds in Dublin when I spotted two notable things. One of them was a very fancy luxury liner registered to Crayter Republic loaded with... fertilisers requesting docking permission from Arranmore. I couldn't get much out of the captain other than that he was here to sell fertilisers. Who knows who his buyer onboard is, but at least that stuff can be useful, so... I let him dock.

The other thing was Lucky Venture - a Junker frigate captained by Mai Pham, loaded up with all sorts of Kusari cyberware. Dunno how she managed to get her hands on that stuff, but apparently Minister Burns hired her to bring it in, so... good on her. She stopped on Arranmore to offload her cargo and make some repairs. Those Salvager Frigates always seem to need repairs.

In the meantime, I led a sortie outside of Dublin with some volunteers - Asher Blair, Tiernan O'Driscoll and Cillian O'Malley. Despite a reported increase in Crownie activity, there's not been any notable patrols on our path out to the Border Worlds. We flew past Lisburn Rock - place seems to be doing alright, can't say much is different from the outside. Things got interesting when we ventured out to Omega-3, as we found a Coalition warship engaged in a scrap near Freeport 1. The opposition had one Corsair warship supported by a bomber squadron. Myself and Asher Blair chose to intervene and assist the Coalition ship, managing to take out all three enemy bombers. The Coalition battlecruiser drove off the lone Corsair cruiser and retreated.

Then a very familiar ship appeared - the BMF barge, Discovery. It was caught before in New London by the PRW Crownbreaker, and the captain promised to pay in exchange for sparing their lives and then didn't. Well. He paid now. A million credits for the movement. Not bad, eh?

We then decided to head back to Dublin and on our way through New London spotted another barge, this one flying the Samura flag and going towards Kensington, It was empty, but we convinced the captain to make a donation to our cause.

All in all, I'd call it a productive outing. Was certainly good to get some recon done in preparation for Banshee Squadron's big deployment.

Banshee Actual out.

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Jayenbee - 12-01-2023

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[Image: Wynne-Portrait.gif]

From: Darian Wynne
To: Assembly Command, FDSC Administration.
Subject: Munition Supply

Mornin' Mollys,

Lately I have been attempting to address the issues with replenishing our stocks of munitions. As you're all well aware our liberation of Dublin took a heavy toll on our resources, human or otherwise; and continues to put a strain on our operations within and without.

While we have been successful in reaching out to various independent smugglers and sympathetic individuals within other organisations, I had hoped to establish a solid agreement with the Liberty Rogues, which has so far proven to be a colossal waste of time. Not quite sure what I expected from the lowliest scum of Liberty if I'm honest, perhaps my ability to speak properly made them feel small.
Additionally, it appears the Lane Hackers are characteristically quiet, it may be some time until we hear from them.

To make matters worse, rumours are pouring in from Trafalgar of an Arms shortage due to some form of buildup between the Hispania factions. Rumours I am inclined to believe given our patrols have noticed an upturn in both Outcasts and Corsairs within the New London system this past week.

Chancellor, Admiral,

My tolerance for these twopenny-halfpenny Pirates grows thin, they've no allegiance beyond themselves and we'd do well to remember that. I would suggest providing the go-ahead for elements around Mull to cease turning a blind eye to their operations when it involves our allies, our supply lines hold more importance than our 'relationship' with gangsters and lowlifes.

There are other options to exhaust, though it will require significant bridge building.

For a freer future.

Darian Wynne
Provisional Commander

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Charos - 12-16-2023

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[Image: Kti0DME.png]

From: FROM Alan Quirke
To: TO Assembly Command, FDSC Administration.
Subject: SUBJECT Daily Report


This is my first official report to the HQ,

A patrol in Cambridge reported a Corsair invasion earlier today which was met in force by Bretonia's forces so I launched to monitor the outcome. I told the patrol to return to Lisburn to avoid any unnecessary losses while I waited for the victor and possible easy targets. Bretonia won that engagement and were pulling back and I was stopped by a fighter wing and soon they opened fire on me. My ship was critically damaged and was left for dead but at least I scored one.


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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Charos - 12-17-2023

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[Image: Kti0DME.png]

From: FROM Alan Quirke
To: TO Assembly Command, FDSC Administration.
Subject: SUBJECT Daily Report


Good day comrades over,

A patrol in the Omega-3 proved to be fruitful today as we spotted a Corsair fleet roaming. A quick sortie by our allied fleet met them near the jumphole to Omega-5 where a battle took place. The fight ended with the complete obliteration of the Corsairs while our side received minimal damage. I'll attach logs of the battle.


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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 01-09-2024

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From: Camille O'Reilly
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Suspect Facility

Good evening.

I've picked up a message for us from the Technocracy that contained a set of coordinates in the Dublin system. There's also been reports of recent BMM activity in the area.

I launched a recon flight that confirmed there's a small station there. Since they're hiding from us, we can safely assume they're hostile, possibly working with the Crown.

Recommendation? Turn it into scrap.

Banshee Actual out.

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Couden - 01-09-2024

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From: Hornviper
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Bloody Mess in Dublin

That's Hornviper.

I'll be brief. There was an emergency signal, where a BMM Transport was carrying a Gold Ore. He was caught on the half way to New London Jump Hole. His ship was Destroyed On sight. Later this day during the Monitoring New London Traffic a Crayterian Battleship arrived. After a little speach he refused to leave the area, so We managed to Pack him up straight to where he belongs - to hell.

I will not tell you about the BMM Facility which was found already, so this is it for today.

Jack out.

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 01-25-2024

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Provisional Republic Fleet Command
To: All Assembly Personnel
Subject: Promotion: William Altman, Alan Quirke

Attention, Assembly personnel.

Some of our lads have earned themselves a promotion.

Mr. William Altman has shown himself to be both a capable flight leader and mission planner. He is now a Squadron Leader within the Provisional Republic Fleet.

Mr. Alan Quirke has demonstrated considerable talent in the field of logistics and has taken it upon himself to share his experience with fresh recruits. He is now a Quartermaster.

Congratulations. Fly for a free Dublin and bring about the Final Liberation, soldiers of the revolution!

Long live free Dublin!

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 02-07-2024

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[Image: e7iO3Sq.png]

From: Camille O'Reilly
To: RPA Fleet Command
Subject: Outcast Encounter

Good evening.

I was on patrol near the exit jump hole when I picked up a lone Outcast bomber leaving Dublin.

That's not exactly usual, so I confronted the pilot, who admitted to extorting two trade ships on their way to Dublin and destroying them when they didn't comply. It's one thing for the Maltese to carry their product through our territory with a silent agreement to leave each other alone, but this was a breach of our turf. Dublin - and Bretonia - belong to the Mollys. Having third parties rampaging through and cutting us out of our own business, nevermind Arranmore's supply lines, isn't in our interest.

The Outcast didn't agree and insisted on bargaining, which escalated into a firefight. After some 'creative' maneuvering around the explosive gas pockets I was able to cripple the ship, but decided against destroying it. I let the pilot limp to Trafalgar, as the Path of Life has been secured and right now, we can probably do without drawing Malta's ire by flatlining one of their kin.

Banshee Actual out.

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