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Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - zeinstruktor - 05-05-2009

The forward gun is SUPPOSED to be useless against bombers...

That's like firing a shotgun to kill a fly. Total waste.
Get secondaries or solarises, bombers will drop like flies, especially when you use the increased agility of the lib cruiser to joust them.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Cellulanus - 05-05-2009

That forward gun was designed for one thing and one thing only, to kill caps.

If you look at the cruiser, the entire ship was basically designed to be one giant gun, a weapon meant to deny the enemy of there caps quickly.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - darthbeck - 05-05-2009

' Wrote:The main gun is useless agaisnt bombers, its projectile is simply too slow. All the refire rate would do is make the ship not quite so useless in certain circumstances.


' Wrote:To be honest I dont EVER see the main gun being useful against snubfighters execpt under certain circumstances, such as someone sitting @ max range w/o sheilds not moving, just taunting, and too busy to realize they should evade. The main gun projectile is so slow that anything GB size or smaller can EASILY evade it at range, so it should at least be able to fire a tad faster so it has a use in a chase.

see above post. it is slow so that bombers and gunboats can dodge. it is meant to only be used on large caps. not small gunboats and bombers. please stop trying to get it boosted. it is fine right now. and does everything it is supposed to be doing. if you want to kill bombers with forward guns, get a gunboat. gunboat forward guns have a much better firing arc.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Mr.Fabulous - 05-05-2009

' Wrote:If you look at the cruiser, the entire ship was basically designed to be one giant gun, a weapon meant to deny the enemy of there caps quickly.
Precisely... Why need a forward gun that has a great firing arc when the thing is so menacingly scary to be pointed at that battleships faced against one would be pissing off their uniforms while begging for mercy. However, the Liberty Forward Gun doesn't have that much scare factor much anymore, particularly that most people use fighters and bombers to do the same job than to get a giant rod that pewpews caps to death:cool:. Too bad though... It could've been a great ship to fly...

Maybe a tiny nerf on bombers would get the cruiser back on its former glory, and also the same for battleships: make two types of battleships for a different job, one for anti-cap, one for anti-fighter, to add to the strategy in the battle. Could make the big, scary gun an advantage too...

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Blackvertigo1 - 05-05-2009

Quote: Maybe a tiny nerf on bombers would get the cruiser back on its former glory, and also the same for battleships: make two types of battleships for a different job, one for anti-cap, one for anti-fighter, to add to the strategy in the battle. Could make the big, scary gun an advantage too...

Bombers have already received a large sum of loss already.

With the cruiser forward gun...

That anxiety of the next blast would keep the hostile caps on edge.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Horon - 05-05-2009

We need to change that persons doodle of that Light Fighter with the Battleship nose to a Cruiser nose. That would be cooler, and you could mount a diamondback? there.

EDIT: Who did that again? I forgot.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Walker - 05-05-2009

The Liberty Cruiser was designated to engage enemy Capital Ships - Whilst Naval Dreadnoughts where used for Anti-Fighter Platforms, according to Vanilla.

The entire ship wasn't meant to be a big gun like the Galaxy Gun or something from Star Wars - Its just a ship with a large cannon capable of destroying enemy capital ships. Consider it similar to the UNSC Warships - While the MAC Guns do sometimes run down the spine of the ship, they arn't just floating Cannons.

One of the main problems with the Liberty Cruiser is that the Main Gun is slightly out of phase. Most enemy Cruisers will attempt to go at Long-range and gun the enemy down from afar whilst; And Battleships have far to much firepower to go against the Liberty Cruiser.
Now I am not saying that the Forward Gun should be buffed to a rather high level; However seeing as most Cruiser weaponry such as Missiles or Light Mortars, Razors, Infernos etc... Tend to take up quite a bit of energy.
The Forward Gun is barely used.

To say much; While the Forward Gun is MEANT to be used against Capital Ships - The way it is now draws to much risk in firing it.
A faster refire, lower power, lower damage etc... Would allow most Captains to breathe easily knowing that they are not sitting ducks if the Cannon Misses- And most of the time alot of people spend to much time trying to aim the cannon whilst the enemy fires at them.
The Cruiser does have the advantage of a small frontal visage - However more flexibility would be rather nice.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-05-2009


Point in fact, I jsut fought a rogue dessie with my cruiser.

It was in an astroid field, normaly against bombers I EXCELL in astroids.

However, when I NEEDED my main gun, it was as useless as congress, in that it was too slow (projectile speed) and too slow (refire rate).

I say double refire rate, halve the power (more than halve, really 50% refire of current, 45% energy cost of current prehaps ?)

This allows it to be used in salvos, while not making it a giant pwn stick.

It also means that, as walker said, you dont die if you miss due to lack of power for anything else.

If anything the range is way to short, it should (if it is truly a sielge cruiser) be able to touch a target farther than it can be touched, and currently battleships have as much range as its main gun.

Plus, its main gun is just that, Its main gun. To be used most effectivley it shouldnt NEED any heavy weaponry for sheilds or hull, thats why it has the gun.

That, or give it a VERY high refire rate similar to cannon, but the same damage per second, adjust the power cost so that it can fire about the same ammount of damage as current before depleting the ships energy (2 and a half or so shots worth give or take)

This means it wont insta kill fighters unless they are not evading, but it is actualy useful.

But as is, unless you're fighting a GB the cruiser is rather worthless.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Jonathan_Archer_nx01 - 05-05-2009

Why improve something that's already nearly overpowered? I've seen this thing bombing the **** out of battleships from distance while strafing and avoiding all their fire. There's no other cruiser in Disco that can do this.

Liberty Cruiser foward gun. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-05-2009

The Siege Cruiser can be effectively used to fight cruisers and battleships at a distance. If it needs to deal with gunboats, use your turrets and other weapons to combat them. The forward gun shouldn't be changed simply because you want it to hit things it shouldn't.

Battleships may have the same range as the forward gun, but its much easier to dodge battleship turrets in a siege cruiser than forward gun shots in a battleship.