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How to Heal a Heart - Printable Version

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RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 09-13-2024

Isa could understand how Disturbed Mac was about this Experience. OF course, it was normal for Isa to have such kinds of connections to others because of her Nature as a Symbiotic Lifeform. But these are of course things that she wouldn't tell Mac as it would be too dangerous for Isa to Show her True Colors. She still had the Consequences in Mind as she was Exposed the Last time and this was nothing that she wanted to do again in the near future. She would smile at the little Fox as they were on the way Doctor Travers. She tried to be as calming as possible towards Mac so that she wouldn't be more Disturbed than she already was.

Travers was his usual Friendly Self as they met him, he wasn't mad at the little Thief and his Friends and even seemed amused about the Antics of the Foxes. He quickly got the other chairs out of the Electric Vehicle and sat together with them while the Foxes enjoyed their meal. Isa would give some of the cat treats that she had in her pocket to Niki so that Kitty wouldn't be too jealous of the Foxes, or she might even try to steal some of the chicken breasts from them. Travers would take his time watching the Foxes while they were eating. The bunch was pretty Hungry and would Devour the Meat with Great Joy and Pleasure. Travers would only watch and smile at this as he was happy to see them so healthy and Happy. But after a while, he would Turn to Mac and Isa.

Travers: First let me dispel your Fears that Litle Lucille Might be able to Read your Thoughts. All Examinations and Research of the past, as well as the Experiences of the affected, have shown that this is not the Case. I am not sure what Doctor Saito has told you about me or my work here, but I have been Researching and Protecting Gaian Animals all my Life. All Reports that we have about Such Connections as you have experienced it, indicate that its only Emotional Conection. You can feel the Emotions of the Gaian Animal and the Gaian Animal Can feel your Emotions.

He would laugh about the comment that she would have loved to have an Examination of their Brains at the Time of the connection as he knew how much a Fox would Probably Resist such an Examination.

Travers: I wish you good luck in getting Lucille to Agree to such a Procedure. The Gaian Fox Might be much more Intelligent than an Earth Fox and is Comparable to Apes when it comes to intelligence, but I am sure she wouldn't understand what you would try to do with her and would Resist. As an Expert I wouldn't advise such a procedure. But I am Drifting Off, what you have experienced has happened before and even when it is still a Rare Occasion it is something that is completely New to us. I can't say if this was a one-time thing from Lucille or if this was an approach to becoming your Companion. But Both Scenarios are Possible and only time can tell which one is true. But the fact that Litle Lucille follows you around is a Pretty Big Sign that she might want to become your Companion. As for how easily she has connected to you that depends on you, I am sure that if you have more experience you could also block her access if you really want it. But all Experience Reports that I have read over the years told that they wouldn't want this as the Gaian Animals would only do these kinds of Connections when you need it or they want you to know how much they love you. But if you want to Read these Experience Reports yourself I would advise you to read them yourself. We have the Biography of one of the Researchers that got first Connected to a Gaian Animal in the Library, it's called "Vita mea cum animali ex planeta Gaia". But dont Worry only the Title is Written in Latin, the text is written in normal English. The Writer was a Viscount from Bretonia and one of the First Biologists from Cambridge who Visited Planet Gaia. He had a Connection to a Gaian Parrot

Isa would listen to Travers's explanations. She knew that this was all new to Mac and that she had many Questions about Lucille and the things that they had experienced. But Travers was really an Expert in his field and he knew almost Every Publication and Book that was ever made about Planet Gaia and the Gaian Animals. That was also the reason why they had offered him the Title of Head Biologist in Care of the Gaian Animals on Board. She was happy to have someone on board that was this Dedicated to care for these Animals. He was not only an Expert in the Theory but also a Certified Animal Doctor who could Treat Animals should they be sick or have an Injury. Isa was happy to have him on board. she would sip her coffee and then smile at them while she gave Niki a Scratch between the ears.

Isa: Well the good thing is that you have more than enough time to figure out your Relationship with Lucille while you learn the Traits of being a psychologist. I think that our Little Troublemaker here wanted to make you smile again and be happy. You can't treat her with human Standards, she is an Animal and dont have any Bad or Hidden Motives for the things that she does.

she said with a smile. She enjoyed the view as Lucille jumped into Mac´s lap and rubbed her head on the human. To Isa, it looked like Fox had already decided that her future lies with Mac. The little Fox would seek her Perfect Place on the Lap of the Doctor and would then fall asleep into a Nice and Deep Slumber. The little purple Fox looked comfy and Relaxed as she slept there and would make a cute Yawn before she closed her eyes.

Travers: I Looks like the Little Troublemaker has already made a Decision. You have to know that these Foxes are a bit Like Cats, they only sleep on a human when they are sure that they have someone that would keep them Safe from any Dangers. Gaian Foxes are Pack Animals and often live together in Family Unions. They can Become up to 90 Years old, but they Rarely Reach this Age in the Wilderness of Gaia. Mostly they become around 20 to 30 Years Old in the Wilderness, when they dont die of Other Predators or Sickness. Under Human Care, they often seem to "Bind" their Lives with their humans. But if you have More Questions about the Litel Furrball in your Lap then go and ask.

He said with a deep smile and a bit of Jealousy as he saw how trusting Lucille was towards Mac. Sure the Foxes would allow him to Pet them, but they were not Trusting him in the same way that Lucille Trusted Mac. Even after he had worked with them for all these years and cared for them they remained wild Animals. And of course, he was happy that they were not Domesticated or Tamed. That would be even worse to him because it would mean that they would have done the same thing that the Gallics Tried, it would mean that they had turned the Animals that Found a Sanctuary here, into a Circus for the Amusement of the Citizens and the Patients of the Healing Heart. And that was something that he wanted to prevent from happening. Of course, he was happy when Two would become Companions like it was hopefully the Case for Lucille and Mac. But first and foremost he was a Biologist and Protector of these Animals.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Semir Gerkhan - 09-20-2024

23-10-833 AS

MFE Healing Heart

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

Dr. Travers' explanations gave Mac some peace of mind. The man knew what he was talking about, it was obvious, and was clear that he had dedicated a large part of his professional career to studying the behavior of Gaian animals. She also liked his calm and jovial tone, which allowed her to lose part of the fear she had about the new and strange situation.

The neurologist allowed herself to laugh heartily when Travers expressed doubts that Lucille would willingly agree to an examination of her brain functions. "Oh well, I'm sure this little demon wouldn't stay still for a second." Mac looked at the little fox, who was currently finishing her piece of chicken, and seemed oblivious to the conversation they were having about her. However, something told her that Lucille was not missing a detail of what was happening around. The doctor looked back at Travers with a smile. "It was just a way of speaking. Despite what my status as a person of faith might make you think, I'm actually a tremendously scientific person in general. I like to understand the things that happen around me, and when something stumps me, I usually try to get to the bottom of the matter through scientific evidence, if I can. It's my way of being." She shrugged her shoulders. "That's why I'm glad you were able to shed some light on all this for me. I'm usually a bit scared of things I can't understand."

Mac nodded attentively when Dr. Travers assured her that Gaian animals only made psychic connections to provide support when someone needed it, or to simply offer their love. Lucille had probably noticed that her mood at the moment wasn't very good, and had tried to cheer her up. However, Travers had also said that these bonds were very rare, and Isa had assured her that the little vixen had never tried anything like that with her. So why had she chosen her for this? That was a question she still had no answer to. Wilson looked back at Lucille, who had finished her chicken and was now playing chase with some of the other foxes around the clearing. What had the fox noticed about her? It certainly had to have been more than the momentary sadness she felt when she thought about what the Gauls had done to the Gaian animals.

The neurologist did a bit of personal sincerity exercise. Was she really okay, in general? Well, considering the situation she was living in at Faith Haven, you could say yes, right? She was respected professionally, a true scholar in the field of Neurology, who had also studied some Psychology on her own and had managed to convince the Concilium of the importance of urgent reforms in the field of mental health. She was a valued member of the colony, indispensable for the proper functioning of the health system. Her achievements had been so successful that the Church had agreed to pay so that she could specialize in Psychology, probably in the best place where she could receive knowledge. All of this was indicative of a professional life on a dizzying rise, she really had no reason not to be happy... right?

Mackenzie realized that this was the second time since she had arrived at the Healing Heart that had asked herself if she was happy with her life. She felt a wave of guilt again, and her little voice inside reminded her again that she was not here to have fun or to be happy, but to make the most of the opportunity that the Church had offered her. Besides, the mere fact of serving Deux by receiving knowledge to improve the living conditions of her fellow colonists in Faith Haven should be a reason for complete happiness in itself.

Part of her, most of her sincerely, agreed with that repressive thoughts that were flooding through her head, but this time Mac could see that there was something wrong with her. She had devoted almost her entire life to the Church and to the practice of medicine, and she had done it willingly and happily, because it was what she knew she should do, but that had left her without many other things that she had never been able to experience. Not only the fact that she had never traveled and seen new worlds, but the fact that her total dedication to her professional life and her religious commitment had isolated her greatly from her peers.

Wilson realized that she barely had any friends, and the few she had, like Greta Meyer, had met through work, and mostly she only interacted with them through work matters. She also rarely saw her brother and nephews, and... well, although had never felt the need to have any kind of... romantic relationship with anyone, she wasn't sure if she would have changed her mind if she had more free time. In short, that uneasiness inside her, which was almost crushed under tons of feelings of responsibility and professionalism, saddened her in a certain way, and continuously. Mac realized that it was always there, she had just gotten used to ignoring it. And that feeling was caused by the fact that she felt alone, even though she was always surrounded by other people. All those people respected and appreciated her, but they didn't know her. She rarely gave anyone time to really get to know her, because she never had time for herself.

Mac looked at Lucille once more, and noticed that she had stopped playing and was staring at her, keeping the eyes on her. Was this hidden but perpetual sadness what the little fox had sensed? Could it perhaps be why she had tried to make a psychic connection with her? For a few moments the neurologist was afraid that she would try again, now that that sadness was more evident inside her, but Lucille did nothing except watch her. Perhaps she was able to sense that the doctor was not comfortable with it at the moment?

Wilson snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Isabella as she adressed her with a calm smile. "Well the good thing is that you have more than enough time to figure out your Relationship with Lucille while you learn the Traits of being a psychologist. I think that our Little Troublemaker here wanted to make you smile again and be happy. You can't treat her with human Standards, she is an Animal and dont have any Bad or Hidden Motives for the things that she does."

"Oh, I know..." Mac smiled somewhat nervously. "I never once thought she wanted to do anything bad to me. It's just that... well, a sudden psychic connection with another living being isn't something they train you for in school. Especially when you didn't even know that was possible." She turned to Dr. Travers. "I think I will take you at your word and ask the library for the biography of this Viscount. The personal experience of another person who may have experienced this before will help me to evaluate this in a more informed, and less fearful way."

Her gaze fell on Lucille again, who continued to stare at her. If it weren't for the fact that Mac knew that animals couldn't express emotion with their faces, she would have sworn there was sadness in her eyes. "I'd really like to be able to enjoy this opportunity. Something tells me that this is more of a gift than a danger, but I need to know more. I..."

The vixen ran with a little trot over to Mac, jumped into her lap, and settled down quietly, tucking the head under her arm. That gesture moved the neurologist, despite her doubts, and she ended up smiling, completely disarmed. "Damn, you're as persistent as you are adorable." She shook her head, laughing heartily. "Okay, I'm clear that you want to be friends. If it means that much to you, I won't refuse."

Mac petted Lucille's head for a while until she realized she had fallen asleep. It was obvious that the animal was comfortable with Wilson, although she still wondered what she saw in her to want to bond. Still, she continued to caress her gently, while Travers confirmed that Lucille must surely feel very safe in her company, or else she would never have fallen asleep on her.

Mackenzie turned slightly towards Isa. "Well... and now what? I guess it's best for her to stay in the biodome for now. I can come and visit her every day, in my free time, and when I'm settled in my cabin perhaps she could... move in with me." She looked and made a questioning gesture to Travers. "Would that be possible? I mean, she's a wild animal, I don't know how she can live in a ship's cabin..." She glanced at Saito. "Although... well, the Gaian lynx we saw in Faith Haven lived with that tailor without any problem..." The neurologist made an exasperated gesture, faced with this new and unknown situation before her, which was beyond her control. "Obviously I need to read the book you recommended to me, Dr. Travers, as soon as possible."

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 09-21-2024

Isa smiled as she saw that Mac got a bit more Compfy with the thought that she might not leave this Ship Alone and would maybe get a little Fluffy Companion on her Journey that would be her Life. She was sure that this Little Fox would really shake up her life most likely for the better. Judging from her own experiences with Niki and how the Litle Kitty had Changed her life she could say that the responsibility to care for an animal often changed Humans, and often for the better. Isa was now happier than before and Niki had often helped her in socially Awkward Situations to Break the Ice.

Doctor Travers was also sure that Mac would get used to the Litle Fox and would Find a way to live with the Litle Fox. He had rarely seen that one of the foxes was this affectionate with someone they had just met. He needed weeks till the Foxes of the Healing Heart had Trusted him enough to take their food out of his hand. But Mac was Right that he had Dedicated to the Gaian Animals, these beautiful and Graceful Animals were his Life and he loved it to go to work to feed and care for them. He was once a Part of the Gaian Movement and had Defended those Magnificent Creatures with Violence. But after he was injured and awakened in the Care of MFE he realized that there were other ways to help these animals that didn't mean to hurt Humans. Travers was once born into Movement and all that he ever knew were the Fanatic Ways of his Parrents and the other Gaians. Sure he was all for it to make Planet Gaia into a Protectorate that was off-limits for humans, but he didn't want to hurt others for this goal anymore. Travers was never that compfy with causing violence and even as a Gaian he had always tried not to use violence whenever possible. Now he was happy that his daily life was the care for all the small and big Gaian animals that live in the healing heart.

Travers: well you see our Little Lucille here had always shown more Empathy and Compassion for Humans. I have often seen her playing with Kids at the Beach or trying to cheer them up. But I can understand, that it is hard to understand this connection. I am sure that I would also be confused and maybe even scared should I ever experience a Connection like this. I mean I have read a lot and have devoured every book written about it, and I know a lot about these Animals, but still, I think I would be Confused and Scared like you were. I can understand that you are trying to come to the bottom of this Mystery by using your Scientific Skills and the Scientific Method. It's something that you know about and where you know the Exact Workings of things. But I can tell you that even after Generations of Research and trying to understand this phenomenon we know little about it. But should you ever find out more about it then please share that knowledge with me.

Travers smiled and had a Soft Expression on his face as he looked at the Playing Foxes he really loved these animals and would watch them like a Proud Father who would watch his playing kids. To an outsider, this would look like a wild mess or maybe even a fight. But to him, it was clear that they would not really fight each other. They wouldn't use Force when they playfully bit each other, and the sounds they made were happy instead of aggressive. Some would be like a Furrball all over each other and rolling around the ground. They could see how some would clean each other after they played together and would groom each other's fur and make sure that they would be Clean again. The Gaian Foxes were really Social Creatures and often lived in Packs like these. They were often Family Clans, but in cases like the one of the Healing Heart, they could also form a Pack with Total Strangers. While The Gaian Lynxes were often more the Lone Wolfs, at least till they had found a Partner. Once they have found one they live together and often stay together for the rest of their lives. But even then they were not really Social with other Lynxes outside of their Familiar Bondings.

Travers: From an Animal Expert Standpoint I can't see anything against it. Of course, you would need to have some things in your Cabin that would be essential for her. One thing would be a Cat Tree, well a bit of a More Sturdy Model than a Cat Like Niki would need. Gaian Foxes are Superb Climbers and often Escape into Trees when they Hide from Predators or when they themself want to Ambush some Prey. So a Dedicated Place to Climb and Rest on a Higher Elevation would be wonderful for a Gaian Fox. I am not sure if Gaian Foxes can Learn to use a Cat toilet so you might need to have a Change in your Door so that Lucille can Leave and go to the Biodomes when needed. But on the other side, these Animals are Highly Intelligent so she might be able to learn this. Apart from this, you should make sure that she has some Toys and things to play with. I often use the More Sturdy Models that were made for the bigger Dog Breeds, and some toys that give them a little challenge and Stimulate their Minds. When it's Hot I also give them some special Made Ice Cream to Lick on it and to cool them down, they really love this and it is also a nice way to bring some Variation into their Diet and the Treats they get.

Isa herself would also listen to the Conversation and would be pretty Curious about all the things that Doctor Travers had to say about Gaian Animals and their lives. Of course, she had often seen them when she was in the Biodomes. But she had never paid this much of an Attention to them. For Isa, they were more like any other Patients on board. She knew that they were on board and that they got the help they needed from Specialists who cared for them. So all of this was really interesting to her, and she would make sure to write a Mail to Doctor Travers to ask him how they could make the care of the Gaian animals even better. To see the Passion of this man for these wonderful Creatures she was a bit ashamed that she hadn't put more thought into this before. But now that her eyes were opened she would make sure that Travers would get everything he wanted for these Cute Animals.

Isa: For me, I won't have any objections against that either. I mean she isn't that much Bigger than some of the Small Dog Breeds that some of the people on board have as Pets. So if Lucille wants to become your Roommate and Live with you then I have nothing against that. But if she has the Potential to become a Therapy Animal Like Niki then we have to put some more Classes onto your Schedule. But for now, I would say we enjoy the Company of the Little Rascal a bit longer before I bring you to your Cabin and let you rest for the Day. Tomorrow we will be down at Curacao and you will be watching your first Therapy Session, so you should be relaxed for this. And I want to give you enough time to Buy the things that you need for tomorrow and the next few days.

[Image: 6qyEY3E.jpg]

She smiled happily and waited if Mac had some more Questions for Doctor Travers about the Foxes and the connection between Mac and Lucille. Of course, the Doctor had many Questions as he heard that there was someone on Faith Haven who lived with a Gaian Lynx. He looked totally Fascinated and it seemed he had decided that he wanted to spend his next holiday on Planet Pygar. After all the Questions were answered she would get up and wait for Mac to follow her. Isa would leave the decision to Mac if she wanted to take Lucille with her to the Cabin or not. Isa would Lead Mac back out of the Biodome and into the Arthrium, from there they would take Another Corridor to the Habitat Compartments of the ship. It looked all pretty much like a Normal Apartment Complex on a planet. The Doors had Numbers and the Family Names of the people who lived there on little nameplate right above the Doorbell. Isa would lead her to a Room that had the Number 356 and already had her name on the Digital Nameplate.

Isa: well here we are this is your own Little Domicile for the next Months. Just hold that ID of yours onto the Scanner inside of that Digital Sign. The Door Should open right after. There is also a Camera inside of that nameplate so you can always see who is standing outside before you let them in.

She Waited till Mac opened the Door for them and would then enter the Apartment. it was a Small but Comfortable Place with everything that a Single Person would need. The Place was Clearly Designed for a Single Person or a Couple without Children. There was a Small Entrance Area where Mac Could Kick off her shoes and hand her Coats and Jackets. Right next to it was a Room on the Left that Contained a Small Kitchen were she could Cook for herself or Friends that came to Visit. Opposite that on the Right Side of the Entrance was the Bathroom with a Large Bathtub that she could also Shower in. Afterward, Isa would show her the Main Living Room, which was Compfy with a Large Couch Area. There was even a Section of the Couch that could be used as a Second Bed if Necessary. There was also a Large TV on the Wall so she could watch Movies or Shows after a long day of work. Opposite the Couch was a Table with some Chairs where she could Eat with Friends or sit down to Study. The Last Door in the Living Room would Lead to the Bedroom which had a Huge and Compfy Bed. There were also lots of Cabinets built into the wall so she could store her clothes and Belongings. At the head of the bed, there was a window from which she could see the stars. Currently, she could see how the Ship was Docked at Medforce Academy and she could see the Station from her window.

Isa: It is one of our Smaler Apartments but I think this should be enough for you and Maybe Lucille. We have Renovated the Place after the Last Occupants have moved out and into a Bigger Apartment. But if you have any problems you can Call the Ships Services Office and they will send you a Technician to Fix the Problem. We don't know what you like to eat so you might need to pay a Visit to the Supermarket Today, but there is a Welcoming Basket with Flowers and some Fruits and Sweets on your Bed. The Supermarket is one Level Below Belle´s Cafe, it should have everything that you need or want. For now, I leave you to yourself. I see you Tomorrow for Breakfast at Belle´s. We will be all day out at Curacaos Beaches so bring a Towel and something to wear on the beach, oh and something like a Bikini or a bathing suit to have some fun in the waves. I always love to swim a bit in the sea after the Groupe Therapy, it's always nice for both the Patients and us to calm the turbulent feelings after the therapy in the waves.

And with that she offered her another Hug before she left her alone. Isa was happy about all the things that they had experienced today, and she especially seemed to like the Healing Heart. It was a long day for both of them. Isa Decided to Reward Herself with a Cupcake from Belle that she would take with her home where she would take a Nice Long Bath and relax with a Glas of Wine in the Bathtub Before she cuddled in Bed with Niki, to fell asleep to an episode of her favorite Libertonian Crime series.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Semir Gerkhan - 10-08-2024

23-10-833 AS

MFE Healing Heart

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

Mac smiled at Dr. Travers. "Of course. In fact I will inform you promptly of any advance that I do with Lucille. I thank you for telling me that you would also be scared if this had happened to you, now I feel a little less ashamed." The neurologist looked sideways at Lucille, who was still breathing on her knees, in the middle of a placid dream. "It's true that Lucille seems to have a predisposition to try to comfort whoever she notes that is sad, and this has been her way of doing it with me. I don't feel ashamed for having felt fear in such an... anomalous situation as this, but I'm afraid to have made Lucille feel bad about having tried." She gently caressed the vixen's head. "I guess we both have to start knowing each other well before making assumptions about each other."

While Mac listened carefully, Dr. Travers informed her about the possibilities that existed to be able to accommodate Lucille in her cabin, with the adaptations she should perform in the furniture so that the fox was comfortable, and she also thanked Isa to give her own personal opinion about living with an animal like Lucille. Wilson even took some notes of what they said on her portable communication device, to review them later and make a list of tasks classified by importance. Mac loved the lists, because she was very peaceful to see in a single glance all the work she had to do, to program it, especially when she was stressed. Having everything in writing helped her keep calm before an avalanche of unexpected novelties.

Mac raised an eyebrow when Isabella mentioned the possibility that Lucille could become a therapy animal. To be honest, she hadn't even raised something like that, but it was true that little fox could be a good candidate for it, since it was clear that she felt a certain tendency to approach suffering people to try to help them. The neurologist didn't know much about that psychological technique, but had caught her attention from the moment she had met Saito and Niki. Isabella always said that a trained therapy animal, as was the little kitten, greatly facilitated the approach to a patient in some serious cases, and Mac had proposed herself to learn something about animal therapy during her studies, taking advantage of her tutor was an expert in it. Now, suddenly, she had within her reach the possibility not only of learning something about it, but even of being able to work with Lucille in it.

"I think it's a great idea, Isa." She nodded, while making a gesture of approval. "I hadn't thought about it, but after what I've seen, and what Dr. Travers has said about Lucille, I believe she could have qualities to be a good therapy partner. As you say, I suppose this may do my stay longer, but for my part I will be very happy to receive special classes about animal therapy. It's something I didn't know until I met you, and I'm interested in it. I hope that Lucille is willing to try too."

Wilson noticed as little by little, in the company of Travers and Isa, and having Lucille at her side, her fears disappeared, and were being replaced by a much more common feeling in her, the curiosity and the desire to know. The three stayed for a while enjoying that pleasant clear, and the foxes company, chatting a little more. Dr. Travers was an affable and friendly man, and showed interest that they told him the story of the Gaian lynx of Faith Haven. Mac was delighted to narrate it from beginning to end, without omitting the surprise that she had caused her to find the exotic animal there, and when Travers said he would like to make a trip on vacation to Pygar, the neurologist offered him to stay at her own home.

"Of course, it will be an honor for me if you stay in my home." She put her hand to the heart, expressing sincerity. "I will take you to Lola's clothing store to meet Cesar the lynx, I can introduce you to my colleagues and show you the medical center, and I can also even serve you touristic guide." She briefly looked at Saito and winked an eye, sketching a half smile. "It seems that Isa liked her brief tour of the colony, although we have lived intense moments." The face of the neurologist overshadowed a little, remembering the encounter with the Pontifical Guards. "However... I must warn you that the situation is currently a bit unstable. There is a risk of war in the area with the Corsairs, and everyone is very tense. Maybe you would do well in waiting for a while, for things to come back to normal. I hope that doesn't take time to happen, with the help of Deux."

When the conversation ended, Isa got up and Mac did the same, waking Lucille with the movement. The vixen yawned and stretched after Wilson left her on the ground. The neurologist bent down to caress her for the last time, and went to Isabella. "I think, for the moment, it will be better for Lucille to stay here, until I settled properly in the cabin and can adapt it. I must buy some things for her and order to change the entrance door, I don't want her to be uncomfortable. I guess there is some animal store in the atrium where I can find what I need, right?" She looked towards the fox, who watched her carefully. "Don't worry, Lucille. In a couple of days you can come to live with me, I promise you. And I will come to see you at the biodome as soon as I return from Curacao."

After saying goodbye to Travers, the two women and Niki began their journey back out of the biodome. As they were walking, Mac felt a little sad remembering how Lucille had looked at her when she moved away from her, but she was sure that the vixen had understood that she wasn't abandoning her. She simply felt incapable of taking her from a natural paradise like that to live in a cabin, without at least having what she needed.

The group soon arrived at the Atrium, which as usual was packed with people, and Isa headed the way through it and down a main corridor to access the residential area of ​​the Healing Heart. The spaces in the residential area were built in the same style as the rest of the ship, with modern, soft shapes and light colors that reflected the light to give an almost natural lighting sensation. Saito led Mac through several wide hallways flanked by doors with small digital screens with the apartment number and the names and surnames of those who would undoubtedly be its inhabitants. Every ten apartment doors, the hallways crossed at intersections where there were two elevators, and some sofas with coffee tables, like casual waiting rooms. Isabella stopped in front of a door that had the number 356 assigned to it. Below the number, 'Dr. Mackenzie Wilson' was written on the screen. On the right side of the frame was what looked like a card scanner.

Dr. Saito turned to Mac. "Well here we are this is your own Little Domicile for the next Months. Just hold that ID of yours onto the Scanner inside of that Digital Sign. The Door Should open right after. There is also a Camera inside of that nameplate so you can always see who is standing outside before you let them in."

Following Isabella's instructions, Wilson used her new Healing Heart ID card, which she wore around her neck, and swiped it through the scanner, causing the door to unlock with a soft click, and even open a few inches. The neurologist, after noticing that Isabella was waiting for her to enter first, pushed the door open and entered.

Once she left her backpack and jacket hanging on the hanger at the entrance, and took off her boots, Wilson walked slowly through the apartment, taking it all in with pleasure. The place looked very new and clean, perfectly prepared for a single person to make it their home. It was a small apartment, equipped without excessive luxuries, but comfortable and cozy. It had a very promising living room, with a large, soft sofa, a large TV, and space with a small table for eating or studying. It also had a small kitchen, a bathroom with a bathtub and shower, and a bedroom with a double bed with a medium-sized window at the head, that looked directly out onto the outside of the ship.

Mac walked around the bed and looked out the window. "Oh, we're at the General Academy!" She looked at Isabella, surprised. "I haven't noticed the docking, or the movement, or anything at all. It must be because of the size of the boat, I imagine it has some very powerful inertial dampers, or something like that." The neurologist looked back at the space station. "We're not too far from Pygar yet. I think I'll do my videoconference with Pygar in a bit now, and check on my patients. I'll also order a Church freighter to leave immediately for the Academy with the religious material that Harlen requested. If the Healing Heart holds out here for a few more hours I think they'll arrive in time."

The neurologist returned to the living room while Saito explained to her where she could find ingredients to make food, and who to ask for help if something went wrong in the apartment. Mac nodded with a smile. "It's a splendid apartment, Isa, I couldn't and wouldn't want to ask for more. I love that it has a window into the space right in the bedroom, which is a big step up from my flat in Faith Haven. For the last few years I've wanted to be able to actually see the stars before going to sleep again, like I did in Gran Canaria, and not through a pre-recorded hologram. Now I'll be able to do that again." She looked around. "This takes me back a bit to my student days at New London University, although to be honest, this is a palace compared to the shared hovel I lived in there." Mac laughed, remembering those times. "Anyway, I need to think about how to adapt all this for Lucille as well, though I have a couple of ideas of where things might go." She twisted her face in annoyance. "Still, I'm afraid I'll have to put it off until tomorrow or the day after. I need to get settled in, take a shower, call Pygar, go to buy my lunch and dinner for today, and then I'd like to start reading 'Introduction to Human Psychology' before bed. And I should also buy a bikini, since I didn't bring any of it."

As she spoke, the neurologist soon realized that although her welcome tour of the ship was over, she still had a lot of things to do before she could get some rest. She hugged Isabella goodbye, and set about unpacking her luggage, which had already been placed by the Healing Heart staff inside one of the bedroom's built-in closets. She took a quick, invigorating shower and changed into a different pair of jeans and a clean shirt. She then took the opportunity to call to Pygar.

By connecting her portable Neural Net terminal to the TV wirelessly, she soon improvised a small video conference room and contacted Dr. Vasquez, who gave her a summary report of all her patients at the Medical Center. She also received Mac's instructions to continue treating Matt Brennan, the worker with mercury poisoning. After that call ended, she made another call to Greta Meyer, to whom shared her first impression of the Healing Heart, and told her about the meeting with Harlen.

Greta expressed her happiness at seeing her friend so excited about her new stage of studies aboard the medical ship, and seemed as surprised as Mac by the existence of the Chapel of All Faiths, and its extraordinary chaplain. "How curious, I've never seen anything like this before, that's what I call having an open mind." The Monsignora's face lit up on the television screen in one of her radiant smiles. "But we'd certainly be happy to send a few copies of the various Liturgy Manuals, Deux Machina Psalms, and some Sacred Gear symbols. Any interest in the Word of Deux is welcome. I'm going to ask to fill a few boxes and put them on a fast freighter." The clergywoman took a quick look at her wristwatch. "I think the pilot could reach the Academy in a couple of hours or three."

After finishing her call session, Mackenzie took a trip to the Atrium for the things she would need. Mac wasn't much of a cook, never had been, so she went with the easy option. She bought a dozen eggs to fry, some sweet potatoes to cut up and bake, and some ham for dinner. Then she bought a sandwich for lunch right now. On the way back to the apartment she stopped into a couple of clothing stores and bought four bikinis in various colors, as well as a couple of beach towels.

Back at home, she unpacked her bags, ate the sandwich, and put on some comfortable clothes. Then she went to the living room, ready to take a nice nap in the sofá to recover from the fatigue caused by the trip and the tour of the Healing Heart. Napping was a Hispanic custom, and she had acquired it from the Cretan believers who lived in Faith Haven. She could not always afford this luxury, due to lack of time, but whenever she could, she allowed herself to let her brain rest for an hour or two after lunch, to wake up more refreshed and active. She connected some soft ambient music from her portable device to the apartment's music system, leaving within reach the Psychology book that she planned to study when she woke up, until dinner time.

Before closing her eyes, Mac thought about all the amazing things she had seen that day, and how it had been a small introduction to what her life would entail during the next long months, at the Healing Heart. She felt happy to be there, and raised a silent prayer thanking for being able to enjoy that opportunity. She promised herself that she would take advantage of every moment she had to learn something, or experience something new. After all, one could only count on the present, since the future was always uncertain until the time came to reunite with Deux.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 10-11-2024

Isa would Smile as she left Mac in her apartment. it was clear to her that she would feel Compfy in this place. She had told her that the Ship would Depart during the Night Hours and should stay at least for 5 to 6 more hours before it would Disconnect from the Academy and move to a Safe Distance to do the Jump. Isa would get home herself now; she just lived one floor above Mac and had a similar apartment to hers. Even as the Head of Psychology she didn't feel special enough to get a bigger Apartment than a Normal Employee would have. She would give Niki her Evening meal and then she would Log Into the Internal Neural Net of the Ship and order some Food, she decided to get some Fried noodles from her favorite Kusarian Restaurant on board. Just 20 Minutes later she got her food delivered to her door and Isa would get Copfy in front of the TV and Cuddles herself under a Blanket while she ate her Noodles and Watched an Episode of her favorite Libertonian Crime Show, it was called "Murder in Paradise" and Played on the Sunny Beaches of Los Angeles. She liked the Show for its Entertainment Value and Humor and the fact that they at least sometimes got some Anatomical Things Right. From a Professional Standpoint, she despised all of the Medical Drama Show. She was of the Opinion that no Hospital in the World would Ever get something easy like the Flu Healed when the people that worked there would behave like Horny Teenagers. At least that was how Medical Personal was often Described In Movies and TV Shows. But a good Crime show with a Murder Mystery to solve was always something that helped her relax after a long day of work.

Soon after she had finished her Noodles and the Episode of the Show she would take a Shower and would go to bed. She simply loved to feel all clean and fresh when she went to bed. And thanks to the Water Recycle Pants of the Healing Heart they could Reuse up to 86% of the Used Water again and didn't have a problem with Fesh Water. From time to time they would Replace all of the Water on the Ship and Clean the Whole System in One Go. Usually, they do this once or twice a year. They would also regularly refill the water that they couldn't recycle and Collect the waste From ALG. And in the Case of emergencies, they had an Ice Processing Plant On board that would Allow them to Melt Ice Asteroids to Refill the Water Tanks. So she could take her Sweet Time under the shower and enjoy the warm water on her body. And it was not just Isa that enjoyed the Warm water, Niki would take a Shower as well and seemed to enjoy the drops that were falling onto her fur. The Litle Kitty was Truly a weird but wonderful species of her Species. Isa would smile and clean the Cat with some Special Shoap that was made for Cats, this would keep her furr fluffy and soft and also would keep her healthy. While she did that Isa would also look for any Health Problems or Unwanted Guests that Niki might have Collected over the Day, but her Cat was obsessed with cleanliness anyway so as usual, Isa wouldn't find anything. Once both of them were Clean and Dry the Doctor and her Cat would For A nice Relaxing Sleep.

The Next Morning.
24-10-833 AS

Isa would woke up the next morning around 7:00 and was in a bit of a Hurry as she had told Mac they would Meet at Belles Cafe around 8:00. She would Quickly Jump into the Shower to get fresh after her sleep and then she would feed Niki while she Quickly Got Dressed. She would look a bit funny as she would Brush her teeth at the same time and she would try to get into a T-shirt at the same time. She would also quickly get her things for the beach together. She would also take her DataPad from its Charging Stand and check if she had downloaded all of the Necessary patient files. Then she would also pack a nice bikini that she bought for her holiday with John later this year. She was also Packing some Sun Protection Cream and a Good Book that she could Read. She would also Pack some Treats for Niki and some Towels for both of them. As she looked at the Clock again it was already 7:47, and Isa cursed as she quickly got into her shoes and called for Niki to come to her so they could go. Her little Kitty came immediately and jumped onto Isabella's shoulder. She didn't have to lock the door as that happened automatically once she left the apartment. Isa would walk Fast Towards Belles Cafe, she fast and actually made it just in time. But Mac was of course already waiting for her she must have been here way earlier than Isa as she already had a coffee in front of her. Belle had given her one of the best tables and Isa would come over to her once she had seen her and would make a respectful bow as it was Kusarian Kulture when someone apologized. Even when she was just one Minute Late as it was 8:01.

Isa: I am Sorry Mac I am too late, I have slept a bit longer than usual Today. I hope you haven't waited for too long. Let us Order breakfast and then I tell you how this will happen today. I am really sorry that I am late.

She was really sorry about this and blushed really hard as she was embarrassed that she was late. Isa didn't have many rules but when she had made an Appointment with someone then she usually tried to be there at least 10 Minutes Early. She would sit down with her and would soon order an all-inclusive breakfast from Belle on her menu. It would contain some Freshly Baked Breadrolls and Scrambled Eggs with Beacon, she would also get some Variety of Sausages and jam. Belle also added some sweet Croissants with chocolate filling for dessert. And of course, she would Bring Isa her Sweet Caramel Latte Macchiato. The Doctor would take a big sniff at the Macchiato and would make a happy sigh as the Familiar Smell hit her nose soon after she was a bit more awake and a bit more relaxed right now. She would lay back in the compfy Armchair and would smile as she saw how Niki would Jump on the Table to Greet Mac by Rubbing her Head on Mac´s hand.

Isa: Looks like you have a talent for Animals to really like you. If you have any questions about today and how this Works then feel Free to ask me. For now, I will just Explain Everything to you that I think is necessary for you to know. But if you have some Questions before I begin then go ahead and Ask them.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Semir Gerkhan - 10-17-2024

24-10-833 AS

MFE Healing Heart

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

The ringing of the portable communication device's alarm clock bringing Mac out of sleep, and made her curse. She reached out towards her old wooden bedside table, in order to turn off the shrill sound, but she couldn't find it. She felt around in the air, searching for it, but te table simply wasn't there, so she finally opened her eyes, drowsy, and took a look around. For a few moments, the still dazed brain of the neurologist sent out an alarm message, not recognizing the furniture in the dimly lit room she was in. She sat up, while the alarm continued to ring, on that bed that was quite a bit larger than the one in her Faith Haven's room, and turned around to identify the source of the weak light that barely allowed her to see. For a few seconds, Mac blinked in disbelief, looking the space and stars on the other side of the window glass, until her mind finally woke up, and she remembered everything that had happened the day before.

"Oh damn..." She rubbed her hand over the face, huffing as her brain quickly putting together the pieces of the puzzle of the current reality. She remembered where the nightstand was (the real one, not the one back home in Faith Haven) and finally silenced the hateful alarm on her communications device. Then she turned on the light.

The light above the bedside table was bright enough to read in the dark when turned to full power, and it dazzled Mac at first. As her eyes adjusted she could see that she had left her 'Introduction to Human Psychology' book close at hand, and remembered that she had been reading in bed after dinner until she had almost fallen asleep. Her communication device indicated that it was 6:30 in the morning, and she knew that she had had left it around 1:00, so she had only managed to sleep for about five and a half hours. The neurologist would have liked to have had more time to rest but, as was often the case when she was immersed in her studies, the time had flown by and it had ended up being late in the morning.

Mackenzie looked out the window again, into space. The space landscape outside the Healing Heart was dominated by a star-studded blue-black hue that spread out before her, very different from that of Omicron Theta, which had that everlasting greenish-yellow background produced by the reflection of the white dwarf's light in the nebulas and dustfields. Mac smiled internally. She was just thinking about how late she had been studying, as if the words early and late were really anything more than fiction out there in the middle of nowhere. The ship was ruled by Sirius Universal Time, because it was necessary to keep a notion of time, but there really wasn't a real day and night.

The doctor finally got out of bed, and the first thing she did was take a good shower to help her face the new day. Mac had the imperative need to shower as soon as dawn broke, and when she couldn't do it she felt like she wasn't functioning at 100% for the whole day. She spent about twnety minutes after soaping herself up just standing under the spray of water, while her mental processes were reactivated, enjoying the extremely hot temperature.

This was a routine she tried to do every day, although still remembered how she had been deprived of doing it during the first year in Pygar, and much of the second. The beginnings of Faith Haven had not been easy at all and there was hardly any hot water, not to mention that it was rationed only for her consumption. It was not until almost the end of the second year since the foundation that the great underground river of water that could be made drinkable was located, and it was more or less around that date when a sufficient energy supply was possible to be established to heat at will.

Once she finished in the bathroom, she went through the kitchen to leave the cooking robot preparing a juice with a mango and an orange that she selected from the welcome basket, and headed back to her bedroom. Yesterday, she had unpacked and sorted her luggage into the room's closets and drawers before getting into bed to study, but she had left her trusty backpack on a chair next to the bikinis and towels she had bought at the Atrium store. She chose one of them, cobalt blue, a color she liked a lot, and a coral red towel with white checkered patterns that reminded her of the patterns painted on some Cretan tiles. She threw both items on the bed, then put the rest away in a drawer inside the main closet.

The neurologist thought that the last time she had gone to the beach seemed like it had been in another life. Gran Canaria had seas and lakes and Mac had had the opportunity to visit them in the years that she had lived there, on some of the few vacations that had allowed herself to take. But she hadn't set a foot on a beach, nor bathed in the sea, nor lay out in the sun for... more than eight years! As she chose what to wear today, Wilson wondered how the years could have passed so quickly. She had had so much work to do since the Bretonian invasion that her memory of everything that had happened in the last few years was a whirlwind in her mind. For the first time in a long time, this trip allowed her to stop and think about it and take a break from her hectic routine in the colony.

Mac knew there would be a leisurely moment on the beach, but it would be preceded by some therapy work, so she didn't know what to wear for each one. She also knew that Isa preferred patients to feel relaxed in the presence of mental health professionals, so she couldn't wear anything too serious. After some hesitation, she chose a formal shirt with blue and white vertical stripes, the kind you could wear with a suit, and black jeans with white sneakers. A look that was half formal and half casual. She put on her the bikini and her common clothes on top, put the folded towel in her backpack, and filled the rest with her Introduction to Psychology book, her portable communications device, and a thermos of cold water. Curacao was a tropical planet, and from what she understood, it had very hot temperatures, so it was better to be well hydrated.

She drank the juice that the cooking robot had already prepared several minutes ago, enjoying how the sweet, liquefied fruit refreshed her, and then checked the time before leaving, 7:13. Very early indeed, because she had arranged to meet Isa at Belle's at 8:00, and it would only take her fifteen minutes to get there. She didn't know what time Isa would arrive for the appointment, but knowing her, the psychologist would be punctual, or perhaps even arrive a little early, as was customary in many cultural canons in Sirius. In Bretonia, nevertheless, the correct thing to do was to arrive exactly at the appointed time, neither before, nor after. However, although Mac was more prone to that kind of Bretonian punctuality having grown up there, she wanted to get there with enough time so that when Isa arrived she would already be seated and with the breakfast table chosen. She wanted to make a good impression on her tutor, so that Isabella could see that she was very interested in beginning her studies, and that she felt very grateful to be able to do it with her.

The hallways and Atrium were already pretty full of people heading to work. Mac had to wait her turn for the elevator down to the floor where Belle's was, which made her a bit more of a delay than expected, but all in all it took her less than twenty minutes to get to the cafeteria. As she walked through the entrance she looked at the time again, 7:32. The place was pretty crowded with people having breakfast before work, so she waved to Belle with a smile and gestured to ask where she could sit. The owner pointed out one of the tables with a long padded seat on one side and two armchairs on the other. Wilson sat there, took off her backpack and set it down beside her, waiting for Belle to come over to take her order.

The owner finished doing something behind the counter and walked towards Mac carrying her digital notebook."Good morning! Dr. Mac, right?" Wilson nodded, surprised and grateful that Belle remembered her name. "You are Isa's new student, we met yesterday morning."

Mac smiled. "You've a good memory Belle, I'm impressed. With all the people passing through here everyday it can't be easy to remember all the faces and their names."

Belle made a modest gesture. "Oh, it's nothing, I've always been good at remembering faces. It's useful for the business." She winked an eye, amused. "Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?"

"I'm waiting for Isa, we're supposed to meet here for breakfast at 8:00, but I'm a little early, I'm afraid." Mackenzie looked around, just in case she saw the psychologist approaching, but it was really too soon. "I'll wait for her before ordering food, but if you can bring me a cappuccino I'd be very grateful."

Belle noted on her pad and nodded. "Of course. I'll bring it to you right now."

Once Mackenzie had her cappuccino in front of her, she took the book 'Introduction to Psychology' out of her backpack to read a little, while she waited for the coffee to cool down a bit, and for Isa to arrive. In two or three minutes the coffee was at a temperature the neurologist could tolerate without her tongue melting, and she began to drink it in sporadic sips, while holding the book with her other hand and continuing to read. She had barely noticed that time was passing, as it often did when she read attentively, when noticed someone stop in front of the table.

Wilson looked up to see Isa, looking rather worried, bowing to her in apology. "I am Sorry Mac I am too late, I have slept a bit longer than usual Today." The psychologist's face expressed deep regret. "I hope you haven't waited for too long. Let us Order breakfast and then I tell you how this will happen today. I am really sorry that I am late."

Mac closed his book and pulled out his portable communications device to check the time. 8:01 a.m. Then she looked back at Isabella. "Isa, you're one minute late. That can't even be considered as being late, please don't mention it." Then, seeing that Saito didn't seem very calm despite her words, she added, with a smile. "Punctuality is very culturally dependent, you should see how Cretans interpret it. Sometimes it seems that they consider it inappropriate to arrive at a social meeting less than ten or fifteen minutes late. I once asked my collegue Dr. Vasquez why this is so common for them, and she told me that for a Cretan to arrive very punctually to a place could be interpreted as a sign of excessive dependence or submission to the other person. However, according what she told me, arriving a little late would denote domination of the situation and a slight disregard towards the other person, which in their culture, it seems, is even polite." Mac shrugged. "I don't even know if all this is true or if she was just kidding me. Vasquez is very... funny sometimes, and likes to make fun of people. Maybe it's just a general bad habit, and not something cultural, but I can assure you that most Cretans won't show up on time for an appointment even under threat."

Isa must have been hungry, because she ordered a huge breakfast, which included everything from eggs and bacon to various pastries and sausages. The psychologist had no doubt anticipated that it was going to be a long day and that it would be necessary to gather strength. Mac's stomach growled at the feast and she prepared to enjoy it. She poured some bacon and egg onto her plate, ate a little, and cuddled Niki for a while, who had climbed on the table to request some caresses.

Once Wilson verified that Isabella relaxed a little with her caramel machiatto already in hand, answered her about the day ahead. "Yeah, I've some doubts about today." The neurologist took a piece of crispy bacon and bit into it with relish."I know that we're going to do the therapy session with the patients first, but I still don't know what technique you're going to use in it. I would also like to know who the patients are and what their mental history is, to know what we're facing." Mackenzie paused to cut off a piece of one of the sausages and dip it in one of the jams. "On the other hand, I don't really know what my attitude should be during the session, or what task I should perform. I imagine that for the moment I will just observe and take notes, since it's my first class, but if you need anything else from me, please let me know. Apart from being eager to learn, I'm also eager to be useful." She polished off the rest of the sausage and took a sip of her cappuccino to help it along. Then her gaze fell on the chocolate croissants. "Lastly, I would like to know how the rest of the day will unfold, to make my mental planning." She picked up a croissant and placed it on her plate, beginning to cut it with the knife and fork. Then she looked at Isa again and smiled a little embarrassedly. "Yes, I know, believe me, sometimes it can be overwhelming even for me, but my brain forces me to always have everything under control, I don't know how to just go with the flow. I need to have a clear idea of ​​the daily agenda, or else... you know, a meteorite could fall on us." She shook her head, somewhat exasperated. "Well, that's how I am, all the time. I guess you'll get soon used to it."

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 10-17-2024

Isa was relieved that Mac wasn't angry, she really was Worried about her first impression as well. She had always believed that Punctuality was important, but after Mac explained to her about the Ariveing habits of the Cretan People. She was surprised and not surprised at the same time as what Mac Described made some sense, but no sense at the same time. But this was maybe just because she grew up in a different Society. Isa would smile as she saw that Mac seemed almost amused by the differences in the Punctuality Culture in the Diferent Society of Sirus. She would be curious about this as she had never that much thought about how other people perceived punctuality and being on Time. For now, she was just happy that Mac wasn't Mad and that she seemed to use her studies Book to Pass the time. She would indeed be hungry and was happy when Belle brought the Big Continental Breakfast, and she was even happier that Belle had brought them the 2 Person Version so that everything would be there in a Quantity so both of them could get the Energy that they needed for the day.

Isa: Thank you, Mac. Well okay then let us talk about the Therapy Session. The Patients that we are working with today have been with us for a long time now. They are Coming Closer and Closer to the Time of their Discharge from the Hospital Wing. So you could say that these patients are some of the most Stable that we have on Board. Orbital will let us use one of the More Secluded Islands that has no Resort on it because it is too small for it. They usually use it for day trips with Boats if I am Informed Right. That means we are alone on that Island and therefore can Guarantee the Doctor's Patient confidentiality. We will have Three Groups of 6 to 10 Patients Each that are Led by 2 to 3 Doctors and, or Nurses. Usually, it's At least One Doctor and one or Two psychologically trained Nurses. The Actual Therapy is a Groupe one. We give the people time to talk about the things that happened to them and how they now feel about it. The groups are brought together so that people can Support each other and learn that they are not alone in the things they endured. We are there to help them and give them Advice on how to work with this situation. Usually, the Talk part of this Therapy takes a couple of hours, it is pretty emotionally taxing for both the Patients and us. That is why we are all Coming together after the Therapy and having a Little "Beach Party" We bring BBQ Grills and Food with us and both Patients and Doctors can take a Swim and eat something. For those Patients who have Children, we will Shuttle the Kids down after therapy so they can enjoy a bit of Family Time.

She said while she cut a bread roll in half and put some Scrambled Eggs and Beacon onto it before she took a Satisfied Bite and made a happy sound as she ate. She was really loving the Food that Belle Served. Even when her Cafe was full like this it was still one of the most comfortable places on board the Healing Heart. She really loved that Belle got a lot of her Breakfast Ingredients freshly made on board. These Breadrolls came from the Local Bakery and all the Jams and Gellys were made with the Fruits that were Grown on board. This was just the best for her and she enjoyed every second of it.

Isa: your job will indeed be to observe and to take notes. But you can also Speak to the Patients when I ask you for your Opinion. Even when these Patients are already far Progressed in their Therapy we still have to exercise a certain degree of sensitivity when we deal with them to prevent throwing them back in their progress. I know you have a good gut feeling and sensitivity for these matters so I think we can use these Natural Talents for the Good of the Patients today.

Isa said and would then finish her Breadrool and take a Cossaint and A little Gals Bowl with Strawberry Jam Dip the Tip of the Traditional Gallic Pastry in the Jam and would then take a happy Bite. While she would eat she would take out a Tablet PC and Unlocked it with her Fingerprint. She would then show her the patient files that were Safe on the Device.

Isa: We have 5 Patients today as one of the Usual group members sadly watched the Flu. All of them are Woman that Recently Moved into the Womans Refuge into the Normal Appartmetn Houseing. They are all Stable, but some of them take Medicine against Depression or other illnesses. 3 of them have Children who will Join us Later once the Therapy Session is done. Their names and Medical Records are in the Records too. So far this is the 3rd Trip that they have done down to Curacao and the last Trips have shown great success in their Therapy. This is a bit of a Mix of Therapy combined with a little mini Holiday. And while we are down on Curacao the Healing Heart will be Refuled and Restocked. Due to the Close Proximity to both Liberty and Bretonia, we use these Visits to Get a lot of the Goods delivered that we need to "Import" onto the Ship. I am sure you can see a lot of Traffic Around the Healing Heart when we Depart for Curacao. But for now, I would say we Finish our breakfast and then you can take your Time to Read the Patient's Files. The Shuttle to Curacao Departs around 10:00 o'clock so we have enough time and dont need to Rush things. I can even answer some more Questions should you have any.

She said as she would take a Piece of Smoked salmon and would put it with some Butter underneath it onto the other Half of the Breadroll after she had finished her little Sweet Treat with the croissant. But Isa also had to be careful as Niki had a Litle habit of stealing the Fish from her. Thankfully Belle had forseen this and had brought a Litle Bowl with Normal Samon to the Cat. The Smoked Version was simply not healthy for a Cat. She actually quite enjoyed this Breakfast with Mac and she could Imagine making this a Daily thing before work for the two of them.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Semir Gerkhan - 10-25-2024

24-10-833 AS

MFE Healing Heart

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

Mac silently enjoyed the rest of her breakfast while listening to Isa's instructions and advice about the therapy session, and later as she quickly looked through the files of the patients that Isa offered him. Breakfast was a real feast for the palate, and for several minutes the neurologist had been eating more out of gluttony than hunger. She had particularly enjoyed the Rheinland-style sausages with jam, which she had had the indecency to repeat after having devoured two chocolate croissants. She already knew that type of sausage and how to serve it, because she had eaten it before with Greta Meyer, but it was food that was difficult to find in Pygar, because it was necessary to wait to be brought by some trader from Rheinland. It was true that in the colony, sausages were also made with lab-grown meat, which were more accessible and common, but the difference in taste with the original was abysmal. Now Mac had it at her disposal at Belle's for every day she was on the Healing Heart, along with another incredible variety of culinary products that the ship offered in its various restaurants and supermarkets, and that would cost her doctor's salary for a month if she would like to get them at Faith Haven.

Mackenzie watched in amusement, above Saito's tablet, as the psychologist placed a large portion of fresh, raw salmon in a bowl for Niki, distracting the cat from the piece of smoked salmon on her own plate. Wilson had been watching her for a while, and the kitten hovered over Saito's fish from a distance, staring at it, moving slowly, in that half-crouched position that felines usually adopt when they are preparing to hunt. However, as soon as the bowl of raw salmon was placed within her reach, she meowed gratefully and immediately forgot about anything other than enjoying the delicacy that had been offered to her.

The neurologist nodded and momentarily left the tablet on the table. "From what you're telling me, the therapy will go more or less as I imagined, but I needed to be sure not to make any mistakes. I understand that patients will be more relaxed when placed in a secluded, beautiful environment, divided into small groups. It's a good idea, and it's great to have the means to be able to do this. OS&C is very generous in allowing us to use their little island for this." She paused for a moment, helping herself to some smoked salmon with butter as she had seen Isabella do, and then she continued speaking, gravely. "I'm glad to be able to work with women from the Shelter. Honestly, ever since you told me about its existence during the visit to Faith Haven, I've felt a great attraction for this initiative. Apart from being a service that I consider extremely important for a very vulnerable collective of victims, it's a professional challenge." She looked at Isabella, her face serious. "Being able to help these people, mentally destroyed by those... monsters, to reintegrate into society after the trauma, and be able to rebuild their lives is... something I would be very proud to be able to participate in."

Dr. Wilson gobbled her piece of salmon, and savored it slowly, with delight. "Blessed Deux, Isa. I don't think I've had this good of a breakfast since... well, I don't even know if I've ever had a breakfast that good." She laughed, happily. "I'm going to force myself to stop eating now, or I'm afraid I'll fall asleep in the middle of therapy." She drank the last of her coffee and then wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin. "I can consider myself satisfied."

Eating well was one of the things Mackenzie enjoyed the most, and she rarely had the chance to do so in recent years. Faith Haven, and Pygar in general, was not known for being a place where a great diversity of food could be grown or raised there, so importing products from outside the planet was the only alternative if you wanted to eat something more exclusive than the regular ranch. This made the price of the most exquisite food very expensive, and it wasn't something that could be consumed regularly. In addition, in the case of the neurologist, she usually did not have time either. Her work kept her very busy and when she got home she did not usually feel like cooking, something that she was not good at, too, so basically fed herself with sandwiches that she ate between breaks. So, if someone served her a nice, hearty meal like the one she just enjoyed, her mood would inevitably change to a better, more positive one.

Mac took Isabella's tablet again, ready for turning her attention back to the patient files. "Thanks to your explanations, everything has become quite clear to me about how today will unfold. I must say I like this dynamic of mixing therapy with that kind of mini-vacation, as you told me." She lightly tapped rhythmically her fingers on the casing of the electronic device, an involuntary gesture which in her signified eagerness to start working. "I know you've told me that these are people who are in an advanced stage of the process and are stable, but I think it's esential that every moment of therapy be a safe and comfortable space for them." Wilson patted her backpack, inside which she had put her study book away again. "I've read in 'Introduction to Human Psychology' that there can always be a setback in the process that means a step back towards the goals that the therapy seeks to achieve. I've also read that the moments of openness during the sessions are the most dangerous moments, because it's when the patient immerses himself in his problems and addresses them directly. Without a suitable environment and, obviously, the right professional support, the session could be even more negative than positive."

Wilson looked down at the tablet again, and opened the first patient's file. "I think I should start memorizing at least the most important data from our patients' medical history, so that I don't need to review it during the session." Her fingers kept tapping involuntarily on the casing of the electronic device. "The last thing those poor tortured ladies need is to see a stranger like me, barging into their therapy session, looking at them with a lost face and snooping through my notes every 5 minutes."

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 10-27-2024

Isa was happy as she saw Mac's enthusiasm for patients and her professional curiosity. Isa loved this as she watched how Mac would Study the Patient's Files. The group of 5 Women was from the age of 26 to the Age of 53. All of them were Patients of the Healing Heart for at least 2 Years now, Some longer and some Shorter. Isa and the Team of the Healing Heart didn't work with fixed timetables, they gave every patient the time that they needed before they would be reintegrated into Society. Isa was also fascinated with how much Joy Mac would eat this food, which was something daily and simple for herself. But she had seen Faith Haven for herself and she knew that it was probably hard to get Fresh food and especially Meat to such a Remote Place. She was sure that the Meal she had at the "The Hispanic Spoon" was something that would not be possible daily for the Citizens of the Faith Haven Colony. She hoped that the Deals with Orbital Spa and Cruise would bring relief to the Supply Situation of the Colony. She knew how hard life on Pygar was if a little Deal could Improve the Situation just a little bit then it might be worth it.

Isa: well orbital doesn't let us use this Island because they are nice people who want to make the World a Better Place. Oh no they do it because they can put this a Tax Deductable Charity Work on their Tax forms and therefore pay less Taxes in the Houses. MFE is a Recognized Non-Profit Organisation in all the Big Houses and to help us can therefore be considered an act of Charity work. Well, the Chairwoman is also a Person who often Combines the useful and the Nice things if that is possible. In the end, we have a Win-Win Situation for both of us. Orbital Gets its Tax Credits and saves some Money, and we get a Place for Therapy and resupply right next to 2 of the Big Houses of Sirius.

she said and smiled as she watched how Niki would eat her salmon with great joy. The little kitty was truly Distracted right now and would enjoy her Fish as if it were the most Delicious Meal in the World. Isa was happy that her little Companion would enjoy the simple things in life like this. But little did the two of them know that they were watched from a hidden place as they were enjoying the meal at Belle´s Cafe. The Shadow would Focus more at Mac than at Isa and Niki. It would hide in Shadows and Plants as it tried not to be caught by someone.

Isa: If you're done with your Breakfast then I would say we go to the Hangar now and meet the Patients. We will use the Orbital Dorados that we got Donated from them. And please dont think that you have to be Perfect on your First day. You will make mistakes and you are fine to Check your Notes as often as you want to. Even I sometimes need to Check my Notes of Previous Sessions when I have a Therapy Meeting.

Isa said as she got up and let Mac keep the Tablet Pc for now so that she could Read some more about the Patients on the way down to Curacao. They would go towards the hangar and come across Harlen who was on the way to Bele´s to get his Morning Coffe. he would Stop in front of them and smile friendly at Mac.

Harlen: The shipment came just in time yesterday. Your Monsignora Meyer had even made a Picture of one of the Smaler Shrines of Deux for me so that I know how to Properly Set up your little corner of the Chaple. But I dont want to hold you and Isa back much longer, I just wanted to let you know that the Shrine of Deux should be Ready for you when you return from Work Today.

And after a quick friendly Hug and a bit of Love towards Niki he would leave the two alone and walk again towards Belle´s Cafe. But Mac could Spot that he had one of the Books of Deux in his hands. Looks like Harlen would take his Responsibilities as the Religious Officer of the Ship very seriously and wanted to be as best informed as he could to serve the Religious Needs of this community. While the two women go towards the Hangar they are followed by the Shadow again, Of course, Niki would have noticed this Shadow of course but she knew there was no danger from this Shadow so she Played along and didn't care for the Games that the Shadow would play. Isa and Mac would soon Reach the Hangar and could see the 3 Dorados being run through the final Pre Launch Checks by the Pilots and the Hangar Crew. Isa would go towards one of the Dorados that had the Name "Mercy" Painted onto its sides. The Ship had also the Usual Markings that every Hospital Ship should have. a Big Red Cross with the Rod of Asclepius in its Middle. The other two ships were Called "Comfort", and "Healing", and were Painted in the same way as the "Hope" was. They could Directly Board the Former Orbital Shuttle that was now in Service of MFE. Isa smiled as she would see the Woman sitting in one of the Luxurious Couch Areas of the Shuttle. The Ship was completely redesigned and its Passenger Capacity was Cut in Half in comparison to what Orbital would use. But for this Reduction in Passengers, they would have a Fully Surgery Suite and a Doctors Office on board. These Shuttles were now Mobile Micro Hospitals.

Isa: Good Morning Ladies, I want to introduce you to Mac. She is my New Student and will Assist me with the Therapy today. She is a Trained physician and is very Experienced in her medical Field. But now she wanted to do something new and become a psychologist to help her community even better. She started her Studies Yesterday and I thought she could learn as best when she was with us.

The Girls would welcome her with open arms and would be encouraging Mac with friendly words. They had a Great Respect for Mac to Start a new Study when she had already a Finished Medical Study under her belt. The women were much more open towards Mac than the Patients that would still live in the Womans Refuge. The woman here was also far ahead in their Therapy had much more self-confidence and was more brave with the outside world. All of them would sit Togeter in the Lounge area of the Ship as a Purple Shadow would Jump onto Mac's Lap and look at her with a Friendly Smile. It was Lucille who had Followed them and decided that now was the perfect time to emerge from the shadows and take her Rightful Place. The Patients of Course knew the Little Fox already but they were still Surprised that she had Sneaked on Board. Lucille was known throughout the Healing Heart to Cause mischief and chaos but she was also known as a compassionate being. But that she would Follow someone onto one of the Shuttles to Curacao was something Completely new even for her Standards. But now it was too late to bring the Fox back on board of the Healing Heart. Then just a Second After Lucille had Jumped on Mac´s Lap, they could feel how the Ship would Start its Engines and Get in Line Between the Comfor and the Healing. Now the Final Journey towards Curacao had begun.

RE: How to Heal a Heart - Semir Gerkhan - 11-06-2024

24-10-833 AS

MFE Healing Heart

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

Mac barely had time to read anything about the first patient when Isa suggested they should start moving toward the hangar. She felt a certain apprehension and nervousness at that moment, since she did not feel completely prepared to face that moment.

It was true that it was not her first "therapy" session with a patient, since at Faith Haven she used to have informal talks outside of her work hours with some people who needed psychological help, but she had always felt calm to a certain extent precisely because of that, because she wasn't a real psychologist. Not being a true certified professional in that field, no one really expected anything from her and, although she was always very demanding of herself, she knew that she was doing everything that her limited knowledge allowed her.

However, now everything was changing, and things were now expected of her. She was no longer a neurologist studying Psychology on her own, and doing an altruistic and voluntary service in her spare time, to provide a service to the colonists that didn't exist in the Faith Haven medical system. She was now a real Psychology student, aspiring to a degree, and a minimum level of professionalism and efficiency would be required of her. She was going to be provided with all the knowledge needed to become a real psychologist, and she would be awarded a certification, so she had no excuse not to do her best. And Mac was clear now that she didn't feel at all prepared to give her best, just with a quick reading of the first ten chapters of 'Introduction to Human Psychology', and a brief look at the patients' history.

"Oh, yes..." Wilson answered Isa, quickly turning off the tablet screen, and starting to get up from the table. She was feeling rather insecure now that the time to confront the patients was approaching, and she wasn't at all used to feeling professionally insecure. "I think I'll have to use the time during the trip back to the planet to dig a little deeper into the patients' medical history. The truth is that I've barely been able to read anything..."

Fortunately, Isa seemed to be fully aware of Mac's worries and anxieties, and was able to reassure her with a calm expression. "Please dont think that you have to be Perfect on your First day. You will make mistakes and you are fine to Check your Notes as often as you want to. Even I sometimes need to Check my Notes of Previous Sessions when I have a Therapy Meeting."

It was obvious that Saito was very good at combining her skills as a psychologist with those of a teacher, since she knew how to read a student's mood and say the exact words that were needed at each moment to support him and give him security. Mackenzie, a little bit calmer, mentally repeated to herself that, although she was already a doctor, she was not qualified in this medical field, but was just a mere beginner on her first day. Nobody really expected anything from her at such an early stage, except that she didn't screw up terribly, and a good way to screw things up was to think that she should do more than her share as a student. Okay, she wanted to impress Saito, but she would have time to do that later, throughout her studies, when she were more advanced and had more experience. Going so early beyond what she was supposed to do as a apprentice would probably not please the psychologist. Mac's duty was to learn from Isabella, that was what she had been sent here for.

Wilson smiled at Isabella, somewhat embarrassed. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm used to functioning as a senior doctor, not as a trainee. It's been many years since I was a student, and I've forgotten how to do it." Since Isa didn't seem to want to ask for the tablet back, Mac put it in her backpack while they both headed towards the hangar. "To be honest, has been a long time since I felt so nervous about a situation related to the practice of medicine."

As they made their way through the ramps of the Atrium, the two women encountered Harlen, the elderly chaplain of the Chapel of All Faiths, heading in the opposite direction. He offered them one of his friendly smiles as he informed Mac that the books and other paraphernalia sent by the Church had arrived in time before the Healing Heart had left the MFE General Academy in Theta. According to him, Greta had even sent a photograph of some of the small chapels that were scattered around the underground area of ​​the colony, so that Harlen could get an idea of ​​the usual arrangement of religious objects and symbols. Apparently, the little corner dedicated to Deux in the Chapel of All Faiths would be available when Mackenzie returned from Curacao.

Mac said goodbye to Harlen with a big hug, and as she walked back to the hangar, she noticed that suddenly felt lighter and less worried. The neurologist was a very religious person, who not only believed in Deux's existence, but deep down believed that He constantly made little signs so that those who had faith would know that He was with them. As Mac felt it, that unexpected encounter with Harlen and his good news was one of those signs, and Mackenzie knew that Deux was watching her from the vastness of the universe, showing His support and giving her strength to continue the work. It was as if Deux was telling her that He wanted her to be there, at that moment, doing what she was doing. The path she was about to travel was in accordance with the Sacred Mandate of Deux, and therefore, everything was fine and it made sense.

"I honestly adore that man." Wilson shook her head while smiling. "He has just heard about my religious creed, and he's already trying to get to know it as much as possible. Even he was already carrying a copy of the Sacred Codex Machina in his hand right now!" She looked at Isa. "You can't imagine how grateful I am to have found this welcome at the Healing Heart, as far as my religious beliefs are concerned."

When the group of two women and the cat finally arrived at the hangar, they passed through security and entered the launch pad on which the three Dorado-class ships were landed. Mac had never seen any ships of this model before, but they looked rather pretty to her with their curved, rounded shapes and small side fins. They reminded her of some type of marine mammal of Earthly origin, such as a dolphin or a whale. The Dorados were the typical small-medium passenger boat, what was commonly known as a ferry, but they looked fairly new and well built. Mac remembered that Saito had said that they were a donation from OS&C, so they had probably been some kind of luxury transport in the past, or at least more luxurious than the two old Democritus yachts that the Church owned in Faith Haven to transport people.

Isabella headed straight for the ship in the center, followed by Wilson and Niki, passing near the ship's engines where some technicians and ground personnel were making final checks. The group ascended a side ramp into the passenger area, and Mac was able to see the interior of the ship, which was indeed as she had imagined, much more luxurious and modern than the NCC's Democritus. The passenger area, which was the one they were currently in, was not very large, and consisted mainly of several groupings of sofas. A wall with a double door separated the passenger area from the rest of the ship, which extended to the cockpit.

Isa walked over to one of the groups of sofas where several women were sitting, dressed in ordinary clothes and with MFE credentials identifying them as patients. Mac also advanced towards them, while the psychologist made the necessary presentations, and recognized two of them from the day before when Saito had taken her to visit the Refuge. The women stood up and welcomed Mackenzie with hugs and encouraging smiles, which made her feel much more confident. These people didn't know her, but they seemed to be happy to have her there. They clearly trusted Isabella a lot, and if Mac had the psychologist's approval, then they approved her too. That attitude had little to do with the looks of fear and distrust that she had received from many women at the Refuge, but she had to take into account that, as Isa had already warned her, these were patients in an advanced stage of their therapeutic process. In fact, it was the perfect situation for Wilson to experience her first therapy session without too many risks, both for herself and for the patients.

The Dorado's engines began to start, and the sound of the turbines entered through the side access door, still open and with the ramp extended. At Isabella's indication, everyone sat down on the sofas and fastened their attached seat belts, preparing for the ship to begin its takeoff. Wilson glanced at the access gate when it began to retract the ramp, and could see how suddenly a purple flash entered right through the gap when the gate leaf closed. The purple flash didn't stop and jumped straight onto Mackenzie's lap on the couch, scaring her. Her eyes widened as she realized that standing on her legs, staring at her with malicious eyes, was Lucille.

"Blessed Deux!" The neurologist rolled her eyes and threw her head back, recovering from the shock. She then looked directly at the vixen. "Damn you Lucille! What the hell are you doing here?" She looked around where Isabella and the patients were watching the fox in both surprise and amusement. "She followed us here! It's... incredible!"

Wilson looked back at the access gate, which was closed, and immediately noticed how the ship lifted off the ground and rose inside the hangar. She sighed and looked at Lucille again. The vixen looked back at her, and Mac thought she saw a glint somewhere between mocking and proud. "You've gotten away with it, right? You waited until the last moment to get on, so that we could take off and I couldn't get rid of you." Lucille comically tilted her head to the side as if she didn't understand what Mac was saying, causing her to laugh a while. Then she shook her head and caressed the fox's back. "Well... I guess you've won the game, and you'll have to accompany me to Curacao." Wilson raised a warning finger to Lucille's snout. "But you better behave yourself. I'm working and this is a very serious matter, I won't be able to spend too much time with you, at least not for the first few hours."

Once the three ships left the Healing Heart hangar and stood in formation on the way to Planet Curacao, the passengers unfastened their seat belts and were able to walk freely around the cabin. There was still some way to go at cruise speed before arriving to the Curacao docking rings, so those present fell into informal conversation. Mac stood next to Isabella for a few minutes, and after allowing enough time to pass so that this could not be considered rude, she apologized, got up from the couch and sat on a further away one, followed by Lucille, who lay down on the ground in front of her.

Isabella's friendly words, Harlen's news from the Chapel, and the warm welcome from the patients had helped Mac a lot to calm down, and she was no longer so nervous. However, the neurologist couldn't stop being herself. She knew, and she repeated mentally every few minutes, that no one expected anything from her. She knew that she was a student on her first day and that she had the right to not do everything perfectly. But she also knew herself and was aware that she could not function properly if she did not maintain control of the situation, so she needed to study her patients' medical history thoroughly. And she needed some peace of mind to do so.

Dr. Wilson pulled the tablet out of her backpack and turned the screen back on. She gave a slight gesture for Lucille to come closer, and when the vixen climbed onto the couch and settled down next to her, sighed. "Okay, here we go."